Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #241463

    “The war in Ukraine must end, even if one party is not fully and completely defeated, even if NATO’s geopolitical interests are not served, even if not all of Russia’s goals, whatever they are, are achieved.
    The war should end because, regardless of the outcome, long-term instability in that region will not cease completely any time soon; and because millions of innocent people are suffering and will continue to suffer, in Ukraine and around the world. And because only political compromises through peace negotiations can put an end to this horror.” – Ramzy Baroud is a journalist, author and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle.


    As always it is the poor who are made to spill their blood.

    In proportion to the size of their population, the richest cities of Moscow and St Petersburg have been left relatively unscathed. This is especially true for the families of the country’s elite. As the Russian MoD seeks to address its continued deficit of combat personnel, insulating the better-off and more influential elements of Russian society will highly likely remain a major consideration.

    On 21 February 2023, Russian senior officials were photographed making up the front two rows of the audience of President Putin’s state of the nation speech. None of these are known to have children serving in the military

    In many of the Eastern regions, deaths are likely running, as a percentage of population, at a rate 30+ times higher than in Moscow. In places, ethnic minorities take the biggest hit; in Astrakhan some 75% of casualties come from the minority Kazakh and Tartar populations.

    British MOD Twitter


    “If you read what I wrote, I already answered your question.”

    “followed in 2026 by the launch of production in Poland and the delivery of the first of 820 K2PL tanks.”

    We’ll see. Plenty can happen between now and then.


    “In many of the Eastern regions, deaths are likely running, as a percentage of population, at a rate 30+ times higher than in Moscow. In places, ethnic minorities take the biggest hit; in Astrakhan some 75% of casualties come from the minority Kazakh and Tartar populations.

    British MOD Twitter”

    Is this the same British MOD that keeps telling us Russia is running out of missiles? LOL

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    TS – “Is this the same British MOD that keeps telling us Russia is running out of missiles? LOL”

    The same MOD that is very slow with its information.

    Financial Times months ago revealed that Russia’s minorities were disproportionately being mobilised.

    “The pattern is rooted in the Kremlin’s attempts earlier in the seven-month invasion of Ukraine to maintain a sense of normality in Russia’s major cities by targeting rural areas, with fewer resources to resist conscription, protest or flee.”

    Seems as if the MOD is merely belatedly confirming something that was already well-known to be happening.


    “Seems as if the MOD is merely belatedly confirming something that was already well-known to be happening.”

    Says the Financial Times? Is there any bunk you don’t believe. I swear you must be the most credulous cretin on the crust of the earth. Lol

    Bijou Drains

    True Nazi ” I swear you must be the most credulous cretin on the crust of the earth.”

    I can think of a better candidate, and I have the proof to show it!

    Still got your neat little armband, True Nazi??


    If it isn’t from Putin’s own lips as reported by RT, Sputnik or Tass then TS won’t accept it. A true Believer.


    Thousands of people have gathered in the Moldovan capital Chișinău at a protest organised by a pro-Russia party, with demonstrators criticising the pro-European government for a steep rise in the cost of living.

    As Russia reduced gas supplies to Moldova over the past year, bills have risen up to six times in the country of 2.6 million. The energy crisis and the war in neighbouring Ukraine have also contributed to inflation hitting 30%.

    With western economic help, the government has subsidised energy bills but many are still struggling.

    “What can we live off?” said 70-year-old demonstrator Tamara.

    Another protester, Ivan Vasile, 85 years old, said his pension was the equivalent of £100 a month. “Can I afford to buy myself cheese? I cannot,”


    If it isn’t from the Boss’ own lips as reported by the British ruling class media, The Guardian or The Financial Times then All-in won’t accept it. A true “socialist”.


    “True Nazi”

    As with Knobbo and Moron Socialista I ignore Bojo’s Brains’ posts. They’re intellectual pygmies with nothing of value to contribute to the discussion but I just have to address the “True Nazi” thing. So, let me get this straight. I, who hate the Nazis and want to see them defeated in battle and locked away for their crimes, am actually a Nazi? I’m one of those self hating Nazis? I mean, Nazis hate a lot of things but generally not themselves. Of course, you lot are all self hating socialists so there is precedent there I guess. Bojo’s Brains, fuck you’re dumb. Lol

    Bijou Drains

    True Nazi said “ Bojo’s Brains, fuck you’re dumb. Lol”

    Thing is, if I’m “dumb”, I’m also the the dumb fucker who hoodwinked you into support statements by Hitler!!

    What really cracks me up is that every time you state that I’m stupid, you by implication are stating that you are even stupider, but the beautiful irony is, that your too stupid to even realise how stupid you’re making yourself sound. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Sunday evenings waiting to start work again is always a pain in the arse, but honestly your post tonight really cheered me up.

    Seriously don’t ever stop posting your “thoughts” on here. It’s absolute comedy gold.

    Bijou Drains

    I meant to say True Nazi, I was out for a few pints with a couple of mates of mine who are old time Trotskyists and was showing them through your posts and they were absolutely pissing themselves reading your stuff.

    They’ve actually found your stuff so funny they’ve started “following” our forum, just to laugh at the stuff you write.

    Honestly son, you’re building up a real following. Don’t ever change, they said they think you’re a complete cult. At least I think that’s what they said.


    Just as many homophobes possess same-sex desires (

    Those who profess to be anti-Nazi often share the same ideological similarites with Nazis.

    TD’s anti-Nazism To use Shakespeare – he doth protest too much.

    It can be seen in TS falsification of history and leader-worship adulation for Stalin and other political authoritarians.

    Psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski studied the relationship between psychological disorders and politics to understand why psychopaths and narcissists are so strongly attracted to power.

    People with personality disorders are drawn to political power – narcissists crave attention and affirmation, and feel that they are superior to others.

    BD recognised this narcissistic trait in TS long ago.

    Bijou Drains

    To be honest Alan, I was quite tempted to trawl through True Nazi’s postings and pull all of his fabulously stupid comments into a one bumper issue, covering all of his ill informed, joyously imbecilic and frankly Pythonesque prose.

    I know it would be a big piece of work, but it would be a genuine labour of love.

    A kind of “greatest hits” of his stupidity, preserved in a single archive.

    Perhaps the Arts Council might be willing to give me some kind of grant. Who knows we could even get as far as Broadway. True Nazi could sing “Springtime for Putin and Russia” you and I could reprise the Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder roles. Do you fancy it?

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