Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #237357

    “And from well behind the front lines.”

    The Donbass militia’s are also fighting. So however you spin it it’s a Russian effort.

    “As i said in an earlier post, those unfortunates in what can now only be described as penal battalions”

    No, they’re not. No one is forced to join the Wagner group and I suspect most are former serving military. What evidence do you have that a majority are convicts?

    “are being used as cannon fodder and forced forward into suicide attacks”

    Rubbish. Casualties are 10:1 in Russia’s favour. It is the Ukrainians who are committing suicide not the Russians.

    “all for the glory of Prigozhin and his political ambitions”

    Nope, to stop the relentless 8 year shelling of Donbass innocents by Nazi scum.

    “Did you ever answer why the name Wagner was chosen for the organisation, Hitler’s favourite composer?”

    Don’t know, don’t care. And neither do you.

    “Sadly, very sadly, this war is long from being over. You conceded it will last another year.”

    Compared to what? Afghanistan? Vietnam? WW2. Any war is too long but Russia didn’t start it it’s finishing it.


    “Under what clause of the United Nations allows a foreign country to invade another to intervene in an internal affair of that country even if justified as pre-emptive.

    The self-declared governments of LPR and DPR were not recognized by any governments other than Russia. There was no attack on Russia to claim self-defence.”

    See Scott Ritter’s piece.

    “There was no invasion of the separatist republics although you insist there was going to be.”

    I do. And the evidence is overwhelming in support of that conclusion.

    “Russia vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have called for Russia to immediately cease its attack on Ukraine.”

    As is its right.

    “China, India, and the United Arab Emirates abstained from the vote”


    “the eleven remaining members of the Security Council voted in favor of the resolution.”

    How many are NATO members I wonder?

    “A General Assembly resolution condemning the Russian invasion was passed with a 141–5 vote majority, with 35 nations abstaining.”

    Just shows how many nations crumble in the face of US/EU bribes and intimidation.

    “Just because various Western countries have broken international law doesn’t lead to another wrong being right.”

    Actually, law often works by precedent. So not sure the law’s on your side on that one. At any rate, fighting Nazis is never wrong.

    “The international community has made it clear who started the war. It was not Ukraine.”

    And which countries make up the “international community”? Let me guess, the US, EU and their allies?

    “No doubt you will produce counterclaims from various so-called experts in international law such as Scott Ritter whose authority is not recognised by any other legal expert as you have done previously. But who are you trying to convince. Yourself?”

    You probably haven’t even read the article so what would you know?

    “It doesn’t matter how often you repeat your mantra that this “special military operation” was a war of aggression under the terms of the UN charter.”

    No, it was pre-emptive self defence which is not illegal.

    “There was no genocide although a bitter bloody civil war”

    Only because of Russia’s intervention. You get that, right? Admittedly it’s a little chicken and egg but it’s really not that hard to understand. The answer is proto-chicken. The proto-chicken came first.

    “You ignore that Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov offered amnesty to the separatists if they laid down their arms and surrendered, and also offered concessions that included devolution of power to regions, and the protection of the Russian language in law. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko also announced a fifteen-point plan for peace.”

    There was Minsk 2. The Nazis ignored it.

    “You ignore the opposition to separatism by many in Donetsk.”

    Minsk 2.

    “You call the Maidan events a coup.”

    And what do you call it? Am I about to hear a “socialist” whitewash a Nazi coup? Comedy gold.

    “Others call the separatist action a putsch.”

    Minsk 2.

    “You ignore that the Crimea Tatars reported that they were being persecuted by the new Russian authority in 2014 and many fled to Ukraine.”

    Nope. Didn’t.

    “You talk a lot about Ukrainian refugees being a burden on the West but ignore that Donbas refugees to Russia are also thought of as a burden”

    Refugees are by definition
    a burden. But whereas Russia is willing to sustain that burden I’m not so confident NATOstan will.

    “You forget all about the pro-Ukrainian loyalists who fled the separatist republics and who became IDPs”

    Minsk 2.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    France out of weapons to send Ukraine.

    Bijou Drains

    From that “reliable and unbiased” news source Russia Today??

    Citing an anonymous source from the very “well respected” source Politico.

    Bijou Drains

    AJ – “Did you ever answer why the name Wagner was chosen for the organisation, Hitler’s favourite composer?”

    TN – “Don’t know, don’t care.”

    TN’s first answer just about sums up all of his contributions to date!

    Bijou Drains

    True [moderator removed] states “Actually, law often works by precedent.”

    Law which “works” through precident, i.e. Common Law Systems, is only one of three components of those legal systems. The other 2 elements are the Common Law and Legislation.

