Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #237838

    “Russia has committed more than 30 per cent of its entire budget across defence, security and law enforcement, British defence chiefs have said.”

    No doubt this will be at the expense of other categories of state expenditure such as health education and housing.

    A further example of the ballooning structural waste of capitalism


    What are ordinary Russian’s thinking?

    “Russians do not much like the war but do not want to be defeated.”


    The flag of revolution was green. Belfort Bax says the revolutionary French tricolour, very early on, was blue, green and red.

    The green came from the English Levellers, who also hoisted a green flag at La Rochelle.

    Monmouth’s troops carried a green standard in 1685.

    The present colours of the German flag, black, red and gold, were the colours of the Weimar Republic and, in 1525, the colours of Muenzer’s army of revolutionary peasants.


    And Maoist pamphlets refer to Karl Marx as “the Great Leader”, along with Mao and the Kims.


    Over the last few days I have been watching this pop vox channel of street interviews with Russian people.

    A surprising range of opinions but overall reflects that the government retains the loyalty of its citizens which isn’t at all surprising.


    Zelensky on Monday proposed a special summit, which he called the Global Peace Formula Summit, “to determine how and when we can implement the points of the Ukrainian Peace Formula”, which would secure Ukraine’s security and territorial integrity.

    A genuine move towards peace or a token gesture to placate those critical of Ukraine’s intransigence?


    This might be of interest. Touches on some of the economic motives behind the war


    The outlook for Ukrainian workers, much like their counterparts in Russia, looks grim

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by robbo203.

    “The outlook for Ukrainian workers, much like their counterparts in Russia, looks grim”

    The link says nothing about “grim prospects” for Russian workers.


    Paying for the war

    Denmark is set to scrap a bank holiday to boost defence spending.

    To be cancelled is Store Bededag (the “Great Prayer Day”), which falls every year on the Friday before the fourth Sunday after Easter and was introduced as a public holiday in 1686.


    The Gallup organisation organised a telephone poll of Ukrainians in September.

    Although 76 per cent of men wanted the war to continue until Russia is forced to leave all occupied territory including Crimea, and 64 per cent of women had the same view, the rest — a substantial number of people — wanted negotiations.

    When the survey results were analysed according to Ukraine’s regions, in areas closest to the front lines where the horror of war is felt most keenly people’s doubts about the wisdom of fighting until victory are highest, only 58 per cent support it in southern Ukraine. In the East, the figure is as low as 56 per cent.

    The Left and Ukraine


    “Although 76 per cent of men wanted the war to continue until Russia is forced to leave all occupied territory including Crimea, and 64 per cent of women had the same view”

    76% and 64% Nazi. Still a lot of de-Nazification necessary by the looks.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    TS – “76% and 64% Nazi. Still a lot of de-Nazification necessary by the looks.”

    Can you clarify what you actually mean by de-Nazification?

    Originally, I believed that Putin intended to remove the Ukrainian government, make illegal certain political parties and disarm various militias. Also, put on trial certain individuals linked to crimes against secessionists.

    Your use of de-Nazification appears to go well beyond those objectives.

    Can you explain how you de-Nazify three-quarters of Ukrainian males and two-thirds of Ukrainian women?

    Bijou Drains

    TN, look, Putin wins uk vote!

    [moderator deleted to keep it civil]


    Trench warfare in the Ukraine. It would be sweet if a game of footie was in play Christmas morning in no-man’s land. I’d be nervous refereeing a match like that. There would be one or two over-the-top challenges. Ron Harris v Norman Hunter. Then they could go back to killing one another.

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