Russian Tensions

December 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


  • This topic has 5,319 replies, 40 voices, and was last updated 11 hours ago by ALB.
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  • #238760
    Bijou Drains

    Hey TN – Russia is offering their troops new incentives, free sperm bank storage, allowing them to have children if they are killed or maimed during the “Special Military Operation (now described as a war by Mr V Putin esq).

    We’re all aware of your blood curdling support for all things Putin knows no bounds (apart from actually joining in with the bloodletting by actually offering your military services to mother Russia).

    Perhaps this offer might be the one that makes you finally shows us skeptics that you aren’t the hypocritical BS merchant we all judge you as, although I can understand the offer of sperm donation is not for you, perhaps your hands are a bit full at the moment?


    “Meanwhile to relish in the thought of fellow workers being reduced to “fertilizer” is frankly sick. This is the language of those who wished for the “final solution” in Nazi Germany. Disgusting.”

    Right, cos killing Nazi stormtroopers is actually the moral equivalent of killing Jewish civilians. Lol


    “Hey TN – Russia is offering their troops new incentives, free sperm bank storage, allowing them to have children if they are killed or maimed during the “Special Military Operation (now described as a war by Mr V Putin esq).”

    Described as a war now, is it? I missed the memo. You have a copy?

    “We’re all aware of your blood curdling support for all things Putin”

    I don’t even know what that means. All I care about is the truth supported by evidence.

    “knows no bounds (apart from actually joining in with the bloodletting by actually offering your military services to mother Russia).”

    I also support space research but have no plans to be an astronaut.

    “Perhaps this offer might be the one that makes you finally shows us skeptics that you aren’t the hypocritical BS merchant we all judge you as”

    Run along and play child, the adults are talking. The juveniles have their own special table where you’ll be quite welcome.

    “although I can understand the offer of sperm donation is not for you, perhaps your hands are a bit full at the moment?”

    Your sexual peccadillos are of no concern to me. Perhaps keep them private, eh?


    Further inducements
    Russia soldiers and state employees deployed in Ukraine will be exempt from income tax. Soldiers, police, members of the security services and other state employees serving in the four regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. no longer have to supply information on “their income, their expenditure, their assets.” It also applies to the partners and children of those serving, and is back-dated to February 24, 2022.

    The decree also grants them the right to receive “rewards and gifts” if they are of “a humanitarian character” and received as part of the military operation in Ukraine.


    A summary of the war from Feb-July by the military think-tank Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies.

    It is well worth a read.

    “The Kremlin’s confidence that it could invade Ukraine without significant international interference was an important reason for undertaking the full-scale invasion.”

    “Russia’s military build-up against Ukraine began in March 2021 when large numbers of conventional troops were added to existing forces along Ukraine’s borders. This build-up performed three functions.
    First, it put pressure on Western governments to re-engage in the Minsk II negotiations to encourage Kyiv to make concessions and thereby avert a conflict.
    Second, it pre-positioned military equipment around Ukraine that would allow for a more rapid build-up of forces when the time came for the invasion.
    Third, it provided an opportunity for Moscow to assess the reaction of Ukraine’s international partners.”


    “This build-up performed three functions.”

    Failed to mention it was mirroring the Ukrainian military build-up on the Donbass borders. The Russian build-up was a reaction to the Ukrainian build-up and meant as a deterrent to further Ukrainian aggression.


    “Right, cos killing Nazi stormtroopers is actually the moral equivalent of killing Jewish civilians. Lol”

    Mr Putin Bootlicker

    What proportion of the Ukraine forces would you reckon consider themselves to be facto Nazi stormtroopers. What proportion of the Russian forces consider themselves to be facto Nazi stormtroopers? 3%? 5%? 10%? Have you done a social survey (and can you provide us with the evidence?) or is this just complete guesswork on your part? Whatever the case, it doesn’t excuse your disgusting nazi-like reference to workers being turned into “fertilizer” (along with thousands of civilians including children) even if they have been conned into supporting one or the other capitalist warlord in this sordid capitalist conflict.

    You may consider Russia holding on to Crimea, Donbas, and its other imperialist acquisitions to be a “victory”. But it would be a victory for Russian capitalism, not the Russian working class who will pay for this stupid senseless war with their blood


    More Russia Ukraine, Same Refrain:

    “The coercive regulation envisaged by the bill and in the hands of a regulator totally controlled by the government is worthy of the worst authoritarian regimes.”

