Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #242340

    Confusing that the Russians call Bakhmut “Artyomovsk”, after a Bolshevik who was active in Kharkov and died in an accident in 1921:


    “I think the ‘leaks’ need to be taken with more than a pinch of salt, the possibility of disinfo permeates the Russia propaganda reaction.”

    The consensus seems to be that they’re genuine. Not entirely accurate mind you, (regarding casualties and troop dispositions that is), but genuine.

    One Possible Source of the Leaked Classified Documents on the War in Ukraine — A Combined Operations Center

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    8% of Russians are not patriots That’s a pleasing, and surprisingly high number.

    “Nine in ten Russians say they are patriots (91%), one in two Russians (52%) say they are absolute patriots. Throughout the entire monitoring period, the metric [of those calling themselves patriots] has not fallen below 80%, with the highest figured registered in 2018 at 92%. Some 5% of Russians surveyed do not consider themselves patriots at all,”

    12 million Russian citizens are not patriots. We can work with that.


    “12 million Russian citizens are not patriots. We can work with that.”

    Lol. Really? What “work” you gonna do?


    “8% of Russians are not patriots That’s a pleasing, and surprisingly high number.”

    Absolutely. Nationalism or patriotism (its the same thing really) is a mental disease. It is THE ideology of capitalism par excellance. It is the means by which the capitalist owning class divides and rules over the global working class. The less nationalistic people are the better the prospects for workers – and humanity in general

    As the Communist Manifesto says “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got.”


    As the Communist Manifesto says “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got.”


    The left-wingers ( and Leninists of all stripes ) have removed that page of the Communist Manifesto, they are more nationalist and patriot than the capitalists. Just the concept of anti imperialism is pure bourgeois nationalism propagated by the nationalist Vladimir Lenin


    This should dispel any doubts about the authenticity of the leaked documents. At least among the Socialist Posers Guardian Bros.

    Bijou Drains

    MOSCOW, April 12 (Reuters) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday that a trove of U.S. intelligence documents posted online in recent weeks might be fake and a deliberate attempt to mislead Moscow.

    Ryabkov must read the Guardian as well


    Since we are in TS’s mind so little and pathetic, isn’t it bizarre that, all the way from Japan (where he tells us he is) he expends daily so much time and energy here, on us?


    From the land of the Rising Sun is he? I wonder if he is samurai? Do they still practice harakiri?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by chelmsford.
    Bijou Drains

    Do they still practice harakiri?

    In his particular case, one can only hope.


    “Since we are in TS’s mind so little and pathetic, isn’t it bizarre that, all the way from Japan (where he tells us he is) he expends daily so much time and energy here, on us?”

    Erm, the internet. Retard.

    7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.


    He is at this forum because you are giving him reasons to be here, you are feeding him, and if he insults someone you insult him back. This forum is a joke. More time has been spent in this thread than any other thread while the whole world is falling apart, how can we call ourselves the World Socialist Movement? This is a Euro Centrist organization. Facebook and Twitter are doing a much better job where peoples from different places are able to read the publication of the Socialist Party and the WSM


    There are several issues taking place taking place in Latin America and nobody pays attention to those problems, but they are discussed on Facebook and Twitter, and left wings and Leninist organizations cover all those issues too. The International Communist Current is covering many different issues, and they have branches in different parts of the world, and it emerged in France and Spain, and they have expanded itself to different countries,(its articles are published in different languages ) they are participating in the MSM forum. We are going to die like the Socialist Labor Party of America. I published all the articles published by a Jamaican group that had the same principles of the WSM and they have had good acceptance, and it has been the only group in Latin America with a socialist foundation. If we do not hit the Piñata we are going to eat the candies within ourselves

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