Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #241269

    How does he try to “blunt the picture of losses”?

    By accepting there were some losses, but discussing at much more length how Ukrainian propagandists have manipulate images to make the losses appear higher, to take one example.

    And, of course, he may well be a lone individual (with a very good source on the units present for the battle), but there’s no reason to presume that he might not be being fed directly or indirectly by the Russian infowar sources. Certainly, his output seems largely pro-Russia. So a spoonful of scepticism is warranted.

    All roads are under Russian fire control. No vehicles or large concentrations can get in or out except under withering fire.

    Yet it seems vehicles and resources are getting through, and Russia cannot close the gap.


    TS “Which will be soundly turned in to fertilizer as Russia has a 10:1 artillery shell advantage.”

    Such a shame that Russia isn’t sharing it with the Wagner mercenaries.

    Prigozhin has said he is “knocking on all doors” for replenishing arms and ammunition for his forces.

    Prigozhin said his men feared that they were being “set up” as scapegoats in case Russia lost its war in Ukraine.

    “If we step back, we will go down in history as the people who took the main step to lose the war,” he said.

    “And this is precisely the problem with the shell hunger [ammunition shortage]. This is not my opinion, but that of ordinary fighters…What if they [the Russian authorities] want to set us up, saying that we are scoundrels—and that’s why they are not giving us ammunition, not giving us weapons, and not letting us replenish our personnel, including [recruiting] prisoners,” Prigozhin said in a video

    And the Wagner liaison officer is unceremoniously thrown out out of Russian army HQ.

    This is not from NATO or Ukraine but from the horse’s mouth who Scott Ritter praised for never exaggerating.

    To paraphrase Shakespeare, there is something is rotten in the state of Russia.


    “Which will be soundly turned into fertilizer as Russia has a 10:1 artillery shell advantage.”

    Yeah and while you’re at it, why not throw old folk and children too into the pot/meat grinder/gas chamber or whatever other disgusting metaphor you want to employ? I guess they all make for good fertilizer in your eyes. This is the language of a sociopathic Nazi for whom war is just a game of strategy best viewed from the comfort of an armchair and for whom the lives of workers, deluded though they may be the mental disease of nationalism on both sides, count for nothing.

    Talking of Nazis, I can´t help but notice that “True Nazi” as BD calls this individual with good reason, has once again balked at answering my question. So once again, TS, how many actual Nazis do you reckon are on the Ukrainian side and how many are on the Russian side? Hard evidence would be appreciated….


    I wonder if the Scotsman has met a ‘Nazi’ in the flesh.
    Although having no interest in the Anti-‘Nazi’ League, they did put on some good benefit shows featuring obscure punk bands. It was at one of these a girl talked me into joining her and her SWP pals into confronting National Front newspapers sellers proffering their wares in Walsall town centre most Saturdays.
    I should have worn me brown trousers.
    I don’t think they were really ‘Nazis’, they were not into ideology, political theory and all that palaver, they just enjoyed a good punch-up. In a sense they were without prejudice – they would hit anyone.
    I really liked that girl, so despite the old spine now being distinctly soluble, I somehow tottered up to this huge skinhead and…purchased a copy of Spearhead.
    The Scotsman will be overjoyed to hear things did ‘kick off’. Fortunately this was the late 1970’s and there was still plenty of NHS dental treatment available and I only paid a nominal sum toward the upper denture. And you know I still have that relic of the anti-‘Nazi’ struggle in me gob. I do look like Albert Steptoe though.


    Great anecdote. Good on you for punching a Nazi. Of course, the Nazis in Ukraine have heavy artillery, tanks and an airforce but otherwise, just the same as that newspaper seller.


    TS “Great anecdote. Good on you for punching a Nazi.”

    Did you read that post?

    Chelmsford -“I don’t think they were really ‘Nazis’…”

    Much like your supposed Ukrainians all being Nazis – they weren’t.

    Like in all wars, there is the need to de-humanise the enemy with labels. As race or religion won’t do it in this war, then it must be an ideological demonisation.


    “Did you read that post?