    Bijou Drains

    BD “Hey TN – Russia is offering their troops new incentives, free sperm bank storage, allowing them to have children if they are killed or maimed during the “Special Military Operation (now described as a war by Mr V Putin esq).”

    TN “Described as a war now, is it? I missed the memo. You have a copy?”

    Putin – ““Our goal is not to spin the flywheel of military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war,” comment was made by your hero after attending a State Council meeting on youth policy on 22nd December.

    Of course you have stated that it not a war, I can only presume that as Putin is now referring to it as a war, things have not gone as planned by the Russian Capitalist state in struggle with the Ukrainian Capitalist state.


    The Propaganda War

    Hacked Russian Files Reveal Propaganda Agreement With China

    “…Since the war broke out in February, experts have been struck by a convergence in Russian and Chinese media narratives. While some of the convergence was likely happenstance, occurring when storylines aided both governments’ goals, documents found in a trove of hacked emails from Russia state broadcaster VGTRK show that China and Russia have pledged to join forces in media content…”

    Danish Reporter Says Ukrainian Intelligence Tried to Coerce Her Into Working as a Propagandist

    “Matilde Kimer, who has reported for Danish television from the front lines of the conflict since the Russian aggression began in 2014, revealed last week that Ukraine’s intelligence service had canceled her work permit and would only return it if she agreed to let the spy agency direct her reporting.”


    “Matilde Kimer, who has reported for Danish television from the front lines of the conflict since the NATO/Kiev aggression began in 2014, revealed last week…”

    There, fixed it for you.

    L.B. Neill

    “Matilde Kimer, who has reported for Danish television from the front lines of the conflict since the NATO/Kiev aggression began in 2014, revealed last week…”

    There, fixed it for you.

    Sometimes I wish there was a policy of ethical disclosure about who sponsors a posters post.
    Declare your philosophy and its backers.

    TrueScotsman… I am not sure what to say:many of your posts are so pro- Russification it almost harks back to imperialism under the Czars.

    What next: a claim over New York, London or other districts as there is a Russian population speaking in Russian! Linguistic orientated colonial expansion!

    I know that might seem laud… but annexing a region with linguistic defenses for doing so seems Machiavellian, and that of old Nick, the last Czar.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    “Sometimes I wish there was a policy of ethical disclosure about who sponsors a posters post.
    Declare your philosophy and its backers.”

    No one sponsors my posts. My thoughts are mine and mine alone. I’d say that philosophically I’m communist adjacent.

    “TrueScotsman… I am not sure what to say:many of your posts are so pro- Russification”

    I don’t even know what that means. Do elucidate.

    “it almost harks back to imperialism under the Czars.”

    The simple minded fail to distinguish between support for a particular policy and support in general.

    “What next: a claim over New York, London or other districts as there is a Russian population speaking in Russian!”

    Lol. Most of present Ukraine was once Russia. Your musings are God level stupid.

    “Linguistic orientated colonial expansion!”

    No, the putting to sleep of a rabid dog.

    “I know that might seem laud… but annexing a region with linguistic defenses for doing so seems Machiavellian, and that of old Nick, the last Czar.””

    Russia wanted Minsk 2. NATOstan and Kiev war. The latter got what they wanted. And soon, Ukraine will be nothing but a failed rump state. They could have had it all but chose Nazism over friendship.


    Russia says 63 dead in this missile attack, Ukraine says “hundreds of Russian soldiers died. We don’t know what the true figure is but what a waste of young lives for such a stupid inhumane deluded cause – fighting for the one or the other capitalist warlord and their respective oligarchic cronies

    No one is going to win this war except the arms manufacturers. The workers from whichever arbitrary spatial entity – “Russia” or “Ukraine” – will as per usual be the biggest losers

    L.B. Neill

    Hi TS,
    Thank you for your earnest feedback on the point I made.
    Regarding the term ‘Russification’, it pertains to Russian conquest and expansion. Generally used for the Czar era of imperialism in historical Russian studies. It can also be applied to later periods of Russian expansion, perhaps even the current temporal period.
    I had thought you might offer to challenge or seek to clarify my post, alas… only putdowns.
    I do thank you all the same. Interesting term ‘communist adjacent’- next to it and not of it?
    Some of my post to you was hyperbole (claims over ‘all’ Russian speaking communities): the use of exaggeration to show how an idea can be used- demonstrating an absurdity in annexing parts of the Ukraine with using that thinking to seize other nations territory … perhaps I could have used a more matter-of-fact point of view.
    Be safe

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.
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