Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #238383

    Who’s Shirley?

    I suspect it maybe a pretentious representation of Surely.

    Bijou Drains

    From the movie Airplane:

    Ted Striker (Robert Hays) tells Dr Rumack (Leslie Nielsen), “Surely you can’t be serious,” and Rumack replies, “I am serious — and don’t call me Shirley.”


    “From the movie Airplane:

    Ted Striker (Robert Hays) tells Dr Rumack (Leslie Nielsen), “Surely you can’t be serious,” and Rumack replies, “I am serious — and don’t call me Shirley.”

    Never saw the movie. I hear it’s good though. The joke might land better with an American audience, you know, the accent and all.


    Reluctantly I went through YouTube videos of the bodies

    TS argued that there was nothing to give the time of death as being during the Russian occupation such as decomposition. But the videos did show the signs that the corpses were not recent and could not have been committed by newly arrived Ukrainians.

    Look at the hands at 1.08, 1.34, the skin texture at 1.41

    Heavy clothing will slow decomposition more than light clothing. Cold weather slows the rate (i already quoted a reference to it being so cold that a Russian was unconcerned by bodies out in the open)


    “TS argued that there was nothing to give the time of death as being during the Russian occupation such as decomposition. But the videos did show the signs that the corpses were not recent and could not have been committed by newly arrived Ukrainians.”

    If the bodies had been outside for over two weeks they’d have been black and bloated.

    “Putrefactive changes in the corpse start developing in one or two days when the anterior abdominal wall develops dirty-greenish staining (cadaveric greenery). It starts developing from the right iliac region due to the proximity of the gallbladder and liver to the body surface (due to the influence of their enzymes). On the third and fourth day after death, dirty green stripes — a putrefactive venous pattern — appear on the skin along the course of blood vessels. By the end of the first week, cadaveric emphysema develops: the accumulation of putrefactive gases in the tissues causes their volume to increase, which causes the dead body to increase in size.

    The exposed parts of the bodies on the street of Bucha, for example, their hands, suggest that those people died only one or two days ago. They show areas of the so-called drying of the skin, which some mistook for traces of exposure to moisture.

    The so-called washerwoman’s skin, indicating exposure to water, looks completely different. The drying of the skin, depending on temperature and humidity, usually develops at least one day later, but there are no putrefactive changes in the hands.”

    You continue to avoid answering my questions about animal predation. The video shows zero evidence of such activity despite the fact witnesses reported dogs had been feasting on bodies while Russian troops were present. Please explain.

    “Heavy clothing will slow decomposition more than light clothing. Cold weather slows the rate (i already quoted a reference to it being so cold that a Russian was unconcerned by bodies out in the open)”

    The weather was not particularly cold.

    “Temperatures in Bucha have been above zero since March 12. On March 21-26, daytime temperatures were rising to 10 degrees above zero Centigrade. The weather was sunny and warm.”

    This weather record confirms the above information.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    Some interesting links relating to Putin’s bogus claim about wanting to “denazify” Ukraine. (Russia and Ukraine are remarkably similar in both being repressive right-wing oligarchies but neither would qualify as “Nazi regimes” in any meaningful sense of the term – although of course there are self-identifying Nazis living in living in both countries as well as elsewhere in the world )


    So, Russia is expanding the size of its military:
    Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu proposed calling up Russian citizens aged 21-30 for active duty, building up the personnel strength by another 30% and deploying 20 new divisions…The lower limit of the conscription age needs to be raised gradually from the current 18 years to 21 years and the upper limit from 27 years to 30 years, Shoigu said.

    Having said they weren’t going to expand conscription after the resistance last time, this is a slightly worrying sign of how things are really going, that they need to draft more victims. Although this is being spun as a need for a greater military because of Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Putin claims “We will not engage in militarization of the country and militarization of the economy,” but if they draw more labour capacity out of the economy and into military idleness, wages will start to erupt and they will have to start intervening in industry to control prices.

    This is also hard to square with: Putin stressed that the Russian Armed Forces were receiving all the required means: “We have no financing constraints and the country and the government give all that the Army requests. I hope that the response will be formulated accordingly and the corresponding results will be achieved.”

    I will also note their estimate that NATO has squandered $97 billion into the war, just to emphasise why war is a crime against the whole of humanity, since that represents vast economic resources that are not being sent to satisfy human need.


    Meanwhile Zelensky is in Washington to call for more US weapons for the Russo-NATO War. He says it’s a war for democracy. Back to the Cold War period when anybody anti-Russia was for “democracy” like Salazar in Portugal, the Greek colonels and the Turkish generals. So why not the Ukrainian oligarchs and ethnic cleansers?

