Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #238020
    Bijou Drains

    “There would be one or two over-the-top challenges. Ron Harris v Norman Hunter.”

    Big Jack could put it about as well.

    There was a programme on TV a few years ago where some modern referees watched and “refereed” the Leeds V Chelsea cup final replay, they said they would have sent off 19 players for either straight reds or two yellows.


    “TN, look, Putin wins uk vote!”

    How charming. The little Britains choose to support Nazis. But then, there’s a history of that isn’t there.


    “Can you explain how you de-Nazify three-quarters of Ukrainian males and two-thirds of Ukrainian women?”

    I should think they’ll mostly de-Nazify themselves after the shock of being militarily defeated. Shouldn’t be too much longer now.

    Bijou Drains

    BD – “TN, look, Putin wins uk vote!”
    TN – “How charming. The little Britains choose to support Nazis. But then, there’s a history of that isn’t there.”

    Thinking one person is a bellend doesn’t preclude you from thinking that that person’s enemy is also a bellend. I know that is a bit complicated for your binary thought processes. Think about it this way –

    Person A living in 1942 does not like the policies and actions of Stalin, Stalin is at war with Hitler, this does not mean that person A is a Nazi

    Person B living in 1940 also does not like the policies and actions of Stalin, Stalin is in a supportive alliance supplying large amounts or raw materials and armaments to Hitler, this does not necessarily mean that person B is an anti Nazi

    Do you get someone else to do the little mathematical problem required to log on to this forum? It’s just nothing you have posted on this forum indicates that you have the intellectual ability to actually complete the process independently.

    Oh and by the way Britain is the name of the country, (always singular as there is only one Britain) the people who live there may sometimes be referred to as Britons, but never Britains


    In fact there are two Britains. Little Britain is Brittany. The islands are Great Britain. Nothing to do with imperialism. They are geographic terms older than the age of imperialism.


    “Thinking one person is a bellend doesn’t preclude you from thinking that that person’s enemy is also a bellend.”

    Then why didn’t the Little Britains build a Zelensky bellend statue? Because they love Nazi Zelensky. They love Nazi Zelensky because they’re Little Britain MSM zombies who’ve been told just what to think by their betters. So think it they do like good little children.

    “I know that is a bit complicated for your binary thought processes.”

    So where’s the Zelensky bellend statue?

    “Think about it this way –

    Person A living in 1942 does not like the policies and actions of Stalin”

    You mean the capitalist classes of imperialist Europe?

    “Stalin is at war with Hitler”

    Actually, since you love to be the pedant, Nazi Germany and its European fascist allies were at war with the USSR.

    “this does not mean that person A is a Nazi”

    But they could be.

    “Stalin is in a supportive alliance”

    BS. The USSR was never in an alliance with Nazi Germany.

    “supplying large amounts or raw materials and armaments to Hitler”

    They were trading and not at war with one another.

    “this does not necessarily mean that person B is an anti Nazi”

    But they might be.

    “Do you get someone else to do the little mathematical problem required to log on to this forum?”

    Oh child, is that the best you got? Run along and play. The teeter-totter is over there by the monkey bars.

    “It’s just nothing you have posted on this forum indicates that you have the intellectual ability to actually complete the process independently.”

    What a sharp tongue. You been eating razor blades for breakfast? I’ll try not to cry myself to sleep. Lol

    “Oh and by the way Britain is the name of the country”

    And the sketch comedy series Little Britain. What a droll.


    Why are you insulting the Bretons, True Imperialist?

    Bijou Drains

    Keep it up TN and you too could get a statue like that (although I think Elon Musk has got to be a shoo-in for it next year)


    TS – “The USSR was never in an alliance with Nazi Germany.”


    TS – “The USSR was never in an alliance with Nazi Germany.”

    The Soviet Union provided Nazi Germany with a secret naval base, Basis Nord, east of Murmansk, that was planned to be used for U-Boats. The fact that it wasn’t needed because of the occupation of Norway does not matter.


    ““The USSR was never in an alliance with Nazi Germany.””

    The footage shows Nazi Germany ceding former Polish territory, which was actually former Soviet territory taken from it by Poland in the 1920s, as per the agreement on “spheres of influence” to Soviet troops. Neither side was in an alliance. The truth about the events is explained in great detail by Grover Furr.

    Grover Furr: Did the Soviet Union Invade Poland in September 1939? (The answer: No, it did not.)


    Ukraine’s oligarchs

    The Autumn of Oligarchs in Ukraine


    “The Soviet Union provided Nazi Germany with a secret naval base, Basis Nord, east of Murmansk, that was planned to be used for U-Boats. The fact that it wasn’t needed because of the occupation of Norway does not matter.”

    That all you got as “evidence” of an “alliance”. A base that never was? Lol. What a clown.


    “76% and 64% Nazi. Still a lot of de-Nazification necessary by the looks.”

    So according to True Imperialist, 76% of Ukraine men and 64% of Ukrainian women are Nazis because they the war to continue until Russia is forced to leave all occupied territory including Crimea

    Is that how you define a Nazi – by the fact that you are a warmonger? In which case what percentage of the Russian population are Nazis by this criterion?

    What a clown

    We are talking about two corrupt authoritarian repressive right-wing capitalist regimes at war with each other that are pretty similar in political outlook and practice. Socialists emphatically oppose both of them. Only someone who is inclined to support corrupt authoritarian repressive right-wing capitalist regimes would support one of these regimes against the other.

    By the questionable logic of True Imperialist’s own argument, that makes him a Nazi supporter. TS is merely supporting one Nazi regime fighting another….


    “We are talking about two corrupt authoritarian repressive right-wing capitalist regimes at war with each other”

    Erm, you’re forgetting NATOstan. This is a war waged by NATOstan and its proxy Nazis against Russia.

    “By the questionable logic of True Imperialist’s own argument, that makes him a Nazi supporter. TS is merely supporting one Nazi regime fighting another….”

    Being anti-Nazi is actually Nazi? Priceless. Lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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