Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #240751

    “A road from Chasiv Var is still re-supplying Ukrainian forces”

    Even MSM is starting to report the truth.

    “Donetsk officials…Moscow’s forces were in control of “all” access roads to Bakhmut, including the local T0504, which runs into the city from the west.”


    ALB (#240721), you are of course right to regard Putin’s depiction of the Russian war in Ukraine as “crap” when he adverts to threats posed by “decadent” Western cultural and religious values etc. But when you say that “he (Putin) departs from the real reasons behind the war”, are you making a comparison here, and implying that these “real reasons” are not crap (not false) and that Putin is giving a reasonably objective account of the origins and purposes of the war? I ask because in his speech at that rally of patriotic flag wavers in Moscow’s Luzhniki stadium recently, he made it clear what he thought about the origins and his purposes of Russia’s conflict. He said “The West was responsible for war in Ukraine. It was they who unleashed the war and we used, and continue to use, force to stop it.” Fairly clearly, Putin sees his war against Ukraine as a defensive war in which the West poses an existential threat to Russia. Most everybody, apart from Russophiles and like nationalists, regard Putin’s view as utterly delusional.


    “Most everybody in the imperialist west, having been subjected to years of neo-con brainworms, regard Putin’s view as utterly delusional.”

    There, fixed it for you. Funnily enough, the rest of the world’s population, you know, most of it, think Russia’s actions justifiable.

    “Russia’s alleged isolation is a delusion, because in reality it enjoys the support of two-thirds of the world’s population”

    I guess all those dirty brown and yellow people are “delusional” too. Kinda racist, no? Lol


    Did you read the full article, dated 16th Feb, TS?

    ” Russian military reporter “Rybar”, who said Russian possession of the E40 and T0504 did not constitute operational encirclement.
    “Thanks to the network of branched ring roads in the fields between the main routes, Ukrainian formations almost unhindered transfer reinforcements to the crucible of the Bakhmut meat grinder,” Rybar wrote.
    Rybar also belied the claim that the E40 was taken or even under Russian fire control. He said Ukraine was preparing to tactically withdraw from Paraskoviivka in order to make a firmer stand at neighbouring Berkhovka, a way station on the E40 highway through which it was still able to supply Bakhmut with ammunition.
    Prigozhin confirmed the Ukrainian resupply of men and ammunition.”

    My thinking is that Ukraine can lose control of Bahkmut but it still won’t make it a great strategic advance. 6 months to do it…how many months to take Kramatorsk?

    In fact, vast swathes of the Donets-Luhansk area could be captured but it won’t lead to Ukraine’s capitulation or Russian victory.

    I stick with the scenario that it will be a protracted prolonged war as I don’t see much movement towards any ceasefire armistice.


    How do you account for the UN votes where Russia can only achieve full approval from North Korea, Nicaragua, Belarus, Syria and Eritrea.

    China, India, Brazil and South Africa, fellow members of BRICS abstained.

    Then there is this opinion poll.

    It reflects the prevailing attitude that we have discussed here, that it is better for Ukraine concede territory to gain peace.

    A lot to take from this poll and again confirms what we have stated, it is not a war for democracy.


    ” Russian military reporter “Rybar”, who said Russian possession of the E40 and T0504 did not constitute operational encirclement.
    “Thanks to the network of branched ring roads in the fields between the main routes, Ukrainian formations almost unhindered transfer reinforcements to the crucible of the Bakhmut meat grinder,” Rybar wrote.”

    All-in with the MI6 even you must now see the writing on the wall. Bakhmut is about to fall. The Ukrainians have nothing but fields and maybe a country lane or two to flee by. It’s all but over for the troops there unless they evacuate now. Kiev ordered their Nazis in Mariupol to stay put and become encircled. Will they do similarly now. We’ll soon find out.

    “Rybar also belied the claim that the E40 was taken or even under Russian fire control. He said Ukraine was preparing to tactically withdraw from Paraskoviivka in order to make a firmer stand at neighbouring Berkhovka, a way station on the E40 highway through which it was still able to supply Bakhmut with ammunition.”

    Maybe he’s right, maybe he’s wrong but either way, and as I’ve been saying, Bakhmut is soon to fall to the Russians.

    “Prigozhin confirmed the Ukrainian resupply of men and ammunition.”

    He is well known for delaying big news. Perhaps he’s doing so again?

    “My thinking is that Ukraine can lose control of Bahkmut but it still won’t make it a great strategic advance.”

    It means the collapse of Ukraine’s main defence line in Donbass. You’re obviously not very good at reading maps.

    ”6 months to do it…how many months to take Kramatorsk?”

    Lol. And what’s happened in the meantime? Oh, that’s right… Russia has mobilised 380,000 more men and Ukraine has run out of tanks and artillery shells. I’m sure that won’t make any difference at all on the battlefield. I’m very curious All- in with the deep state. You claim to have no dog in this fight and to be a materialist and yet you endlessly parrot NATO state media and ignore all evidence Ukraine is losing catastrophically. Why is that?

    “In fact, vast swathes of the Donets-Luhansk area could be captured but it won’t lead to Ukraine’s capitulation or Russian victory.”

    What are Russia’s war aims All-in with NATOstan and how will you judge whether or not they’ve achieved those aims?

    “I stick with the scenario that it will be a protracted prolonged war as I do6 months to do it…how many months to take Kramatorsk?”

