Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #241202
    Bijou Drains

    ALB “ Something has gone wrong with the Western censors. I can get RT again on my phone.”

    Looks like it’s been taken off line again. Maybe MI6 put some more pennies in their leccy meter


    I’m surprised that the 2008 Russian-Georgia war has not been raised. After all, it was about Russia militarily backing breakaway republics and accusing Georgia of genocide.

    As they did in Crimea, regular Russian troops were infiltrated into South Ossetia and portrayed as liberators.

    Georgia, too, had sought NATO membership.

    Ukraine invasion was not unique


    Indeed, and the war in Chechnya, which, recognised as a civil war, seems to have followed a similar pattern. But there, it was within Russia’s recognised borders, and against Muslims, so it was backed. But, it seems, Putin has been on a Great Russian restoration by force project from day one.

    Curiously, Sputnik, Tass & RT are silent on Bakhmut this morning, twitter is, as usual ablaze with updates…


    Could the reason be a continuation of the discord between Wagner mercenaries who appears to be the most prominent unit fighting in Bakhmut and the Regular army forces, YMS?


    Armchair strategists will probably enjoy this interesting video:
    Why Russia’s Biggest Threat is Actually China


    No mention of the Chinese invasion of Vietnam or the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia that saw USSR and China on opposite sides


    According to The Economist The life expectancy for young Russian men is now as low as for men in Haiti and lower than in Bangladesh.

    Women outnumber men by at least 10m.


    “‘Western’ media can not decide if Bakhmut is a strategic city or has little strategic value. They claim both is the case.

    Bakhmut is of course of strategic value. It is covering the crossing of three major train lines and four major roads (M-03, M-32, T-13-02, T-05-13). As such it is the linchpin of the whole Donbas region. Besides that it also has some valuable mineral mines.

    That is why the Ukrainian government has sent tens of thousands of its troops to fight and die for the city.

    People who claim otherwise are SIMPLY COPING.”

    That would be you All-in with the deep state’s narrative wurlitzer. Simply coping.


    “According to the Western state propaganda apparatus the life expectancy for young Russian men is now as low as for men in Haiti and lower than in Bangladesh.”

    There, fixed it for you. Honest question, does anyone here take Alan seriously?


    “But facts are chiels that winna ding,
    An downa be disputed”

    Robert Burns

    English translation
    ‘But facts are fellows that will not be overturned,
    And cannot be disputed’.


    “English translation
    ‘But facts are fellows that will not be overturned,
    And cannot be disputed’.”

    Lol. All-in with the ruling elite thinks the Economist publishes “facts”. How many times your mama drop you on your head as an infant? Honest question.

    Bijou Drains

    True Nazi said “ There, fixed it for you. Honest question, does anyone here take Alan seriously?”

    Said the guy who agreed wholeheartedly with the words of Hitler, just because he was told they came from Putin.

    Words, by the way he has yet to disown.

    “But where are the clowns
    Send in the clowns
    Don’t bother, they’re here”


    Rather than dismissing facts why not search for causes?

    TASS, a source I expect you to accept, reported that Covid led to average life expectancy in Russia falling by 2.8 years for men

    This was corroborated by the British Medical Journal research, a scientific source rather than ideological, which said the drop in Russian men’s life expectancy was 2.33 years, the highest of the 37 countries it studied.

    Since the pandemic, we have had excess deaths of males due to the war.

    Also affecting statistics is the migration of young healthy men avoiding the mobilisation.

    Therefore, the Economist article’s reference to a fall of 5 years isn’t too far-fetched.

    You should have asked whether Haiti’s civil unrest or Bangladesh’s climate crisis in the last few years reduced their male life expectancies in comparison but instead, you prefer ad hominem responses.

    Like many countries around the world, Russia is suffering a demographic decline in population.

    It is speculative if widening its territory and adding people is a motive for Russian expansionism.


    The world bank data is stark It shows a two year drop in life expectancy in 2019, for both sexes.

    the Wikipedia article on life expectancy by country shows Russia in place 117, and shows that for men the expectancy is 66.49 years. Again, that’s Worldbank data.

    Bijou Drains

    True Nazi – “Lol. All-in with the ruling elite thinks the Economist publishes “facts”. How many times your mama drop you on your head as an infant? Honest question.”

    Just to enlighten you a little, Karl Marx regularly used The Economist (founded in 1843). His work, which you admit you have never read, has many, many references to his work.

    Are you not starting to get a bit sick of making yourself look like a fool?

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