Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

  • This topic has 5,218 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by ALB.
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  • #238635

    I won’t waste any more time or go off-topic again answering your ignorant ideas.

    That new year resolution didn’t last very long !

    Meanwhile, informative article here about the situation in Ukraine. Apparently it’s the same as in Russia and Belorussia:

    L.B. Neill

    New year is yet here: let the breach go 🙂

    L.B. Neill

    Interpolation. Althusser explains it as appealing (hailing) to common sense of a person/people it hails to.
    When did you first hear it?
    Well it made sense to me as I had it in mi head at the time!
    BBC you say?
    Well, well, maybe before then… all the lads said it was so.
    And before the lads?
    Dunno, made sense to me all the same!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    A curious item from The Independent on Dmitry Medvedev.

    “Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has predicted war between Germany and France next year and a civil war in the United States that would lead to Elon Musk becoming president.

    In his list of predictions for 2023, published on his personal Telegram and Twitter accounts, he also foresaw Britain rejoining the EU, which would in turn collapse.”


    In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says, “All warfare is based on deception.”

    Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence agency, dismissed Russia’s activities in Belarus, including the movement of thousands of troops, as attempts to make Ukraine divert troops from the battlefields in the south and east to the north.

    A train loaded with Russian soldiers stopped in a location close to the Belarus-Ukraine border and returned, several hours later, with everyone on board.
    “They did it openly during the day, so that everyone would see it, even if we didn’t want to,” adding that he saw no real, imminent threat from the troops in Belarus. “As of now, I don’t see any signs of preparations for an invasion of Kyiv or northern areas from Belarus.”

    “The situation is just stuck,” Kyrylo Budanov told the BBC. “It doesn’t move.”

    “We can’t defeat them in all directions comprehensively. Neither can they,” he said.


    ““We can’t defeat them in all directions comprehensively. Neither can they,” he said.”

    Wanna bet?


    TS – ““We can’t defeat them in all directions comprehensively. Neither can they,” he said.”
    Wanna bet?”

    If I remember some weeks ago your prediction was that Bakhmut was in the process of being encircled and was facing imminent defeat.

    The latest analysis by the Institute for the Study of War believe that Russia has reached a stalemate in Bakhmut, with “several indicators supporting the assessment that Russian forces around Bakhmut have culminated”. Russian forces may continue to conduct ineffective squad-sized assaults against Bakhmut, though these assaults would be very unlikely to make operationally significant gains.

    The situation may well be very different and return to the Russian’s favour when the Russians launch their long-anticipated Sring offensive using many of the newly trained mobilised reserves.

    My bet, however, is that will still not be the end of the war. Nevertheless, it may create the conditions for negotiations.


    Just as Ukraine has its Nazi supporters in this capitalist conflict so too has Russia. An interesting youtube video


    “The latest analysis by the Institute for the Study of War”

    Lol, the “Institute for the study of war” is a notorious neo-con think tank. It made up the lie that Iraq had WMDs. If you read any of its analysis you know less than when you started. Classic All-in with the deep state.


    Most military thinktanks are right-wing in ideology. It goes with the territory and that it is staffed by war-hawks and arm industry lobbyists shouldn’t surprise anybody. I hardly expected the analysis to come from pacifists.

    The point being made, though, was that your own prediction that Bakhmut was about to fall did not materialise despite constant Russian attacks with sophisticated weaponry such as thermobaric rockets and is now likely to happen. The failure is confirmed by British intelligence.

    But war is fluid. Maybe the situation might change in the future for some reason. However, your own optimism was proved wrong.


    “Most military thinktanks are right-wing in ideology.”

    Lol. It’s not a “military” think tank. It’s a neo-con think tank with a proven track record of telling outright lies.

    “The point being made, though, was that your own prediction that Bakhmut was about to fall did not materialise”

    You’re so impatient. Unlike you, the Russians are in no hurry. Their aim is to demilitarize Ukraine. To grind their troops to fertilizer. The Ukrainians are obliging by sending more and more reserves into the meatgrinder. The Russians have 6-10 times the artillery fire the Ukrainians do. The maths doesn’t lie. The Ukrainian troops there are toast. Meanwile, the Ukrainians are building trench works in the centre of Bakhmut. That’s not what you do when you’re winning.

    This battle will soon be over, the Russians victorious. You’ll declare it a Pyrrhic victory of no consequence and whatever other empire spin is given to explain away the Ukrainian defeat. This cycle will rinse and repeat til Ukraine surrenders.


    But it’s the Russians that are the bad guys…

    BlackRock Logo To Be Added To Ukrainian Flag


    “You’re so impatient. Unlike you, the Russians are in no hurry. Their aim is to demilitarize Ukraine. To grind their troops to fertilizer. The Ukrainians are obliging by sending more and more reserves into the meatgrinder.”


    Big deal. And so what if the repugnant capitalist regime of Putin manages to hang on to its imperialist gains in Crimea and the Donbas in its war against the equally repugnant capitalist regime of Zelensky? The victor will be Russian capitalism. The losers as always in any capitalist war will be the Russian (and Ukrainian) workers. I bet the thought of that must be working you up into a state of quivering orgiastic anticipation: Team Putin and his fellow capitalist cronies enlarging the surface area of Glorious Mother Russia.

    Meanwhile to relish in the thought of fellow workers being reduced to “fertilizer” is frankly sick. This is the language of those who wished for the “final solution” in Nazi Germany. Disgusting.

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