Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #239328

    “TS likes to use the term Zionazis”


    There are Nazis in Ukraine in the sense of self identifying supporters of Nazi ideology. But I still want to know from people like TS here what proportion of the population or even the military, count as Nazis. And what about Russia? You could just as easily argue it too has its Nazi supporters. They are Nazis in all but name. The Wagner group springs to mind. Some of Medvedev´s recent comments sound pretty Nazi like to me.

    I come across the expression so often from supporters of the Russian capitalist regime that Russia is waging a holy war against the “Ukranazi state”. At the very least it is diversionary BS given that there is precious little to differentiate the corrupt repressive Putin regime from the corrupt repressive Zelensky regime. Why then would the former seek to invade the latter if it seriously took exception to the character and ideological outlook of the latter

    Name-calling is all too often substitute for, and an excuse not to engage in, serious analysis. The pretext for war is very rarely the same thing as the reason for war. Zelensky is no different from Putin in his crazed desire to take territory for his beloved Ukraine as his recent rantings at the Davos summit reveal. To hell with the lot of them. They make me sick.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by robbo203.
    Bijou Drains

    True Narcissist- “More than any flake on this website that’s for sure.”

    TN demonstrates again his ability to marshal facts, provide high quality supportive arguments and never just relies on truth by assertion (irony alert for TN as I know he struggles with that concept)

    As demonstrated frequently on this forum, TN is a truly stupid person. The trouble with truly stupid people is they are generally too stupid to realise just how stupid they are and how stupid they make themselves look.


    It appears that Russian-speakers are not the only linguistic minority being discriminated against by the Ukraine regime. Hungarian-speakers seem to be getting it too:

    Govt official: Anti-Hungarian decisions, actions in W Ukraine unacceptable


    Although he’s a prize bastard the leader of the Wagner gang of mercenaries has made a telling response to the US government’s plan to list them as a criminal gang:

    “Entrepreneur and founder of the Wagner private military company Yevgeny Prigozhin ironically commented on the US statement that the country is going to impose sanctions against his PMC due to its qualification as a “serious transnational criminal organization.” This is reported by his press service in Telegram.


    According to Prigozhin, the relationship between his PMC and the American side can now be called “showdown of criminal clans.”

    Yes, (like all armies) the US army is a gang of mercenaries.


    “Yes, (like all armies) the US army is a gang of mercenaries.”

    BS. Without an army one is defenceless. No point even discussing revolution unless one is prepared to defend it from counter-revolutionary violence. Violence which is guaranteed.

    Anyway, I’ve heard those on this thread describe soldiers as “workers”. Are mercenaries “workers”? If not what? Criminals? I thought criminals weren’t workers. Don’t criminals avoid work by preying on workers? So which is it? Are soldiers workers or non worker mercenaries/criminals?


    Watching/reading MSM about Ukraine actually makes you stupid. Ukraine is losing this conflict and badly.


    “BS. Without an army one is defenceless. No point even discussing revolution unless one is prepared to defend it from counter-revolutionary violence. Violence which is guaranteed.”

    Revolution is one thing, supporting the capitalist aims of a capitalist regime like Putin´s or Zelensky’s is quite another. While there is no guarantee that a democratic socialist revolution undertaken by an anti-nationalist and united world working class will not encounter some violent resistance (even if, most likely, minimal), the much-preferred stance of socialists is for a completely peaceful and democratic social transformation or revolution. There are many precedents of “people´s power” overthrowing a regime with minimal or no bloodshed.

    And, yes, mercenaries and soldiers are workers. So what? By acting as soldiers and mercenaries on behalf of a capitalist warlord like Putin or Zelensky, they are acting against their class interests. Socialists are quite right to criticise them for doing this. The more Russian and Ukrainian soldiers abandon the field of military conflict the better frankly


    !Watching/reading MSM about Ukraine actually makes you stupid. Ukraine is losing this conflict and badly.″


    Doesn’t this just make you sick – these self-appointed and oh-so-smug armchair war strategists pompously predicting the outcome of the war from the comfort zone of their bedroom/basement/garage? It reminds one of some maladjusted teenager addicted to computer war games. Will the evil emperor Zol and his hordes of orcs prevail over the sexy swordfighter, Lana, who has the ability to do cartwheels in the air before slicing some ugly orc in half? Such people seriously need to get a life.

    This is all a complete distraction from what is the real issue. This war, irrespective of which capitalist warlord is going to “win” it, is a fucking disaster for the working class across the world. It has got us where the capitalists want us – picking sides and seeing other workers as the enemy


    “picking sides and seeing other workers as the enemy”

    Fascism is the enemy. The brains demented by it sometimes need putting down.


    “Fascism is the enemy. The brains demented by it sometimes need putting down.”

    That is precisely the kind of statement you might expect a fascist to say


    “That is precisely the kind of statement you might expect a fascist to say”

    Lol. Because being anti-fascist is actually fascist. Just like being vegetarian is actually carnivorous. Erm, WTF?!

    Bijou Drains

    The difficulty True Narcissist has is that he views opposing the Authoritarian regime in Ukraine makes him an anti fascist, despite the fact that the regime he supports, Putin’s Russia has very similar characteristics to the ones he stylises as fascist.