    He doesn’t seem to have convinced everybody:


    Here are TS and myself, non-medical qualified, endeavouring to conduct a rudimentary autopsy from pictures which are for us very fortunately stench-free.

    In the UK to become a pathologist a degree in medicine (five years), a foundation course (two years) and a specialist training programme (five or six years)

    Those who do have the appropriate knowledge will in due course release their findings for eventual court proceedings.

    TS and I are simply guessing

    What we do know is that the Russian explanation that the corpses were fake has been proven false. So other scenarios are required.

    TS can continue to deflect with questions about animals not eating the bodies. Or that the preservation of the corpse show a recent time of death. He is privy to the autopsy reports obviously that nobody else has and his photographs are much better than any that we have seen published. How many maggots were there under the clothes corpse were they? I have no idea either.

    His argument that Azov conducted all those public killings of so-called collaborators in the hundreds with many burned to cover it up in a matter of a day or two, Azov having arrived according to reliable reports on the 1/2 April, risking victims’ family and friends witnessing it is far-fetched when there are numerous witnesses to Russian shootings and as TS makes much of the Bucha mayor video, he and media was already present. I have already demonstrated that the white armband did not signify collaborator.

    The prevalence of the evidence including satellite imagery and interviews indicates that the Russians were responsible for the killings.

    Why should TS be so determined to defend Russia while I on the other hand can fully condemn the Ukrainian killing of Russian POWs as war crimes?


    This appears to be the text of Shoigu’s speech.An increase in the fighting and troop strength of the Russian Armed Forces was necessary to stabilise the situation, defend the new regions, and launch additional offensives.

    For this, a partial mobilisation was conducted. It served as a gauge of Russian society’s maturity and served as a rigorous test for both the nation and the armed forces.

    Plans for mobilisation hadn’t been implemented since the Great Patriotic War. The actual mobilisation system was not completely adjusted to the changing economic relations.

    Therefore, with the start of partial mobilisation, Russia encountered difficulties in notifying and recruiting citizens who are in the reserve.

    Every flaw had to be immediately fixed. Military administration, formations, and units’ organisational and staff structures underwent changes as soon as possible.

    There were immediate steps taken to enhance all forms of support.

    Partial mobilisation measures were fully and on-time carried out. About 300,000 reserve citizens received military service calls.

    The coordinated efforts of the state’s federal and regional authorities have been crucial in this situation.

    Social activism is to be particularly emphasized. More than 20,000 people joined as volunteers before being called.

    More than 830,000 people have been excused from conscription to help the nation’s economy, including those who work in the defence industry and a variety of other socially significant fields. Note that ratio, only 20,000 volunteers.

    Control of the North Crimean Canal has restored water supply to the Crimean peninsula, which had been absent for eight years due to the water and energy blockade. This confirms this was a key objective. Not much discussed in the media.


    I forgot: In the meantime, every precaution is being taken to prevent the deaths of civilians. : thousands will die of hypothermia and lack of sanitation, this is a flat out lie.


    “Here are TS and myself, non-medical qualified, endeavoring to conduct a rudimentary autopsy from pictures which are for us very fortunately stench-free.”

    Which is why I quoted from an epert who also examined the photographs. Moreover, one does not need to be an expert to recognise when a person’s face has been chewed off. There were no chewed off faces indicating no animal predation despite the bodies lying out in the open for weeks and previous bodies having been eaten. All-in has no explanation for this miracle so he ignores it.

    “In the UK to become a pathologist a degree in medicine (five years), a foundation course (two years) and a specialist training programme (five or six years)”

    Which is why I quoted from tan expert.

    “Those who do have the appropriate knowledge will in due course release their findings for eventual court proceedings.”

    No. The “investigation” was not impartial.

    “TS and I are simply guessing”

    No, I deferred to an expert and my own knowledge of what a body missing a face tends to look like.

    “What we do know is that the Russian explanation that the corpses were fake has been proven false. So other scenarios are required.”

    No claim to that effect has ever been made by anyone til now by you. Link to a source for your claim, please.

    “TS can continue to deflect with questions about animals not eating the bodies.”

    It’s not a deflection, it’s a key flaw in the narrative. Eyewitnesses testified to dogs feeding on the bodies of other corpses. A situation so distressing that townsfolk approached Russian soldiers and asked for permission to bury the bodies. A request which was granted. Later a massacre of “collaborators” took place. The Nazis and their boosters in the western press expect us to believe that these other bodies possessed magical powers and were immune to animal predation. The cognitive dissonance is strong with All-in.

