Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #237576

    “Anti-imperialist analysis is bizarre to you? Why am I not surprised?”


    What is truly bizarre is that an overt supporter of blatant Russian imperialism and a bootlicker of a thuggish capitalist warlord like Putin should even have the audacity to claim to be an “anti-imperialist”! He is completely lost in a little make-believe world of his own making, detached from reality and from any sensible understanding of the meaning of words. I tell you – he could just as easily swap sides with a snap of the fingers and become a craven supporter of the Ukrainian war-lord Zelensky. It’s not much of a jump in intellectual terms. They are all cut from the same cloth these far-right nationalists and the emotional fragility of this mental disease called nationalism makes them vulnerable to Damascene conversions


    Make of this what you will but, if true, it places the Ukraine regime in a bad light:


    You’re in an aquarium?

    It was a joke, bird brain.


    Another seldom heard view – War Weary Russia


    “Another seldom heard view – War Weary Russia”


    What Kagarlitsky says is very interesting and I would far sooner trust him as a source of information than the mixed bag of dodgy commentators TS wheels out to support his outlandish claims. Russia is indeed losing the war and will be lucky to hold onto Donbas and Crimea. Thankfully it seems more and more Russian workers are turning against the war and hopefully that will soon precipitate a collapse of the regime. There is some talk of Putin seeking safe passage to Venezuela if he is booted out. Lots of Russians already live there.

    More concerning is the attitude of Ukrainian workers. Kagarlitsky refers to extreme nationalist elements emerging calling for Ukraine to carry on the fight and take all of Donbas and the Crimea too. This is criminally insane. I hope these ultra-nationalist Ukrainian ideas start losing ground as well. How many more workers have to die in the obnoxious cause of Ukrainian nationalism before workers realize it makes sod all difference who their political masters are or what flag they wrap themselves up in?

    I still think the most likely outcome is a stalemate. Russia will probably hold on to Donbas and Crimea, and the general public in Ukraine will grow weary of power blackouts and missile strikes and call for negotiations. A negotiated settlement will be reached maybe involving Turkey or China.

    This whole stupid senseless capitalist war will have been for nothing. NATO would have expanded its sphere of influence right up to the borders with Russia and the Ukrainian Nazis, as TS calls them, would have been solidified and strengthened by Putin’s gross miscalculation.

    The real losers, as ever, would be the workers themselves – whether they live in Russia or Ukraine. They would have been the real victims of this horrendous clash of capitalist imperialisms.


    “Liberals have got sod all to do with a socialist class-conscious opposition to nationalism and capitalism. So what’s your point in even mentioning this?”

    She’s Russian, a member of the working class and was opposed to the war with Ukraine. She’s the very kind of person you knuckle heads are speaking of when you hope “the people” will overthrow Putin. She went to Donbass to work as a translator on a documentary. There she saw the reality of Ukrainian fascist terror with her own eyes, realised the shit she was reading in rags like the Guardian was all a bunch of lies and changed her views on the SMO. You mock her without knowing anything about her or having watched the video. You’re a hateful and willfully ignorant clown that isn’t even funny enough to be a joke. Lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    “She’s Russian, a member of the working class and was opposed to the war with Ukraine. …etc ”


    Try not to be even more stupid than you usually are, TS.

    So what if she is a member of the working class and went to Donbas where her mind was changed into supporting Putin’s war? Does that make her views on the matter right, eh? Are we supposed to concur with her – and you – just because she saw the “reality of Ukrainian fascist terror with her own eyes” She, or a Ukrainian version of her, could just as easily have gone to the other side of the front line and seen the “reality of Russian fascist terror with her own eyes” (sic)

    There is nothing pleasant about war. It brutalises people and can turn them into warmongers. It can twist people’s minds into supporting any disreputable disgusting cause. If the missiles are raining down on you it is understandable that some people, even erstwhile liberal pacifists like this woman, can come to see the enemy as those firing those missiles and your “friends” as those fighting this enemy. Liberal pacifism is compatible with nationalism after all whereas class-conscious socialism most certainly is not

    Being a worker does not mean you cannot make very bad judgments. Million of workers support the capitalist warlord, Zelensky. Millions of other workers (yourself included) support the other capitalist warlord, Putin, in this capitalist conflict. These are very bad judgments and the fact that they are made by fellow workers has not prevented them from being made, has it now? Or do you think a Ukrainian worker is right to support Zelensky just because he or she is a worker?


    They are not Nazis, just Nasties. Meanwhile Biden calls a Russian arms dealer released in exchange for a basketball player a “merchant of death”. But what does that make him who’s been sending arms to keep the war going in Ukraine for free: The Father Christmas of Death?
    The US government and Venezuela they exchanged terrorists and drug dealers for petroleum


    Millions supported Hitler. Does that make him right?

    His autographed photos were in higher demand than the Beatles’ ever were.


    The other invasion

    “Policies being put forth by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, clearly influenced by the U.S. and countries of Western Europe, are forcing Ukraine to condition the delay of payment of its foreign debt upon approval of a change in the right to own land in Ukraine.

    Current law restricts property rights for foreigners. The policy change, however, gives international companies the right to own property in the country.

    The Ukrainian government, which has a neoliberal orientation, favors these policies which are very unpopular. Equally unpopular is the massive deregulation of the labor market proposed by this government before the war and approved just a few weeks ago. Both measures have been imposed by international organizations and adopted by the Ukrainian government under the assumption that they are necessary to “attract foreign capital to facilitate the reconstruction of the country.” Foreign capital, in this case, means North American and European companies.”

    The Predictable Resurgence of Fascism and Nazism On Both Sides of the North Atlantic and Its Consequences


    Russia stands up for freedom of speech


    “MOSCOW, December 10. /TASS/. Russia demands that Finland bring to justice people who burned the Russian flag in Helsinki on December 6 and take measures to prevent such extremist actions from happening again, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.”

    Is this a step in Finlandising Finland (again)?


    “MOSCOW, December 10. /TASS/. Russia demands that Finland bring to justice people who burned the Russian flag in Helsinki on December 6 and take measures to prevent such extremist actions from happening again, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.”


    Flags are the religious idols of modern capitalism. Treating them as the colored pieces of rag that they are is tantamount to spitting on the holy statues of Baal.
    A soldier is praised the more he kills, but if he puts the national flag in jeopardy he is up on a serious charge.



    Flags are the religious idols of modern capitalism. Treating them as the colored pieces of rag that they are is tantamount to spitting on the holy statues of Baal.
    A soldier is praised the more he kills, but if he puts the national flag in jeopardy he is up on a serious charge.
    I remember the maoists being beaten and killed by the police in a protest in order to pick up a stupid flag or a picture of Mao
    left on the pavement Just pure idolatry, like carrying a picture of the so classic of the Marxism similar to a catholic procession carrying cross and saints In Bolivia the castristas built a church for saint Ernesto Che Guevara


    Indian author Arundhati Roy – “Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead.”

    But the Red Flag is different.


    The red flag was also the flag of the Bolsheviks, and it is also the flag of the left-wingers

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