Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #237000

    “And that’s the problem All-in, your sources are shit. Garbage in garbage out.”


    Says the person who relies on such trashy sources as Scott Ritter declaring NATO “has no military capacity”, how it is pathetic, how it is a paper tiger and how “Europe’s economy is collapsing

    You have completely lost all credibility TS


    “Russia doesn’t pay much attention to propaganda.”

    Of course not. That is why Putin had tea and biscuits with the mothers of soldiers. Nothing to do with PR, at all.

    As I keep saying BOTH sides require constant replacement of used-up ammunition and lost equipment.

    You are the one in total denial of such a basic fact, by imagining Russia has unlimited stocks. They can’t fit out reinforcements and you claim it is trivial.

    Perhaps that is why Russia keeps denying it is receiving supplies from North Korea and Iran.

    And you reduce such REAL logistic problems to having too few bandages.

    This Special Military Operation was never intended by Russia to last so long. It should be re-named the Slow Motion Operation.

    The initial Russian invasion was stopped because Ukraine succeeded in deploying very quickly the military aid it received from NATO.
    You insist that it has all dried up and NATO countries cannot or will not provide further military aid. If Russia assumes the same as you, it will repeat its earlier miscalculation and mistake.

    I await the volleys of Russia’s hypersonic missiles as the signal for the anticipated offensive, once the 300,000 have got enough bandages. It won’t be too long now as the mud is now freezing up to permit the tanks to move. It will be all over by Christmas as they said in 1914.

    Once again crocodile tears from you about the civilian toll. Previously you said it was unavoidable because of the dual-use of such infrastructure. Now you say the gloves are off, and infer civilians have become fair game because politicians won’t treat with one another.


    The expression Paper Tiger was used by Mao Tse Tung in regard to the USA, and then he received Richard Nixon in a red carpet to start commercial, diplomatic and arms deals and treaties with the USA capitalist class


    What lobotomised MSM consumers don’t understand about Russia vs NATO.


    A 2017 article centred upon the political position of an American ex-president and an imagined scenario of a full-scale European theatre war.

    How relevant is that today?

    The fact that Russia had to mobilise 300,000 extra soldiers from its reserves shows that it never prepared for a long war nor expected such heavy casualties. That is a fact. And after almost 3 months it has still failed to deploy them to any extent to change the balance of the battle.

    I did read today that Russia has brought up artillery and rockets in the South, to counter any attempt by Ukraine to advance beyond Kherson towards Crimea.

    An offensive if it takes place is to the north on the Donbass front and there, as I said, it is trench warfare with artillery duels.

    In your recent absence, I have posted on Scott Ritter’s lack of insider information from his time as an Iraq WMD expert.

    Two decades out of the intelligence agencies loop, he has no more access to information than any other journalist, (perhaps even less as he is thought of as a pariah,) relying on what is in the public domain and in published research papers he read.


    Stop lying to us

    The head of the lower house of parliament’s defense committee, Andrei Kartapolov, warned Putin that he and the Kremlin should stop applauding Ukraine’s losses as if Russia is winning, and stop glossing over Russian defeats in Ukraine.

    “The people know. Our people are not stupid,” Kartapolov said. “Stop lying.”

    Retired Lt. Gen. Andrei Gurulev, a senior member of the lower house of Russian parliament said “It’s a problem of total lies and positive reports from top to bottom,” he said.


    “Of course not. That is why Putin had tea and biscuits with the mothers of soldiers. Nothing to do with PR, at all.”

    I meant propaganda aimed at a western audience.

    “As I keep saying BOTH sides require constant replacement of used-up ammunition and lost equipment.”

    As Putin has said, Russia has “barely gotten started” with this conflict. It can keep up current attrition rates for years if not decades. Not that that will be necessary. It won’t.

    “You are the one in total denial of such a basic fact, by imagining Russia has unlimited stocks.”

    Nope, I just listen to actual experts not MSM propagandists.

    “They can’t fit out reinforcements and you claim it is trivial.”

    Because it is trivial. Uniforms, bandages. 4000 men. Trivial stuff.

    “Perhaps that is why Russia keeps denying it is receiving supplies from North Korea and Iran.”

    Russia has a possible direct confrontation with NATO to keep in mind. The stories about DPRK seem unconvincing but if true it’s not because Russia is struggling with its conflict in Ukraine. It’d be because it needs to keep its powder dry for the epic conflict to come.

    “And you reduce such REAL logistic problems to having too few bandages.”

    And uniforms and toilet peper. Lol

    “This Special Military Operation was never intended by Russia to last so long. It should be re-named the Slow Motion Operation.”

    You know that how? Got a hotline to the Kremlin?

    “The initial Russian invasion was stopped because Ukraine succeeded in deploying very quickly the military aid it received from NATO.”

    Erm, it wasn’t stopped. It’s still going in case you haven’t noticed.

    “You insist that it has all dried up and NATO countries cannot or will not provide further military aid. If Russia assumes the same as you, it will repeat its earlier miscalculation and mistake.”

