Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #238410

    “I’m not defending anybody. I’m defending the truth”


    The truth is that war brutalises anyone and everyone who engages in it. Both the Russian and Ukrainian regimes are committing crimes against humanity while blaming the other side for doing just that. They are as bad as each other. To hell with both of them!

    Whatever either side may say about it to justify the killing of workers on the other side, this is just a capitalist war being waged for the usual sordid capitalist reasons – resources, markets, sphere or influence, and so on. The nation-state itself is the capitalist political unit par excellance and the issue of sovereignty – whether or not, for example, the Donbas has the “right” to secede – presupposes a capitalist mindset and is a purely capitalist issue about which socialists have no interest whatsoever in taking sides

    The sooner Russian and Ukrainian workers abandon this senseless slaughter being carried out for the benefit of their respective masters, the better.


    Don’t know where that number comes from. Out of a hat? The actual number of recent volunteers for the Russian military exceeds 70,000.

    My quote was from the Russian Minister of Defence, or is he a Guardianista bro?


    “My quote was from the Russian Minister of Defence, or is he a Guardianista bro?

    Neither of your links work. The Russian Minister of Defence would not have made such an error. Your source either has a typo, a mistranslation or is outright lying. It’s impossible to know which.


    As it is New York Times, you won’t accept anything it says, TS


    Neither of your links work. The Russian Minister of Defence would not have made such an error. Your source either has a typo, a mistranslation or is outright lying. It’s impossible to know which.

    You might be Geoblocked, try searching for ‘Russian Ministry of defence’ and then click on their news link (or directly copy the URL into your browser).

    Also, there is a version on Moon of Alabama:

    But, to reiterate, my source is the official website of the Russian Ministry of defence.

    Bijou Drains

    True Narcissist – “The actual number of recent volunteers for the Russian military exceeds 70,000.”

    There’s still a chance for you to make it 70,001! Are you willing to walk the walk, as well as talk the talk?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    “As it is New York Times, you won’t accept anything it says, TS”

    Correct. Won’t even waste my time reading it.


    “Also, there is a version on Moon of Alabama”

    No mention of 20,000 there either. The number is wrong. I’ve provided evidence of the fact. Let’s move on.


    TS, no, let’s try this again:
    Try this link, and then search within the page for “20,000”

    Or is the Kremlin transcription service an imperialist stooge?

    L.B. Neill

    What is wrong to make someone think 70,000 plus 1 makes sense!
    I hear you on that!
    The old guard of state capitalism has many guises- totalitarianism is its number.
    Ye shall know it by its use of money and orders.
    Workers killing workers sums it up as others have said.

    I long for people to beat their weapons into plows and notice that if we do not: it is capital interests beating workers as fodder against each other.
    Its number is CAPITAL. Its number is one more false ideal sold to a side in a needless conflict. Its number is one dictator surrounded by a mobilised oligarchy surrounded and held together by a state sanctioned apex.
    Know it by its focus on one at its apex.
    Sorry, a little esoteric in some ways. I am miffed that anyone would shout a old guard hay and hay to the Russian regime based on nostalgia for oppressive state capitalism.
    Have a lovely festive season: with no festering.
    L.B. Neill

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    TS – “Won’t even waste my time reading it.”

    It’s a video documentary…you watch those, not read them.

    But again you confirm your closed mind to anything that contradicts your own predetermined viewpoint


    TS – “Won’t even waste my time reading it.”

    We waste our time reading you. We’ve answered all your justifications for state-run butchery many times over … Over your head. But then, like all the apologists for totalitarianism, you only repeat state propaganda and cannot handle substance.

    L.B. Neill

    Well Alan. Seems my visual skill are skewed.. I might see if it is transcripted.
    Oh, sorry to post it here: how is matt cuthbert? I have missed his critique of my posts…
    I had missed being here: seems I had been on an existential walk about and now feel lost in the politics of things… Matt certainly grounded me in social reality.


    There is an accompanying article that can be read but being the NYT, it is behind a paywall. It was fortunate that the video wasn’t.

    Matt died from cancer some months ago.

    Obituary: Matt Culbert

    Matt’s presence as a mentor is something I still miss.

    He was the person who said once to me and I have never forgotten, don’t ever say “under socialism”…It has negative connotations, nothing “in” socialism will be “under”


    For anyone interested, Chomsky’s latest on the war

    Chomsky: Advanced US Weaponry in Ukraine Is Sustaining Battlefield Stalemate

    “…the U.S. is gaining enormously in multiple ways: geopolitically by Putin’s self-destructive decision to drive Europe into Washington’s pocket by ignoring very real possibilities for avoiding criminal aggression, but also in other ways. It is not, of course, the U.S. population that is gaining. Rather, those in charge: fossil fuel industries, financial institutions that invest in them, military producers, the agribusiness semi-monopolies, and masters of the economy generally, who can scarcely control their euphoria over bulging profits (which are feeding inflation with markups) and great prospects for moving on to destroy human society on earth more expeditiously…”

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