Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #240701

    Ukraninian “democracy” at work. Opposition party banned and its assets seized:


    These two idiots grandstanding and calling for jets to be given to the Ukrainian regime. Expect more working-class lives to be lost in the stupid senseless capitalist war. Capitalism is truly a sociopathic disorder


    Robbo – “These two idiots grandstanding…”

    At first, I thought you meant Putin and Biden making their grandiose belligerent speeches.


    Those two were grandstanding too but, to be honest, Putin sounded more plausible (in capitalist terms of course) when he spoke of Russia defending itself against the US and EU’s attempt to deprive his state of its “historic lands” than Biden’s crap about the war being between “Democracy v. Autocracy”.

    Bijou Drains

    To be fair to TW –
    Here is an equivalent load of bollocks from the other side, written by the fabulously named David Parsley from the i newspaper owned by the “The Daily Mail and Trust” and operated “independently” from the Mail.

    This propaganda piece badly disguised as journalism claims a 1 in 20 death to casualty ratio for the Ukrainians in comparison to a 1 in 3 death to casualty rate for the Russians.


    “That’s not how this works: you can provide timestamped links to Youtube, if you were confident in your sources.”

    Actually this is how it works because my time is valuable to me and I’m not interested in dragging suicidal horses to watering holes. So let’s compromise. Next time I watch one of his videos and he mentions Ukrainian deaths I’ll provide a link. BTW, the figure he states is 250k.

    Bijou Drains

    So still no comment on Wagner?


    “So still no comment on Wagner?”

    Prigozhin is likely exaggerating. His troops are very well armed and supplied. More likely he personally has received a slap on the snout for too much showboating.


    TS – BTW, the figure he states is 250k.

    Can you recall his source for this figure or the methodology he used to calculate it if it is derived from his own studies?

    What is his figure for the Russian dead and wounded?

    Albeit, September 2022 statistics

    Ukrainian forces amounted to between 201,000 and 202,000 at the beginning of the war, and since then they have suffered losses of around 100,000, with 61,207 killed and 49,368 others wounded.

    Russian dead at 5,937

    90% of the Russian troops who have been wounded during the fighting, return to active duty after treatment.

    I can’t see Ukrainian deaths being 10 times higher than Russian fatalities back in September.

    BBC/Mediazona corroborated and verifiable figures for up to February 12th, is 14,093 Russia dead (very likely an underestimate)

    As for Shoigi’s 90% return to duty of the Russian wounded, I think we can take that with a grain of salt even if TASS says it 97% with the mortality rate among wounded fighters taken to military medical institutions is “less than half a percent”.


    “Can you recall his source for this figure or the methodology he used to calculate it if it is derived from his own studies?”

    I don’t watch every one of his videos. He really gets in to the weeds of mathmatics and theory in many of his presentations. Much if it over my head. I simply trust he knows what he’s talking about given his expertise, connections and sound analysis.

    “What is his figure for the Russian dead and wounded?”

    Very low. He talks of a 15:1 casualty ratio at this stage in the war.


    Truescotsman: So let’s compromise. Next time I watch one of his videos and he mentions Ukrainian deaths I’ll provide a link. BTW, the figure he states is 250k.

    Challenge accepted. There is no harm in the none expert trusting authoritative sources, but sources need to be able to demonstrate their authority.


    Putin doesn’t half talk crap as well when he departs from the real reasons behind the war, as when he depicts it as a conflict between Traditional Religion Russia v. The Decadent West:

    “They distort historical facts and constantly attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religions of our country,” Putin said of Western nations supporting Ukraine.
    “As it became known, the Anglican Church plans to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God … Millions of people in the West understand they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe.
    “Look at what they do to their own people: the destruction of families, of cultural and national identities and the perversion that is child abuse all the way up to paedophilia, are advertised as the norm … and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages.“

    Bijou Drains

    BD “So still no comment on Wagner?”

    TW “Prigozhin is likely exaggerating. His troops are very well armed and supplied. More likely he personally has received a slap on the snout for too much showboating.”

    I was thinking more about the Wagner Group’s leader professing his Neo Nazi views (as shown by him repeating them on the youtube video I linked to you).


    “I was thinking more about the Wagner Group’s leader professing his Neo Nazi views (as shown by him repeating them on the youtube video I linked to you).”

    I don’t see how that is possible given that Prigozhin is their leader.

    Bijou Drains

    I don’t see how that is possible given that Prigozhin is their leader. Prigozhin, whose trade mark is honesty (9 years in prison for robbery, “fraud and involving teenagers in crime”

    His Co- Leader and one of the founders of the Wagner Group is Alexey Milchakov,

    Milchakov openly states he is a Nazi, talks enthusiastically abou Lev Gumilev’s ethnogenetic theories.

    I linked you to a direct interview (in Russian) on 6th Feb, post number 240042, confirming this.

    On the up side, looking back through posts to find this reference I found this gem from Mystic Meg (aka Tinky Winky)

    TW stated on 15 Feb (post number 240410)
    “Bhakmut is mere days if not hours away from falling.”

    Looks like his racing tips are about as dodgy as Scott Ritter

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