Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #240730

    The Ukrainian army at Bakhmut so far has resisted encirclement and avoided retreat but at what cost?

    It is no exaggeration that it is called the ‘meat grinder’, a bloody toll that is inflicted equally upon both sides.

    Only future historians will be able to decide if it has all been worth it.

    I recall TS earlier reproaching me for not thinking that the expected Russian offensive was already started.

    If it is, then as some commentators have stated, the Russian advance is to be measured in metres and not kilometres.

    But for sure, anyone making predictions about future developments on the battlefield has had to repeatedly correct and add caveats.

    It seems despite all our technology, the manipulation of information still controls what we know, or more accurately, what we don’t know.


    No doubt TS will dismiss the BBC analysis of the Battle of Kiev as propaganda and keep to his own belief that it was a diversionary tactic without the intention of occupying Kiev, but the BBC’s interpretation of last year’s invasion plans is very much at odds with that view.


    “TW stated on 15 Feb (post number 240410)
    “Bhakmut is mere days if not hours away from falling.”

    Looks like his racing tips are about as dodgy as Scott Ritter”

    Lol. I wrote that what, three days ago? I don’t think that qualifies my prediction as out of date quite yet.


    “His Co- Leader and one of the founders of the Wagner Group is Alexey Milchakov”

    Erm, he’s neither of those things. I suggest you check your sources.

    Bijou Drains

    So you think that it’s the 18th Feb, interesting


    The Russians are in the centre of Bakhmut as we speak.


    Alexei Milchakov is co-founder of Rusich which has now been operationally incorporated into the Wagner Group.

    There is no point in providing sources as these would be non-Russian approved media that TS will dismiss. But for others, a 2021 study is

    Dmitry Valerievich Utkin of the Wagner Group sometimes referred to as its founder has nazi tattoos at the time when Yevgeny Prigozhin was denying connections with it.

    There are many other neo-Nazi groups such as the Russian Imperial Movement [Legion]

    BD’s claim that Putin tolerates Russian neo-Nazis stands.

    Bijou Drains

    TW is clearly not very good at understanding complex concepts.

    It’s obvious he struggles to comprehend really difficult ideas such as looking at the calendar and knowing what day it is.

    What a fecking spanner!

    Bijou Drains

    “The Russians are in the centre of Bakhmut as we speak”

    I’ve seen Elvis impersonators in Benidorm that have more credibility than you


    “Alexei Milchakov is co-founder of Rusich which has now been operationally incorporated into the Wagner Group.”

    And there you have it. Co- founder of Rusich not Wagner. Lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    “I’ve seen Elvis impersonators in Benidorm that have more credibility than you”

    Let me remind our resident pedant that my prediction was made in response to another on this thread. That being that the battle in Bakhmut may settle in to an Ypres style stalemate. Well, the Ukrainians in the town are almost encircled. All roads have now been cut and access is only available over fields. The Russians have reached the centre of town. I guess we’ll see very shortly who is more credible, won’t we?


    Are you claiming that an assault to capture a town that began almost six months ago, can be considered a success?

    The Russians had captured the outskirts of Bahkmut some weeks ago. House-to-house fighting is ongoing.

    A road from Chasiv Var is still re-supplying Ukrainian forces who are still in possession of the majority of the Bahkmut. All attempts to capture Chasiiv Var have been repelled.

    Zelensky has indicated the possibility of a Ukrainian retreat from Bahkmut.

    In a previous post, TS dismissively predicted the imminent fall of Bahkmut would be described as a Pyrrhic victory by anti-Russian media. It most like will be. It will not be militarily decisive although it will be something of a propaganda success for Russia,


    “Are you claiming that an assault to capture a town that began almost six months ago, can be considered a success?”

    Yes, that’s exactly what I’m claimimg. Bakhmut is key to the Ukrainian defence and logistical networks in Donbass. Its capture will lead to the collapse of Ukraine’s ability to continue its resistance in east Ukraine. Moreover, the Nazis in Kiev have fed most of their best troops into the battle there allowing Russia to proceed with its main mission of de-Nazifying and demilitarisaing Ukraine.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    Karen Philippa Larsen, a global security researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies and one of the few academic experts in the world dedicated to studying the Wagner Group estimates that as many as 40,000, or 80 percent, of its fighters in Ukraine have either been killed, deserted or surrendered – most of them in the past few months alone.

    “There are only around 10,000 of them still fighting,” she said, adding that the Wagner deaths are conveniently not included in Russia’s official statistics on losses because the fighters are not part of “the official structure”.


    “Karen Philippa Larsen, a global security researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies”

    Hahahahahahahahahahaha. L

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