    Russia’s strategy was almost successful. Bojo and the US scuttled their puppet’s attempt to negotiate. The Kremlin wanted to avoid a long drawn out war because it wanted to avoid needless bloodshed. But it was always prepared for a long conflict.

    “I await the volleys of Russia’s hypersonic missiles as the signal for the anticipated offensive”

    What do you call what’s been happening the last few weeks?

    “once the 300,000 have got enough bandages.”

    The article in Newsweek mentioned 4,000 men. A far cry from 300k.

    “It won’t be too long now as the mud is now freezing up to permit the tanks to move. It will be all over by Christmas as they said in 1914.”

    The math doesn’t lie. You can’t win a war without supplies and logistics. Ukraine is running short of the former while the latter is being dismantled.

    “Once again crocodile tears from you about the civilian toll.”

    Civilian deaths are always a tragedy but the fault is with the aggressor, Natostan and its Kiev Nazis.

    “Previously you said it was unavoidable because of the dual-use of such infrastructure.”

    Still true.

    “Now you say the gloves are off, and infer civilians have become fair game because politicians won’t treat with one another.”

    I said no such thing. Russia was trying to force Ukraine to the negotiating table but did not want to cause needless suffering by targeting dual use infrastructure. Kiev won’t negotiate so it must be defeated militarily. Russia’s patience has run out.


    “Stop lying to us”

    Freedom of speech is alive and well in Russia. He is as free as he likes to be wrong. No gulag, no assassination. Fancy that.


    “What lobotomised MSM consumers don’t understand about Russia vs NATO.”

    Another demonstrably dumb analysis provided by TS’s favoured wacko fantasist, Scott Ritter

    For example, here’s Ritter wittering on in these terms:

    “After evaluating Russian capabilities in the aftermath of the Cold War, American intelligence determined that the notion of American qualitative superiority was a myth; had there been a war in Europe, the tanks of the then-Soviet Army would have been nearly impervious to the weapons then available to NATO and American forces”

    Meanwhile back in the real world, here’s what is happening to Russian tanks in Ukraine

    “1,450 tanks
    And it’s a staggering figure as well. According to the Dutch warfare research group Oryx, Russia has lost 1,450 tanks since the war began, nearly 900 of which have been damaged or destroyed. The rest were abandoned by the Russians, and many of those ultimately have since been captured by the Ukrainians.Nov 10, 2022

    1400 Russian tanks have been lost to Ukraine – Grid News › story › global › 2022/11/10 ›.


    “Freedom of speech is alive and well in Russia. He is as free as he likes to be wrong. No gulag, no assassination. Fancy that.”

    the legal death of free speech in Russia


    “It can keep up current attrition rates for years if not decades.”

    That is my fear which I have expressed several times – that it will indeed be a long war.

    Even if a ceasefire is agreed, it will be broken and conflict resumed, then another ceasefire and again it is broken…and so on repeatedly.

    Russia has the demographic advantage in population to sustain a forever-war but it will become more and more authoritarian.

    Peace-seeking Ukrainians will eventually vote with their feet and join the diaspora that has now come into being. Russia won’t have de-nazified Ukraine, as the ultra-nationalists grow in power.

    NATO will be stronger on Russia’s borders with Sweden and Finland joining and all its members increasing defence spending.

    And the Donbass separatists will remain under siege.

    The reliance on Nord Stream will become much less while America profits out of the LNG exports to Europe.

    Russia’s war aims will not be achieved.

    And as we say, it is the workers who in the end pay the price.


    “According to the Dutch warfare research group Oryx”

    It’s an “open source research group” meaning a bunch of pimply, pizza eating video gamers doing Google image searches. About as reliable as a used car salesman running a ponzi scheme. A joke from a joker. I’ll stick to the experts, you stick to whatever the frig they are. Lol


    “Russia’s war aims will not be achieved.”

    As you’ve a crystal ball, what’re next weeks lottery numbers? Wait, don’t tell me, you’re wrong about everything. Lol


    Is it crystal ball reading when I said “…it is the workers who in the end pay the price.”

    Or very basic Marxism?

    This is a follow-up on my earlier claim that
    “… workers are the source of wealth creation it will be us who eventually bear the burden…”

    The costs of war have to come from the increased extraction of surplus value from working people – economic exploitation of their work.

    It is called the Marxist Labour Theory of Value.

    And it applies equally to NATO countries as well as to Russia.

    Hence my other prediction was that if the war keeps going authoritarianism will grow in Russia not because of civil or human rights but because of the necessity of the State to intensify the class war against Russian workers to appropriate more surplus value from them to make up the loss in profits from the expense of war.

    That is not speculation. You forget that what underlies our views is always a socialist analysis, something you very much lack, simply because you don’t comprehend what Marx explains in the Communist Manifesto “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”

    The price of war is not just in workers’ blood but in their sweat and toil.


    TS hasn’t even read Groucho, let alone Karl.

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