Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #236969

    That is precisely what the government of Roosevelt did during the Great Depression and the WW2, but the US Congress imposed a heavy taxation on the capitalist class of 85% on their profits. War imposed heavy expenses on the capitalist state and the capitalist class. The USA is already questioning the decrease of some of the modern weapons provided to the government of Ukraine


    “You state that this new multipolar world will be, and I quote directly from you “qualitatively different” from the unipolar world of US and EU hegemony. How will this be qualitatively different for workers in this new world?”


    The destiny of civilization: An interview with Michael Hudson


    NATOstan isn’t being demilitarised, only a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy loon would believe such a thing. Lol.

    “German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said at the last meeting of the German Cabinet in August 2022, that “there is little scope for sending weapons from the German army’s stockpile to Ukraine. I must admit that we have reached the limits of what we can offer. Our army must be able to guarantee the defense of the states and the German Confederation.. I will make sure that this situation continues.” As she put it, these statements expressed the imminent arrival of German military support for Ukraine to the maximum; This means that Germany will have limited options in this regard in the coming periods, as well as a slowdown in the pace of support for Ukraine.

    Bijou Drains

    So you try to support your piss weak argument with Michael Hudson and quote his interview which starts by saying that “Minneapolis was a Trotskyist city”. Perhaps this might have given you a clue to his level of credibility.

    FFS, do you not understand the irony of a Stalinist supporter using a Trotskyist to support his arguments and the quoting said Trotskyist saying that “Minneapolis was a Trotskyist city”

    Barry Eldin’s account of the Teamsters strike that Hudson refers to states “When the Comintern expelled supporters of Leon Trotsky, these four and 23 other Minneapolis party members found themselves expelled. They played a key role in the founding of a new party organization, the Communist League of America (Opposition), making Minneapolis an important base for American Trotskyism.”

    So you’re now recycling James P Cannon’s proto SWP as a form of legitimacy? I doubt you have even a clue who Cannon was, yet you attempt to lionise the very anti stalinists’s (Trotsky et al) whose execution you celebrate.

    Did anyone tell the city of Minneapolis that they were a Trostskyist city? Doesn’t look like they realised that 27 disillusioned ex Bolsheviks, masquerading as Marxists took control of their city.

    I’ll go back to my original question, please explain how a change to multipolar capitalism will end the exploitation workers in terms of surplus value? P.s. do you even understand what surplus value is and the implications of it?

    Bijou Drains

    NATOstan isn’t being demilitarised, only a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy loon would believe such a thing. Lol.

    True Narcissist quotes “German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said at the last meeting of the German Cabinet in August 2022, that “there is little scope for sending weapons from the German army’s stockpile to Ukraine. I must admit that we have reached the limits of what we can offer. Our army must be able to guarantee the defense of the states and the German Confederation”

    So True Narcissist thinks that Germany “wanting to protect” its own stockpile of weapons somehow implies “demilitarisation”. If Germany was getting rid of their stockpile, that would have shown demilitarisation! Wishing to maintain the stockpile shows the exact opposite.

    You haven’t got the sense to realise that the sources you quote support the assertion you’re trying to disprove.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    I don’t think any sensible person will dispute the fact that BOTH sides are expending huge amounts of armaments in the war.

    The question is who can replenish their supplies and put them on the field of battle the fastest?

    Russia has the handicap of sanctions against it with only North Korea and Iran suspected of surreptitiously breaking the arms embargo. China has been reluctant to follow suit but I wonder just how many micro-chips have been exported to Russia via the back-door.

    Ukraine (NATO) are using sophisticated and very expensive weaponry to counter Russia’s cheaper simpler ones. So Russia may have the advantage there.

    The USA as I posted earlier are passing a high-budget new arms bill to replace its supply.

    Germany said it would establish a maintenance hub in Slovakia to service and repair weapons it has delivered to Kyiv.

    “We have reached agreement, and work can start immediately so that all the equipment which has been supplied can be repaired after coming out of battle,” Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht told reporters in Brussels.

    As ALB says, at some point it has to all be paid for by BOTH sides and as workers are the source of wealth creation it will be us who eventually bear the burden in some way or other

    Bijou Drains

    True Narcissist, can I make a little suggestion, having read you contributions on this forum over many months. Can I suggest that politics, economic theory and history are not your strong suits.

    Can I also that suggest perhaps Morris Dancing or maybe train spotting might be hobbies that you could reach a level of understanding that would allow you to build some small degree of self esteem.