    In a similar way he claims that he opposes the vile policies and practices of the Hitlerian regime, whilst he supports and idolises the policies and practice of Stalin’s regime.

    So to TN the ethnic cleansing and oppressive policies against Russians in the Ukraine are Nazi abominations which should result in soldiers of that army being “turned into fertiliser”, yet for example the expulsion of the Volga Germans, the expulsion of the Crimean Tatars, etc. is to be lauded as the act of solidarity to the Socialist State.

    TN appears to have learned a few “revolutionary phrases” and repeats them ad nauseam, without any real understanding of the ideas and concepts he claims to follow.

    He has claimed to be a proponent of anti imperialism whilst clearly having no idea of the basic teachings of Lenin’s concept of imperialism. He has claimed to be a Marxist, but demonstrates no understanding of the ideas of class struggle, the Labour Theory of Value or the idea of historical materialism. He doesn’t seem to know if it’s Pancake Tuesday or Sheffield Wednesday.

    I’m sure there is a community in some village somewhere who are desperately carrying out search parties because their village idiot has gone AWOL. Put their minds at rest, TN, give them a call and let them know you’re safe and sound. There’s a good lad.


    “The difficulty True Narcissist has is that he views opposing the Authoritarian regime in Ukraine makes him an anti fascist, despite the fact that the regime he supports, Putin’s Russia has very similar characteristics to the ones he stylises as fascist.”

    The difficulty Bojo’s half-baked Brains has is understanding nuance. He is such a pure-driven snowflake that any departure from his infantile utopian vision of socialism equals fascism. It’s tiresome but I shall repeat my position re Russia; just because I support some of the Kremlin’s policies does not mean I support all of them. I support Russia’s challenge to US global hegemony and its attempts to create a new world order free of Anglo/European imperialist meddling. As should you.

    “In a similar way he claims that he opposes the vile policies and practices of the Hitlerian regime,”

    I do.

    “whilst he supports and idolises the policies and practice of Stalin’s regime.”

    I idolise nothing for nothing is perfect.

    “So to TN the ethnic cleansing and oppressive policies against Russians in the Ukraine are Nazi abominations which should result in soldiers of that army being “turned into fertiliser”,”

    I do.

    “yet for example the expulsion of the Volga Germans, the expulsion of the Crimean Tatars, etc. is to be lauded as the act of solidarity to the Socialist State.”

    Necessary given the existential crisis unfolding at the time and the groups’ collaboration with the enemy.

    “TN appears to have learned a few “revolutionary phrases” and repeats them ad nauseam, without any real understanding of the ideas and concepts he claims to follow.”

    Straight back atcha champ.

    “He has claimed to be a proponent of anti imperialism whilst clearly having no idea of the basic teachings of Lenin’s concept of imperialism.”

    Expansion of capital, yada, yada.

    “He has claimed to be a Marxist,”

    Erm, never have.

    “but demonstrates no understanding of the ideas of class struggle”

    Don’t need to be a Marxist for that though I’m sure it helps.

    “the Labour Theory of Value”

    Value created through human effort, yada, yada.

    “or the idea of historical materialism.”

    Class based societies, yada, yada.

    “He doesn’t seem to know if it’s Pancake Tuesday or Sheffield Wednesday.”

    Ad hominem.

    “I’m sure there is a community in some village somewhere who are desperately carrying out search parties because their village idiot has gone AWOL. Put their minds at rest, TN, give them a call and let them know you’re safe and sound. There’s a good lad.”

    Ad hominem. Don’t give up your day job. Humor ain’t your shtick.


    At war but the corruption continues.

    Ukraine’s deputy infrastructure minister, Vasyl Lozinskyi, has been detained and dismissed from his post for allegedly stealing $400,000 (£320,000) intended for purchasing aid, including generators. Lozinskyi colluded with contractors to inflate the price of generators and siphoned off part of the difference, according to Ukraine’s anti-corruption bodies. Other national and regional officials are also said to have been involved.


    “That is precisely the kind of statement you might expect a fascist to say”

    Lol. Because being anti-fascist is actually fascist. Just like being vegetarian is actually carnivorous. Erm, WTF?!


    Logic evidently is not your forte. If I said all black swans are birds does that mean that all birds are black swans? It is possible to be a non-fascist while uttering fascist-like sentiments

    As a bootlicker of the capitalist warlord Putin, it is not entirely clear whether or not your worldview is a fascist one in all but name. It is not unknown for self-declared fascists to support the Russian side of the conflict just it is not unknown for there to be self-declared fascists supporting the Ukrainian side (like some in the infamous Azov battalion) – though I suspect in both cases we are talking about a relatively small minority. I note that you have studiously evaded answering the question concerning what proportion of the Ukrainian population you consider to be fascists. Many Ukrainians apparently regard Russia to be a modern reincarnation of Nazi Germany but I suspect that is no more credible than your claim that Ukraine is a Nazi state.

    What is credible is that both regimes are corrupt far-right repressive capitalist oligarchies and while you have opted to support one of these as a gullible dupe of Russian capitalist propaganda, you could just as easily be supporting the other. I have encountered your type supporting the Ukrainian side coming out with the same hysterical nationalist BS as you do

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