Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #240661
    Bijou Drains

    According to TW – The Ukrainian Forces are on their last legs, and that they have had 200,000 deaths and very few survivable casualties, but on the other hand they’ve a troop strength of over 1,000,000 troops. (So presumably that makes 800,000 troops available)

    On the one hand the Ukrainians overinflated their troop numbers and are unreliable but on the other their troop numbers are greater than the ones that the Ukrainian’s have announced.

    On the one hand sources such as the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Moon of Alabama are the source of reliable data, yet his estimates of Ukrainian deaths are much greater than the ones provided by his never revealed “sources” which are reliable and correct.

    It looks like TW doesn’t know whether he’s batting or whether he’s fielding

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    Revealing interview in today’s Times with Beata Javorcik, the chief economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. She said that:

    “Ukraine was ‘not a model of governance prior to the war’ and would need to carry out deep-rooted reforms to weed out corruption and create independent democratic institutions”.

    So all that propaganda we were told about the need to support Ukraine as part of the democratic world from attack by an authoritarian regime was just a lie. She is admitting that even today Ukraine isn’t that, but the US and the EU are still pouring in weapons to help this corrupt and undemocratic regime, weapons which will be used to bomb the civilian population of the Donbass and Crimea. They don’t care because what they want to is to anchor Ukraine into their sphere of influence as opposed to Russia’s.


    Yes, no one seems to be discussing the terms on which aid is being sent: if Ukraine is being turned into a debt satrapy of UK, US et al, what is the difference to it being conquered by Russia?

    This article:
    What are the conditions for EU‘s €18 billion for Ukraine? shows that a lot of ‘structural reform’ is demanded. (Interestingly, apparently these long term loans are practically interest free).

    Yes, there is the prospect of seized Russian assets being given to Ukraine, and reparations if they win against Russia, but it does seem that the Ukrainian state is now entirely paid for by foreign powers…


    “According to TW – The Ukrainian Forces are on their last legs, and that they have had 200,000 deaths and very few survivable casualties” but on the other hand they’ve a troop strength of over 1,000,000 troops. (So presumably that makes 800,000 troops available).

    Erm, both can be true at the same time. I fail to see a contradiction. Though I never said very few survivable casualties just much higher than would ordinarily be expected. Ukraine has a lot of men in uniform and is sustaining heavy casualties.
    Clearly you’re not called Bojo’s half a brain for nothing.

    “On the one hand the Ukrainians overinflated their troop numbers”

    I’ve never made this claim. That was your claim. Clearly you’re not Bojo’s half brain for nothing!

    “and are unreliable but on the other their troop numbers are greater than the ones that the Ukrainian’s have announced.”

    Lol, I quoted directly from the Ukrainian side. Go back and look sunshine. You lost another half of you brain Bojo? There musn’t be much left. Serious question. You have a learning disability?

    “On the one hand sources such as the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Moon of Alabama are the source of reliable data, yet his estimates of Ukrainian deaths are much greater than the ones provided by his never revealed “sources” which are reliable and correct.”

    I don’t even understand that attempt at a sentence. You’ve never asked for my source on casualties. It’s Andrei Martyanov.

    “It looks like TW doesn’t know whether he’s batting or whether he’s fielding”

    Bojo, go play with the other children, preferably on the road. The adults are talking.


    Sanctions against Russia ineffective

    Traders have found ways to get money into and out of Russia, through barter, routing transactions through countries which are not taking part in sanctions or even using cryptocurrencies.

    The economy contracted by 2.1%, according to the country’s statistics agency, but this was less than its previous prediction of a 12% fall.

    Rising global prices for oil, gas, petroleum products and other Russian exports, including food and fertilizers, helped to boost Russia’s export revenues.

    While hundreds of Western companies withdrew from Russia, local entrepreneurs picked up the slack.

    Agriculture, construction and hospitality all grew.

    Producing equipment for Russia’s armed forces has also kept the country’s factories busy, boosting the economy by making weapons instead of cars. Military security and public administration expanded by 4.1% last year.

    Bijou Drains

    TW – “You’ve never asked for my source on casualties. It’s Andrei Martyanov”

    So your figures are based on the work of a Russian living in the US. So, just like you, his figures (if they concur with you, and I can’t see anywhere on line actually stating a figure of deaths of Ukrainian troops on any line article, although I am happy to be directed to them) are effectively based on conjecture, rather than direct evidence.

    Having read your comments over some time I have noticed that the more you find it a struggle to support your arguments effectively, the more you resort to insult. I am inferring (note the correct use of the word) from your recent post that you must be really struggling to justify your patently ridiculous exaggeration of the Ukrainian death toll.

    Your frankly gruesome and blood thirsty glorification of the deaths of fellow workers on both sides of this grubby capitalist dispute does you no favours

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Bijou Drains.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    “So your figures are based on the work of a Russian living in the US. So, just like you, his figures (if they concur with you, and I can’t see anywhere on line actually stating a figure of deaths of Ukrainian troops on any line article, although I am happy to be directed to them) are effectively based on conjecture, rather than direct evidence.”