    Common Law and composite Common Law Systems (where the use of precident is further more diluted) only make up 35.17% of global legal systems.

    To state that law often (Collins Dictionary Definition – frequently or repeatedly; much of the time.) shows that True [moderator removed] knows as much about the law as he does about politics, history, economics, Marxism and Socialism, i.e. Sweet Fanny Adams

    [Removed for Unnecessarily personally offensive]


    I think all the posts here refuting the propaganda from our resident Voice of Moscow may give the impression that we are anti-Russia in particular whereas we are against both states.

    They are both as bad as each other. I suspect there is less freedom of speech in Ukraine than in Russia. In Russia you can’t call the war a war but in Ukraine you must call it a war and it’s a criminal offence to call it anything else, eg an inter-ethnic conflict, and also to call for peace talks. There are dozens of elected MPs in jail there for this.

    Now they have started persecuting priests who don’t toe the line as well as discriminating against Russian speakers under their “de-Russification” policies.

    Imagine the outcry if Russia pursued a policy of religious persecution and discrimination against a linguistic minority. But they are “our bastards”.

    I note that the Arch Witch Doctor of Canterbury was in Kiev recently. I am not sure whether or not he blessed the bombs Britain has sent Ukraine but might as well have gone. They tend to do this sort of thing in war.


    Yep. Read the links elsewhere on this thread about “Atomic Orthodoxy.”


    ALB, the problem is that any claim that is critical of Russia is automatically dismissed as propaganda and fake news. Several times I have tried to point out that both sides are in the wrong but to no avail.

    He dismisses our anti-nationalist arguments by countering with his pro-Russian nationalism as being anti-nazi.

    He doesn’t want to criticise the Russian nazis such as Rusiche or the Russian Imperial Legion, the Russian equivalents of the Azov Battalion


    TS “How many are NATO members I wonder?”

    So easy to find out

    Five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States,

    Albania (2023)
    Brazil (2023)
    Gabon (2023)
    Ghana (2023)
    India (2022)
    Ireland (2022)
    Kenya (2022)
    Mexico (2022)
    Norway (2022)
    United Arab Emirates (2023)

    I make it two, Albania and Norway with Ireland, a half member.

    Scott Ritter offers the imminent pre-emptive threat as a rationalisation and cites earlier illegal wars as justification. He refers to Kosovo, as a non-state like DPR and LPR, yet there were clear UN mandate (Resolution 1244) to occupy it (KFOR) and that was agreed with by Russia who were part of the occupation from 1999 – 2003.

    The bombing of Serbia was illegal and had no UN approval. Two wrongs don’t make a right which is Ritter’s flawed legal argument.

    Ritter then raises the dirty bomb for the legal pretext which as we know was demonstrated as unsubstantiated.


    What would a necessary offensive comment look like?

    Bijou Drains

    Nobody knows, ‘cos we can’t see them!

    Bijou Drains

    As a matter of fact the term I used (tosspot) is not as offensive as people think. There are two theories for the derivation of the term, one was that drunkards tossed their pots back and that therefore their conversation, speech or viewpoints could be disregarded as unworthy, or that described the most lowly servant in the household, the one who got the job of tossing (i.e. stirring the pot) so effectively being the most meanial servant of the grand lord or master.

    If you consider Putin to be the Lord and Master and True Narcissist as his most humble and menial servant, describing him using the term I used would be pretty accurate and not as offensive as is often thought. As to the other explanation, I’ll let others make that judgement.

    Either way, in it’s correct usage, it is not as offensive as many of the epithets thrown around on this thread.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    Cold in Zaporizhzhia

    Zaporizhzhians have a feeling that they will get through the winter just as they have got through the war so far. For the times when the city faces problems with heat and power, there are 14 refuge posts organised by the local authorities, where people can get electricity and warmth.

    And Russia has been Looting museums in Kherson apparently their propaganda said Russia would be in Kherson forever: well. It seems there was some civil resistance to occupation, I wonder what scale that would reach is the occupation were more prolonged.

    And just for a little balance, from one of the same journalists: Ukraine prosecutes citizens forcibly conscripted by the Russians: apparently they have been saying they would offer amnesty to anyone not guilty of actual war crimes, but that hasty courts are just imprisoning any Ukrainian citizens caught in Russian uniform…


    Wagner Groups is just Putin private army. There have been private corporations in Asia who have had their own private army. According to the left wingers definition of fascists/nazis they are also a fascist/nazi organization in the same manner that the left-wingers call Blackwater a fascist organization, therefore, in Ukraine they are nazis who are fighting against other nazis financed by another Nazis known as Vladimir Putin, and our resident KGB agent is just another Nazi

    What Is Russia’s Wagner Group?

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