    Donbass free by August. Not far off.

    “In fact, vast swathes of the Donets-Luhansk area could be captured but it won’t lead to Ukraine’s capitulation or Russian victory.”

    And when the whole of the Donbass is captured in August as Ritter estimates? Then what?

    “I stick with the scenario that it will be a protracted prolonged war as I don’t see much movement towards any ceasefire armistice.”

    Ritter thinks Moscow will give Kiev one last chance to negotiate after Donbass is taken. If the offer is refused, it’ll be all the way to the Polish border.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    Moreover, the Nazis in Kiev have fed most of their best troops into the battle there allowing Russia to proceed with its main mission of de-Nazifying and demilitarisaing Ukraine.

    Once again TS shows his idealist and distinctly non-materialist interpretation of the events unfolding in Ukraine by depicting it as some kind of epic struggle between Nazis and Anti-Nazi ideals. This notwithstanding the fact that there are very clearly self-identifying Nazis fighting on BOTH sides of this capitalist conflict and this notwithstanding the fact that the Russian and Ukrainian regimes are remarkably similar in outlook and practice – far right, authoritarian ultranationalistic and corrupt oligarchies. If Ukraine is a Nazi state then so too is Russia in all but name.

    On the question of idealism, I wonder if he endorses Putin´s quasi-mystical putrid nationalism and frankly homophobic sentiments in his recent rant against “western decadence”.

    I have still to get an answer from our resident Putin bootlicker regarding what proportion of the Ukrainian population does he consider to be Nazis 5%? 20% 70% What? It is curious that he is so reluctant to address this question. I wonder why….


    “Ritter thinks Moscow will give Kiev one last chance to negotiate after Donbass is taken. If the offer is refused, it’ll be all the way to the Polish border.”


    …As one might expect of an imperialist capitalist regime like Russia even if its imperialism is not quite as geographically successful as NATO imperialism (which has recently expanded thanks in part to Russia´s own imperialistic annexations and militaristic interventions ….)


    Oh my aching sides: Russia limits use of foreign words

    Russian senators have upheld a bill ordering all public and private entities to use only Russian words in their official communication. The legislation adopted on Wednesday by the parliament’s upper house – the Federation Council – states that the only exception is words that have no Russian equivalent.

    So, after waging a war, in part, because the language rights of Russian speakers in Ukraine were suppressed, ‘Multi-ethnic’ Russia attacks it’s minority languages.

    As Wikipedia notes:
    On 19 June 2018, the Russian State Duma adopted a bill that made education in all languages but Russian optional, overruling previous laws by ethnic autonomies, and reducing instruction in minority languages to only two hours a week. This bill has been likened by some commentators, such as in Foreign Affairs, to a policy of Russification.


    In 2020, a set of amendments to the Russian constitution was approved by the State Duma and later the Federation Council. One of the amendments is to enshrine Russian as the “language of the state-forming nationality” and the Russian people as the ethnic group that created the nation. The amendment has been met with criticism from Russia’s minorities who argue that it goes against the principle that Russia is a multinational state and will only marginalize them further.

    It’s enough to make a cat laugh. There are 100 minority languages in Russia…


    I take no pleasure in the unnecessary deaths of soldiers from either side.

    The average life expectancy of a frontline soldier in eastern Ukraine is just four hours, a retired US Marine fighting alongside Ukrainian forces in the Donbas region told ABC News.

    4 Hours.

    TS – “Moscow will give Kiev one last chance to negotiate after Donbass is taken.”

    There is the well-known saying – “They make a desert and call it peace”

    As contributors have repeatedly said on this forum, it is very much hoped that territory is given up for peace, no matter how temporary it may prove to be. We have never supported the right to national self-determination nor defended the integrity of any country’s sovereignty.

    The statement in the Communist Manifesto, “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got” is no empty phrase or platitude for us on the forum. During WW1 and WW2 members of the SPGB went to jail and faced social ostracisation for standing by that principle.

    From Day One of the war our advice has been to both sides – don’t fight, flee the country whether Ukraine or Russia. Don’t die for nationalism or patriotism. As Wilfred Owen called it “…The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria more.”


    You’re avoiding my questions All-in Guardian Brah. Why do you consistently pass off as news NATOstani state media narratives while ignoring the evidence of a catastrophic Ukrainian defeat in the making? Your “party” is too ineffectual to be an MI6 op. Are you just sincerely credulous of everything you hear in the MSM? It’s so bizarre.


    “It’s enough to make a cat laugh. There are 100 minority languages in Russia…”

    “Foreign” means foreign, non-national, therefore not a language spoken by any of Russia’s ethnicities, like English or French.

    It’s not about banning foreign language, it’s about banning “foreign” words from official documents when there is Russian equivalent.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    A surprisingly good article on Counterpunch assigning blame for the conflict on where it belongs. The USA.

    Russia, Ukraine, and International Law


    “Russian senators have upheld a bill ordering all public and private entities to use only Russian words in their official communication”



    “I have still to get an answer from our resident Putin bootlicker regarding what proportion of the Ukrainian population does he consider to be Nazis 5%? 20% 70% What? It is curious that he is so reluctant to address this question. I wonder why….”

    What percentage of Germans were Nazis? And what does it even matter? If you’re fighting for a Nazi state you are as guilty as the criminals ordering you to battle.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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