    Martyanov spent most of his adult life in both the Soviet and RF military. He has written numbers of books on military theory and has forgotten more about war than the two of us could know in three lifetimes. You don’t think he has any reliable military sources back in his home country? So no, he is not merely basing his numbers on conjecture.

    “Having read your comments over some time I have noticed that the more you find it a struggle to support your arguments effectively, the more you resort to insult.”

    What, need to go lie down on the fainting couch for some pearl clutching do you? Feeling a bit fragile? Lol. I insult people who insult me first. You wanna change tone? Call each other by our thread names and be civil? Well, I’ve already tried that a number of times and then immediately get insulted again. So lead by example Bojo.

    “I am inferring (note the correct use of the word) from your recent post that you must be really struggling to justify your patently ridiculous exaggeration of the Ukrainian death toll.”

    Not struggling at all. A high death count is what happens when you start running out of shells in a toe to toe artillery war with the world’s largest and most sophisticated ground army. The fact you’re surprised that horrendous casualties are the inevitable result confirms there ain’t much rattling aroun upstairs.

    “Your frankly gruesome and blood thirsty glorification of the deaths of fellow workers on both sides of this grubby capitalist dispute does you no favours”

    Fighting Nazis is glorious work. Nazi “workers” are still Nazis. The lowest form of life. They’d happily put a bullet in the back of your head what with you being a professed “socialist”. Obviously, you’re not a socialist but you’re too dumb to figure that out and so are Nazis so bullet it would be. Lol


    BD – “I can’t see anywhere on line actually stating a figure of deaths of Ukrainian troops on any line article, although I am happy to be directed to them)”

    TS, can you offer BD the appropriate link


    “TS, can you offer BD the appropriate link”

    Martyanov regularly gives figures during his YouTube updates. I’m not going to re-watch a bunch if his videos to find the figure for you lot just to say what a load of crap it is. He can watch the videos himself and hear the figures from the horse’s mouth or just take my word for it.


    I’m not going to re-watch a bunch if his videos to find the figure for you lot just to say what a load of crap it is.
    That’s not how this works: you can provide timestamped links to Youtube, if you were confident in your sources. Remember, last time I chased a source of yours from a video, he was quoting a Telegraph article, which is not an entirely reliable resource. At present, I’m afraid I’d rate your word as low credibility on any subject matter, based on that alone.

    Bijou Drains

    “I’m not going to re-watch a bunch if his videos to find the figure for you lot just to say what a load of crap it is”

    So basically your “source” is a video that you claim exists, which you claim you think you have heard at some point.

    However, you claim you can’t remember exactly where it is and you can’t be bothered to find it.

    So basically the equivalent of “I think I heard some bloke say it in a pub”

    Bijou Drains

    TW – “Fighting Nazis is glorious work”

    So you’ll be thrilled by the number of deaths amongst the Wagner Group troops?


    Speaking of statistics: UN verified civilian deaths : 8,006 civilians dead, 13K injured. Mark that down, not Nazis, bystanders (OK, that is similar to the pacification of Mosul alone, but then, this is just the verified figure).


    BD, Prigozhin said that the country’s defence minister and chief of general staff were depriving his fighters of munitions. He accused them of trying to destroy Wagner so somebody is thrilled.


    “Fighting Nazis is glorious work. Nazi “workers” are still Nazis. The lowest form of life. They’d happily put a bullet in the back of your head what with you being a professed “socialist”. Obviously, you’re not a socialist but you’re too dumb to figure that out and so are Nazis so bullet it would be. Lol”

    This is the kind of sentiment you would expect a Nazi to say. The only difference between our virulently anti-socialist troll for Russian imperialism and a Nazi lies in the label. He would happily put a bullet in the back of some Ukrainian worker at the behest of his beloved capitalist warlord, Putin, except for the fact that he evidently hasn’t got the balls to volunteer and enlist for the side fighting for Russian capitalism against the equally odious cause of Ukrainian capitalism. He is all mouth, our TS, and no trousers.

    This crass idealist thinks this war is being fought over ideals – Nazism versus anti-Nazism – but has yet to tell us what proportion of the Ukrainian population are Nazis in his opinion to justify his stance and, also, why it is that there are self-declared Nazis fighting on the side of Russian capitalism. Perhaps the thought of children and old folk buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed by Russian missiles must strike him as a “glorious” spectacle to behold. Personally, I think the views TS expresses are sick and disgusting. They betray a sociopathic anti-working-class view of the world.

    Yes, I know the Ukrainian side has done equally horrendous things – like the bombing of Donbas since 2014 with the loss of thousands of civilian lives – and I am no less critical of them. But two wrongs don’t make a right. At the root of all this is minds diseased by toxic nationalism and its Big Lie – that workers have a country to defend. The hell they do.

    War and warmongering turns all who advocate for it into de facto NAZIS – or Nazis in all but name – in their callous disregard for human life

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