    Chelmsford -“I don’t think they were really ‘Nazis’…””

    I didn’t want to be rude but how the hell would he know what the Nazi was thinking? The sick ideology of Bandera is the state religion of Ukraine. The Nazis there are real, armed and fanatical.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    “Much like your supposed Ukrainians all being Nazis – they weren’t.”

    Not all Germans were Nazis either. Therefore Germany wasn’t Nazi. Lol.

    That one remaining brain cell of yours…Well, I ‘d try and avoid sneezing.


    A *lot* of Germans supported the Nazis BUT the majority of Germans did *not*.

    Last free election of March of 1933, the Nazis got 44% of the vote, with a voter turnout of 88.7% of registered voters, which tells you, that at that time, 56% of the people that voted didn’t support the Nazi Party

    When war came most Germans fought for their Fatherland, not for Hitler and many believed it to be a war of defence. Even Barbarossa was depicted as a pre-emptive strike for domestic propaganda consumption.

    Hitler said in Reichstag
    “I have already told the nation of the build-up of Soviet Russian military power in the East during a period when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Soviet Russia. Only a blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of unique world-historical dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something that was being threatened, but rather only to attack that which seemed incapable of defense …”

    Goring put it well when he said

    “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”


    “I didn’t want to be rude but how the hell would he know what the Nazi was thinking? The sick ideology of Bandera is the state religion of Ukraine. The Nazis there are real, armed and fanatical.

    Not all Germans were Nazis either. Therefore Germany wasn’t Nazi. Lol.”

    Except, of course, that Ukraine doesn’t claim to be a Nazi regime and many Ukrainians actually describe Russia as a fascist regime. That description of Russia has about as much credibility as Putin´s claim about “denazifying” Ukraine. It’s bullshit propaganda from a capitalist warlord trying to justify Russian imperialism by making unwarranted assertions that resonate with Russia´s historical experience of being invaded by Nazi Germany.

    I repeat again the point that has been made constantly here – if Ukraine is a Nazi regime then so is Russia, They are very similar in outlook and practice. Both are right-wing, authoritarian oligrachies. Both harbour actual Nazis and in Ukraine´s case the numbers are relatively small and insignificant. Insofar as Bandera is revered in Ukraine it is far more for his ultranationalism than for his fascism.

    In this article, it is argued that these small fascist-infested groups like the Azov regiment are being used by the Ukrainian state, not because it endorses the latter´s ideology but because it considers them useful to the cause of Ukrainian nationalism

    The Facts on ‘De-Nazifying’ Ukraine

    Bijou Drains

    True Nazi
    “Great anecdote. Good on you for punching a Nazi.”
    So we can add bathos into the list of concepts you don’t understand.


    “A *lot* of Germans supported the Nazis BUT the majority of Germans did *not*.

    Last free election of March of 1933, the Nazis got 44% of the vote, with a voter turnout of 88.7% of registered voters, which tells you, that at that time, 56% of the people that voted didn’t support the Nazi Party”

    All-in with the Nazis, how is it you can be so dim as to not realise you’ve illustrated my point for me? Lol

    Bijou Drains

    True Nazi wrote “I didn’t want to be rude but how the hell would he know what the Nazi was thinking?”

    Perhaps READING and trying to COMPREHEND what he wrote might help you.

    Chelmsford actually wrote “I don’t think they were really ‘Nazis’, they were not into ideology, political theory and all that palaver, they just enjoyed a good punch-up.”

    He used the words “I don’t think they were really Nazis”

    You will note he said THINK, that signifies an OPINION.

    If he had said “KNOW” (which is the word you used), that would have meant he was stating a fact. Which he wasn’t. So just to clarify for you, he said he thought it, he didn’t say he knew it.

    Your comment also raises the question “how the hell” he would have reached that opinion (not know it as you state)

    Well, to be fair to Chelmsford he gave you a little clue. If you read a little further (take it slowly, I don’t want to stress you out) he also said “they were not into ideology, political theory and all that palaver,” which allowed him to EXPLAIN the reason for the OPINION he expressed.