    “Or that the preservation of the corpse show a recent time of death. He is privy to the autopsy reports obviously that nobody else has and his photographs are much better than any that we have seen published.”

    The expert I quoted categorically states that the victims were freshly deceased.

    “How many maggots were there under the clothes corpse were they? I have no idea either.”

    No maggots visible in any photos. Yet more evidence of recent death.

    “His argument that Azov conducted all those public killings of so-called collaborators in the hundreds with many burned to cover it up in a matter of a day or two”

    Sounds like you’re confusing events. There were mass graves of people killed during the Russian occupation of the area mostly by Ukrainian shelling. The number of “collaborators” murdered was relatively few in number. If you can’t even get these basic facts straight All-in why do you deign to wax lyrical concerning the incident? Lol

    “Azov having arrived according to reliable reports on the 1/2 April, risking victims’ family and friends witnessing it is far-fetched”

    LOL, all in thinks Nazis are concerned by disapproving stares.

    “when there are numerous witnesses to Russian shootings”

    Why am I not surprised that you take anything written in MSM at face value?

    “as TS makes much of the Bucha mayor video, he and media was already present. I have already demonstrated that the white armband did not signify collaborator.”

    It signified “collaborator” to the Nazis. “Friendly” to the Russians.

    “The prevalence of the evidence including satellite imagery and interviews indicates that the Russians were responsible for the killings.”

    No, it points to Ukrainian death squads.

    “Why should TS be so determined to defend Russia while I on the other hand can fully condemn the Ukrainian killing of Russian POWs as war crimes?”

    I’m not defending anybody. I’m defending the truth.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    “I deferred to two experts and my own knowledge of what a body missing a face tends to look like.”

    Your two “experts” are Russian journalists, not medical experts who most likely did what you and i did…used Google

    TS There were mass graves of people killed during the Russian occupation of the area mostly by Ukrainian shelling. The number of “collaborators” murdered was relatively few in number.

    You clearly don’t read links you don’t like

    OHCHR documented the killings of 73 civilians (54 men, 16 women, 2 boys and 1 girl) in Bucha between 4 and 30 March 2022 and is in the process of corroborating 105 additional alleged killings of civilians (85 men, 11 women and 9 adults whose sex is yet unknown) OHCHR excluded those shown to have been killed by shelling or flying debris and investigated only deaths from deliberate shootings.

    TS “No claim to that effect has ever been made til now by you. Link to a source for your claim, please.”

    Russian misinformation tried to debunk a video by Ukraine of bodies on the roadside by saying a hand was seen moving and one of the corpses stood.

    Also confirmed is the accuracy and dates of Maxar’s satellite pictures that your link seeks to deny.

    TS “I’m not defending anybody. I’m defending the truth.”

    This from a person who rejects the proof given by both Soviet and Russian leaders such as Putin that it was the USSR that carried out the Katyn Forest Massacre and declares the Beria memo produced with Stalin’s signature is a forgery.

    This from a person who declares that the 1930s purges were about real Trotskyist-Nazi plot and that confessions extracted under torture were legitimate.

    This from a person who claims that the USSR 1939 invasion of Poland was lawful.

    This from a person who believes the Russo-Ukraine war is not a war but a Special Military Operation.



    “Note that ratio, only 20,000 volunteers.”

    Don’t know where that number comes from. Out of a hat? The actual number of recent volunteers for the Russian military exceeds 70,000.

    Russian recruitment centers receive more than 70,000 volunteers


    “Your two “experts” are Russian journalists, not medical experts who most likely did what you and i did…used Google”

    Lol. My source was Professor Igor Makarov, Director of the Russian Center for Forensic Examinations of the Russian Ministry of Health. Not a journalist.

    “OHCHR documented the killings of 73 civilians (54 men, 16 women, 2 boys and 1 girl) in Bucha between 4 and 30 March 2022 and is in the process of corroborating 105 additional alleged killings of civilians”

    Odd how the number continues to spiral. Such busy Nazis.

    “Russian misinformation tried to debunk a video by Ukraine of bodies on the roadside by saying a hand was seen moving and one of the corpses stood.”

    Still no link.

    “Also confirmed is the accuracy and dates of Maxar’s satellite pictures that your link seeks to deny.”

    By whom? Link?

    “This from a person who rejects the proof given by both Soviet and Russian leaders”

    No “proof” has ever been given.

    “This from a person who claims that the USSR 1939 invasion of Poland was lawful.”

    The USSR did not invade Poland.

    “This from a person who believes the Russo-Ukraine war is not a war but a Special Military Operation.”

    “War” is a legal category. Under Russian law it is not considered a war.

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