Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #238063

    “Erm, you’re forgetting NATOstan. This is a war waged by NATOstan and its proxy Nazis against Russia.”

    I am well aware that Ukraine is supported by NATO countries so what’s your point? You keep on calling Ukraine “Nazi” and justifying your support for Russia in this stupid war in terms of want to “denazify” Ukraine. It’s like it’s just a silly word game with you.

    My point – that you keep on evading – is that 1) it is technically incorrect, an abuse of the word itself, to call Ukraine a “Nazi” regime.
    Saying that a third of the Ukrainian armed forces (or whatever) are self-identifying Nazis will not cut it as an argument and I challenge you to show where the Zelensky regime, abhorrent though it is, has ever actually called itself “Nazi” or explicitly endorsed nazism. Saying that it eulogizes a Nazi-supporting figure like Bandera is NOT an argument you can legitimately use since it is quite possible to endorse his Ukrainian nationalism without endorsing his fascist outlook.

    And 2) if Ukrainian is Nazi then so too is Russia since they are very similar in political outlook and practice. The ideological differences between them are completely superficial – just like your own analysis of the situation.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by robbo203.

    So once again your “authority” is a medieval literature professor who repeats the USSR’s justification.

    Indeed, on September 17, 1939, Molotov declared that the Polish government has ceased to exist and as such was the pretext for the invasion, a convenient reason to renege on the 1921 Polish-USSR Riga Peace Treaty

    But the Polish resistance to German had not ceased. Warsaw and many other regions had not yet surrendered. Fighting went on til October

    There was active cooperation between German and Soviet forces. And Furr uses the argument that Poland’s army did not seek a two-front by resisting USSR as supporting his claim that USSR did not invade. Similarly, the acquiescence of Romania, UK and France are also used to support that claim. Real Politik.

    The “disappearance” of the Polish state was brought about by the invasion of Poland by the USSR. It was the day AFTER the USSR invaded that the Polish government
    went into exile in Romania.

    If Furr wishes to resort to legalism as a defence

    On 17 September 1939, the President of the Polish Republic, Ignacy Mościcki, issued a proclamation about his plan to transfer power and appointing Władysław Raczkiewicz, the Marshal of the Senate, as his successor. This was done in accordance with Article 24 of the Constitution.

    The government of Poland did not disappear, it went into exile.


    Moldova has suspended the broadcast licenses of six television channels, accusing them of misinformation, inaccurate coverage of Russia’s war in Ukraine, and “attempts to manipulate public opinion,”


    Workers at the armament factories in Russia move to 6-day week and 12-hour shifts and suspend holiday entitlements when required


    “Workers at the armament factories in Russia move to 6-day week and 12-hour shifts and suspend holiday entitlements when required”


    An intensification of capitalist exploitation in other words, while the parasitic Russian oligarch class represented by Putin and his henchmen, and supported here by True Imperialist, continue to enjoy an astonishingly luxurious lifestyle at the expense of Russian workers



    Toddler’s body pulled from rubble.

    A Nazi toddler, TI?


    I don’t know how true this is or if there is any truth in it at all. Does anybody know? I wouldn’t touch the Daily Express with a bargepole usually. Its basically just toilet paper, a rag for propagating the most reactionary political sentiments


    Aw. The Daily Express does have Rupert Bear, Robbo. He’s ok.


    With TS and his promotion of Grover Furr, we have been here many times before.

    But TS never raises the question of why a scholar of medieval literature is not using his time to bring to the public the rich wealth of the writings from that period in time. Instead, Furr offers articles and books denying the accusations laid against Stalin and his regime by its critics.

    Why is that?

    Another contributor on the forum always reminds us to look at the ideology of a writer to determine what are his or her intentions.

    In all the time I have had to read his articles, Furr fails to declare his own politics and instead presents himself as an objective historian communicating the real facts.

    Like so many other biased bourgeois historians, Furr conceals his true reasons. Unlike someone who follows where the evidence leads, Furr, on the contrary, because of his political allegiance, begins with the a priori case that Stalin can be absolved of the charges against him and Furr sets out to accumulate the proof.

    An example of how it brings a misinterpretation to events, that I already raised in my earlier reply. Because Poland and its allies did not declare war on the USSR, Furr concludes it confirms the Soviet Union’s rationale for the invasion.


    In a wartime article, the Socialist Standard found the news of the death camps incredulous and questioned if it might be Ally propaganda. Cherry-pick that quote and one could claim the SPGB was holocaust deniers. Ignore the context of the time and conditions it was made.

    Likewise the Russian massacres in Bucha. Rely on early reports and ignore the follow-up investigations by the UN where witnesses are interviewed and describe what happened.

    Similarly, Grover Furr excludes testimony that does not agree with his hypothesis. An example is the Katyn Massacre.


    “Likewise the Russian massacres in Bucha.”

    Bucha was carried out by Ukrainian Nazis.


    MofA relies on accounts while the fog of war is still thick, mere days after the event. A former Indian ambassador who uses TASS as his source. A cameraman who thinks the video coverage is too “professional”. The accusation it was the Azov Battalion is made with no corroborating evidence, mere assertion.

    Who is suppressing the truth?

    Moscow city councillor, Ilya Yashin, was sentenced to almost 9 years for spreading “fake news” that occupying Russian forces were responsible for the massacre of civilians in Bucha.

    You can ignore the witness testimony given to the UN investigation

    You can ignore the evidence of witnesses and phone intercepts cited in this documentary

    It is all fake news, isn’t it?


    “You can ignore the evidence of witnesses”

    Yeah, and Iraqi troops threw babies out of incubators too, right? Lol

    Staged massacre in Bucha

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    And its source – the Venezuelan Orinoco Tribune from April 5th that in turn uses Venezualan Mision Verdad as its source
    and Intel Slava Z – an official Russian news agency as its source, and a pro-Russian Russia in Spain April 4 source. Also used is a Russian fact-checker site.

    Sorry but I prefer sources who actually conducted on-the-ground investigations by professional UN inspectors, not political hacks.

    The mayor drove through the streets and reported no corpses. Did you actually click the link given and read the Telegram post where AFP says the streets were littered with corpses?

    It claims Azov troops arrived on 1st April yet satellite pictures already showed corpses in the street prior to their alleged arrival. Did you click on the link and read the NYT report? Corpses in the streets.

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