    Not only that, he very kindly offered an opposing theory to explain their Nazi style behaviour “they just enjoyed a good punch-up”.

    To add to the joy our readers get from your ability to misunderstand practically everything, you then move on to congratulate Chelmsford for punching a Nazi, where in fact Chelmsford wrote that he “somehow tottered up to this huge skinhead and…purchased a copy of Spearhead.”

    What Chelmsford was showing was SELF DEPRECIATING HUMOUR. He was laughing at his lack of bravery as he didn’t confront the skinhead, he bought a copy of his magazine. Spearhead was the magazine of the National Front. Through this device of self deprecation he was also inviting us to join him in laughing at the nature of the human condition, i.e. being attracted to a young woman but not being able to follow up his attraction due to his (very understandable) fear of said skinhead.

    So when referring to later developments, Chelmsford stated that “Fortunately this was the late 1970’s and there was still plenty of NHS dental treatment available and I only paid a nominal sum toward the upper denture. And you know I still have that relic of the anti-‘Nazi’ struggle in me gob. I do look like Albert Steptoe though”

    What Chelmsford was implying, through the use of IRONIC HUMOUR, that the result of the confrontation was it HE WAS PUNCHED IN THE MOUTH and it was indeed Chelmsford who lost his teeth. That is why he said “I only paid a nominal sum towards the upper denture.

    The final section of his beautifully developed contribution ended with “I do look like Albert Steptoe” related to a 1960s-79s Situation Comedy which had a character based an old rag and bone man named Albert Steptoe who was well known for his poor oral hygiene and his dentures. Another humorous and ironic aside.

    Comprehension’s not your strong suit, then really what is?

    On the plus side, we can add “understanding the way that the English Language” works to your ever increasing list of things you don’t understand.

    Apologies to Chelmsford, humour does tend to suffer a little when it’s deconstructed for idiots.


    Zelensky admits the strategic importance of Bakhmut and that it’s fall will be dire for Ukraine’s position in Donbass.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    You have repeatedly expressed the view that the only good Ukrainian is a dead Ukrainian turned to fertilizer because they are all Banderite fascist nazis.

    Robbo challenges that opinion saying that just like the Russians the motivation is the mistaken concept of nationalism. I tried to demonstrate that also applied to Germans in WW2, mis-guided nationalism and how that was manipulated by the Nazis to justify their aggression. You fail to recognise the similarities to Putin’s claim of pre-emptive self-defence. You ignore Hitler used the persecution of the Sudetenland and Danzig Germans as a pretext for his aggression and portrayed himself as a humanitarian liberator of German speakers in his propaganda.

    And the reason he said he launched 1941 Barbarossa because it was a pre-emptive assault against the threat of a Soviet attack and was claimed as self-defence also passed you by, too. to

    I can see now why BD believe you don’t have the capacity for nuanced thought

    Regardless of the indoctrination and control of media, dictators still require the consent or acquiescence of their citizens and falsely declaring the enemy as a threat is an old tried and tested way of brainwashing.

    Your claim is that during WW2, being German was sufficient to be called a Nazi. Again I presented a fact, something you cannot appreciate. More than half of Germans were not Nazis.

    Even the Nazis knew the truth

    From a 1938 government report on the mood of industrial workers in Nazi Germany:

    “Among industrial workers there are many who do not give a damn about the successes of the Hitler system and have only scorn and contempt for the whole show. Others, however, say: ‘Well, there are a lot of things Adolf does not know about himself and which he does not want’. But one is never quite sure with them whether they mean it seriously or only want to protect their backs.

    Naturally, there are also many who have become un-political. In particular, a large number of the skilled workers who were unemployed for a long time are not enthusiastic Nazis. They often complain about the fact that they earn much less now than in say 1929 but, at the end of the day, they always say: ‘It’s all the same to us; at least we have work’.

    The further one goes down into the poorer sections the more opposition there is…

    Those who are still Nazis in the plant are subdued. One has the feeling that many of them only stay in the Party to get an easier life…”

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