Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #241375
    Bijou Drains

    Alan said “TS prefers to believe the Russian account”

    To be fair to True Nazi he doesn’t just believe only Russian accounts, he was more than happy to believe a whole load of bullshit from Hitler that I fed him.

    It seems he’s not too picky, he’ll believe anything he thinks comes from Putin, regardless of what it says and regardless if it actually came from Putin.

    The irony is that if this easily fooled, gormless git was living in 1930s – 1940s Germany, he’d be first in the queue for the Nuremberg Rallies and would be in his element smashing up Jewish shops.

    He’s already demonstrated that he finds the concept of turning human beings into fertiliser. I’ve no doubt he’d make a first class Nazi concentration camp guard.

    Then he’d be able to live out his macabre fantasies without any real physical risk to himself, which would suit him as he clearly demonstrated that he’s a physical coward as well as an intellectual coward.


    I think it is reasonable to assume, ALB, that for Ukrainians living in Lviv and Western Ukraine, the loss of Crimea or the Donbas would be no great sacrifice if it brought them peace.

    It would be merely acknowledging the de facto position of the last 10 years or so.

    The Russians have done themselves no favours by extending their air-attacks.

    In May 2022, 59 percent of survey respondents favoured negotiations with Russia, by January, the number had was 29 percent, with 66 percent opposing such talks.

    Support for joining NATO with more than 80 percent in favour of it in all regions of the country so only 20 percent of respondents indicated they would support giving up on this goal for the sake of peace with Russia.

    Nor is there any real appetite for war on the Russian side.

    Over the last year, at least a third of Russians have consistently preferred talks over continued military operations. This share reached a peak of 44 percent in the fall of 2022 when Russian forces suffered a series of defeats in the southern and northern parts of Ukraine.

    In a February survey, 40 percent of respondents said they would like to see Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine without achieving their goals. Even more, about two-thirds of respondents (66 percent) indicated that they would support the signing of a peace agreement and an end to the military campaign if such a decision came from Putin.

    Both sides use the nationalist card but it can be overplayed.

    As John Lennon said and the Chinese, Give Peace a Chance


    “I am well versed in atrocity propaganda and it is why I can differentiate between fake staged events and genuine massacres. Something you aren’t capable of.”

    Lol. You couldn’t figure out a piss up in a brewery All-in with every CIA talking point. You are a clown. And yes, I’m well aware that the lies were separately used to justify each war. It ain’t rocket surgery. No need to preach to the choir.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    He is right, of course. The war is a war of inter-imperialist rivalries. All sides in this obscene capitalist conflict need to be firmly opposed. The sooner the better.


    Yes, to give the old witch doctor his due, he’s put his finger on it again, just as when last June he said that the Russian invasion was “perhaps somehow provoked”:

    I wonder if US is plotting to overthrow him.


    Saudi Arabia and Iran restore diplomatic relations after China-brokered talks.

    Perhaps China’s offer of hosting peace talks between Ukraine and Russia has legs


    Is it all a double bluff to disguise a coming Russian regular army assault? Who knows?

    Prigozhin has accused Putin of cutting him off over his call for resupplying arms and ammunition in the grinding battle in eastern Ukraine.

    “To get me to stop asking for ammunition, all the hotlines to offices, to departments etc have been cut off from me. But the real humdinger is that they’ve also blocked agencies from making decisions [related to Wagner],” the private Russian military’s leader said on Telegram.


    Fake nuclear attack warnings

    Will one day will it be genuine alarm?


    I don’t think he criticised Putin but was just saying that various governments departments were fed up with his lobbying for more munitions. In any event, he seems to have got his way. According to Al Jazeera:

    “In another audio message on Friday, Prigozhin said he had thanked the Russian government for a “heroic” increase in ammunition production. He said his men had been “blown away” by the fact they had started to receive ammunition deliveries labelled as produced in 2023. He said ammunition was now being produced “in huge quantities, which cover all the necessary needs”.


    The same Al Jazeera source said Prigozhin qualified his comments, adding some ambiguity.

    “I am worried about ammunition and shell shortages not only for the Wagner private military company but for all units of the Russian army.”

    As he can no longer access to convicts, he has opened 42 recruitment offices across Russia.

    I don’t think it would encourage volunteers if he said Wagner still faced weapon and ammunition shortages. Who would enlist?

    In this war of words, who can tell what is true or not.


    “In this war of words, who can tell what is true or not.”

    Not you, that’s for sure. The whole Prigozhin thing may well be a psyop meant for NATOstani consumption. Wagner gets all the supplies it needs. How else could they be encircling Bakhmut, fighting with shovels? Lol


    One of the claims of TS is that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has succeeded in one of its objectives – the demilitarisation of NATO, demonstrated by the military supply shortages being experienced.

    There is no denying that weapon stockpiles have been depleted. But higher spending budgets are being provided by governments. There will indeed be a time lag but in a some years time, the military be strengthened and there will be no NATO demilitarised dividend Russia can look to.

    Poland is raising its defence spending to 4% of GDP.

    The size of the Polish Army is to rise to 300,000, which would turn Poland into Europe’s biggest military power

    It has placed orders for 1,000 K2 main battle tanks from South Korea, and 250 new M1A2 SEPv3 Abram tanks from the US. This will turn Poland into the owner of Europe’s biggest tank force.

    Its artillery will be bolstered by the arrival of 600 K9s, 18 HIMARS launchers with 9,000 rockets, and 288 K239 Chunmoo MRL systems from South Korea.
    Over 1,000 Polish-made Borsuk infantry fighting vehicles.
    96 AH-64E Apache helicopters bought from the US, and 48 FA-50 combat aircraft now on order from South Korea.

    Is Poland the only nation intending to beef up its military? By no means. They all are going to spend more.

    Putin has not demilitarised NATO in the long term. Merely gained a temporary respite that will eventually disappear.

    And who will pay?

    You guess it. Working people with cuts to their social services. Putin has provided propaganda to justify military spending – guns over butter


    “There is no denying that weapon stockpiles have been depleted. But higher spending budgets are being provided by governments. There will indeed be a time lag but in a some years time, the military be strengthened and there will be no NATO demilitarised dividend Russia can look to.”

    Really? And where’s NATOstan going to get the money/resources to do all that? They’ve lost cheap Russian energy and now the US is ordering its European Quislings to cut economic ties with their biggest trade partner: China. Europe is spiraling into economic and geopolitical irrelevancy. Good riddance.


    TS – “where’s NATOstan going to get the money/resources to do all that?”

    If you read what I wrote, I already answered your question.

    I repeat

    “And who will pay? You guess it. Working people with cuts to their social services. Putin has provided propaganda to justify military spending – guns over butter”

    And no doubt it will be the same for Russia.

    Working people bear the cost of conflicts, not only in lives but in their standard of living.


    Protest for peace

    Having wrote the above, it doesn’t mean that the ruling class will always have their way with an acquiescent population.

    “Thousands took to the streets of Prague on Saturday in protest against the Czech government, high inflation and demanding an end to the country’s military support for Ukraine. The Czech Republic has been battling record inflation levels for a year mainly because of a spike in energy prices caused by the war in Ukraine.”


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