Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #239454

    “The difficulty Bojo’s half-baked Brains has is understanding nuance. He is such a pure-driven snowflake that any departure from his infantile utopian vision of socialism equals fascism.”


    Why am I not surprised at TS´s latest feeble attempt to ridicule socialism and thereby confirm his proud allegiance to capitalism? It is equally amusing that he thinks socialists think anyone who is not a socialist is a fascist. That’s complete baloney of course – there are plenty of non-fascist opponents of socialism – but it is not us but TS who is indiscriminately applying the term fascism to include, for example, the entire population of Ukraine. I guess he imagines that the kids whose maimed bodies lie under the rubble of buildings collapsed by Russian missiles are hardened stalwarts of the Hitlerite Youth Brigade who deserved to be “turned into fertiliser”. This guy is some seriously fucked up human being

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by robbo203.
    L.B. Neill

    Could it be that a fascist thinker could conflate anti-fascism with fascism!
    Its like they redouble the features of fascism onto anti-fascist opponents and thus displace their own discourse of totalitarian constructs and create a false flag, or an ‘enemy’ to reposition their own fascism.
    Fascists and their ilk always need a scapegoat- and project their own base desires onto the ‘other’.
    Your above post is colourful language, yet it calls this out regarding the said poster.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    “Could it be that a fascist thinker could conflate anti-fascism with fascism!”

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaahhaahahhahahhaahhhhhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahah! Priceless.


    “Could it be that a fascist thinker could conflate anti-fascism with fascism!”


    LB, it´s difficult to know in the case of our resident Putin bootlicker. He claims to be an antifascist but some of the sentiments he expresses have a fascist ring to them. In theory, I guess it is possible for an avowed “anti-fascist” to be a fascist in practice in everything but name…


    I didn’t know the JWs were banned in Russia. They seem a pretty harmless group of religious nutters. Nutters yes but hardly “extremists”. Had an amusing argument with them when they called round a few weeks ago. Easily won the argument.

    Authoritarian states don’t like them because they refuse military service (as they did in the days of the old USSR and even in Nazi Germany) and I suppose the Putin government as defender of the Orthodox Christian faith doesn’t like them because they attack Orthodox Christianity. It is probably true that they themselves don’t care whether where they live is part of Russia or Ukraine since they are not interested in states and politics.

    L.B. Neill

    “LB, it´s difficult to know in the case of our resident Putin bootlicker. He claims to be an antifascist but some of the sentiments he expresses have a fascist ring to them. In theory, I guess it is possible for an avowed “anti-fascist” to be a fascist in practice in everything but name…”

    I think all the features of it: without the brand fascism on the product description! If it waddles like one it may very well be one.

    I think TS gave me his best Dr Evil impression: hahaha… + ha!

    Robbo, I think we might be on to something- lets hope he does not ask for one million dollars or we get the laser!


    “…self-professed “anti-imperialists”, claimed Russia was “provoked” and portrayed Ukraine’s resistance as a “Western imperial” plot…Discussions of Russian imperialism have long been overlooked while American, British and French imperialisms have been studied closely and thoroughly…”

    Bijou Drains

    True Narcisist’s replies –

    “He has claimed to be a proponent of anti imperialism whilst clearly having no idea of the basic teachings of Lenin’s concept of imperialism.”

    Expansion of capital, yada, yada.

    “He has claimed to be a Marxist,”

    Erm, never have.

    “but demonstrates no understanding of the ideas of class struggle”

    Don’t need to be a Marxist for that though I’m sure it helps.

    “the Labour Theory of Value”

    Value created through human effort, yada, yada.

    “or the idea of historical materialism.”

    Class based societies, yada, yada.”

    Thanks for confirming what we already know, that you are an ill informed poseur, a sheep in wolf’s clothing.


    Yes, it’s all coming out now in the pro-NATO media what anyone informed about the Ukraine regime already knew from the start — that widespread institutionalised corruption was an integral part of it. Despite this we were told sob stories about “poor little democratic Ukraine” needing to be helped and that we should be prepared to make sacrifices, eg higher energy bills, to do this.

    Something is only being done now about it because the US, which is financing the Ukraine government, has become worried about where its money has been going. If they hadn’t brought pressure Zelensky (and the tame pro-NATO media) would have continued to let it pass’


    Armenia, another looming crisis for Russia?

    “…even if Ukraine joined NATO, the Russian-NATO power balance would not change drastically. Realistically, Europe and America aren’t about to launch a major, unprovoked attack on a nuclear/WMD-armed Russia. The Turkey-Caucasus-Caspian-Central Asia belt, however, has long posed an existential challenge for its northern neighbor…”


    “Realistically, Europe and America aren’t about to launch a major, unprovoked attack on a nuclear/WMD-armed Russia.”

    No, they launched their major unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Overthrowing its government with Nazi goons and having them launch an unprovoked attack on Russian speaking Ukrainians. In addition the Nazis were promised NATO membership which would have meant nukes on Ukrainian territory. Knowing this was unacceptable to Russia Washington did it anyway because they wanted war, sanctions and then regime change. Best laid plans…


    More details of corruption in the Ukraine regime:

    And we are having to pay higher energy bills to prop up this corrupt regime.

    Bijou Drains

    TN – States “launch an unprovoked attack on Russian speaking Ukrainians.”

    However according to TN (24-01-23 @ 12.45pm), ethnic cleansing of Crimean Tatars was “Necessary given the existential crisis unfolding at the time and the groups’ collaboration with the enemy.”

    Exactly the same justification the Ukrainian government is using to explain their actions regarding ethnic Russians.

    Presumably, TN thinks that the undemocratic overthrow of the Russian Constituent assembly in 1917-18 by the Bolshevik coup d’etat was justified, whilst the undemocratic Maidan revolution was not.

    Yet more evidence of TN’s inconsistency and anti working class sentiment


    “However according to TN (24-01-23 @ 12.45pm), ethnic cleansing of Crimean Tatars was “Necessary given the existential crisis unfolding at the time and the groups’ collaboration with the enemy.”

    Exactly the same justification the Ukrainian government is using to explain their actions regarding ethnic Russians.”

    Russia was not an enemy of Ukraine. Your analogy is as asinine as you are.

    “Presumably, TN thinks that the undemocratic overthrow of the Russian Constituent assembly in 1917-18 by the Bolshevik coup d’etat was justified
    , whilst the undemocratic Maidan revolution was not.”

    The Bolsheviks prevented Kornilov’s reactionary takeover of the country and put an end to Russia’s participation in WW1. The Maidan Nazis instituted a reign of terror and started 2 wars.

    “Yet more evidence of TN’s inconsistency and anti working class sentiment”

    No. Merely evidence of your ignorance of history.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    Bijou Drains

    TN – You have surpassed even your high standard of stupid comments, well done!!

    The attempted coup d’etate arranged by Kornilov took place in August/September 1917 (new style/old style). The October revolution took place in (you’ve guessed it!) October (or November old style).

    The supression of the consituent assembly took place in January 1918 and involved the supression of democratic parties, the vast majority of which opposed the continuation of the war. The armistice ending Russian involvement in the war took place on the 15th December BEFORE the overthrow of the Consituent Assembly.

    Kornolov’s later involvement in the civil war had the stated aims of ending the Bolshevik regime, not to “end participation in WW1” Russian participation in WW1 had already ended.

    With regards to your comments about the crack down on Russian speakers in the Ukraine, you will note I used the term “justification”, I didn’t say that the crackdown was real, it was just as imaginary as Stalin’s purge of Crimean Tatars. Over 2/3 of the Tatar men of military age were actually active in the Red Army at the time of the transportations,

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