    I genuinely think that they might be pastimes that you may even surpass your current level of proficiency in politics, economic theory and history and reach the, to you, dizzying heights of being just less than mediocre.


    “Russia has the handicap of sanctions against it”

    Russia has all the resources, energy and skilled manpower it needs. NATOstan barely enough energy and shortages of resources. Moreover, most of the world isn’t sanctioning Russia while the Euro members of NATOstan are sanctioning themselves.

    Ukraine must send equipment hundreds upon hundreds of kilometers away for repairs, Russia can do it on its doorstep.

    The whole question of microchips is overblown.

    Don’t Use Chips to Play Poker With Putin

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    “FFS, do you not understand the irony of a Stalinist supporter”

    I’m not a “Stalinist”.


    I know you will describe it as propaganda lies but the UK’S MOD suggests that Russia is indeed running low of weapons and are cannibalizing its supply of nuclear deterrent cruise missiles

    Russia ‘having to reuse old 80s missiles with nuclear warheads removed’

    The USA also possesses its plentiful stockpiles of relatively obsolete weapons.

    America remains the arsenal of the world.

    Putin can hope with a change in Congress, America’s will to support Ukraine is weakened.

    As for the mounting cost of the Ukrainian refugees, the UK has been robbing Peter to pay Paul – the budget earmarked for general foreign aid is being diverted to the upkeep of Ukrainian refugees. The cost is being borne by the rest of the world’s undeveloped countries in need.


    “I know you will describe it as propaganda lies but the UK’S MOD suggests that Russia is indeed running low of weapons”

    Lol, the MSM has been saying Russia’s out of missiles since March! All-in with the MSM narrative what do you think? You published the above drivel afterall. Why would you publish it unless you thought it worthy of considertion? What a dupe.

    Bijou Drains

    True Narcissist- “I’m not a Stalinist”

    To be fair, TN, it’s hard to tell, you’re position is about as stable as a kangaroo shagging a spacehopper


    From the horse’s mouth

    “Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday that there are issues with equipment for the hundreds of thousands of men being sent to fight in Ukraine under President Vladimir Putin’s partial mobilization decree. Peskov said a newly-formed council created by Putin is working on resolving problems with equipment.

    Is Russia running low? The following article is a measured analysis (it too talks of mistaken estimates in the past)

    Why do you dispute the obvious?

    BOTH sides are using up an extraordinary amount of logistics, faster than they can be replaced. For BOTH sides there is a time lag in replacing them.

    It is not me who predicts a short war and an imminent victorious Winter offensive by Russia but you.

    Such a scenario becomes less likely.

    From what I read, it is becoming much more of a trench war stalemate along much of the frontlines, reminiscent of WW1. And such warfare doesn’t involve missiles but artillery barrages to keep soldiers’ heads down.

    For the stand-off to be broken an incredible use of weapons will need to be built up, and that will not go unnoticed by either side’s satellite spying.

    Can Ukraine’s electric grid survive? We could see the possible delivery of all manner of diesel generators. I don’t see it being the war-winner some hope it might be. Necessity is the mother of invention. Ukraine will adapt and persevere. Neither its government or Russia’s really care about the toll on civilians, other than making propaganda capital.


    Kievs mayor starts evacuating residents. EU better brace for a shit ton more refugees.


    “From the horse’s mouth”

    Boy, you sure are slow to the party, or more likely, just slow. Your first linked to article has already been discussed here and merely outlines minor problems with outfitting the newly mobilized troops including such things as bandages. This has nothing to do with missiles, tanks, artillery, planes, shells, drones, trucks, etc. Do you understand?

    The second article is nothing but pablum from one of the US’ chief war propagandists singing the “Russia is running out of missiles” mantra we’ve heard since March. Meanwhile, in the real world, last week’s missile barrage was the biggest yet. Lol

    “From what I read, it is becoming much more of a trench war stalemate along much of the frontlines, reminiscent of WW1.”

    And that’s the problem All-in, your sources are shit. Garbage in garbage out.

    “Ukraine will adapt and persevere.”

    No, it will collapse and unconditionally surrender. Just like their Nazi brethren did in WW2.

    “Neither its government or Russia’s really care about the toll on civilians”

    The Russian’s only just started taking out the electrical grid. Why? Because they wanted to avoid harm to civilians. The Nazis misinterpreted this as having a lack of weapons to do so. Now the Russian’s are taking the gloves off because Ukraine is refusing peace negotiations. There is no shortage of missiles.

    “other than making propaganda capital.”

    Russia doesn’t pay much attention to propaganda. That’s Ukraine’s specialty. But wars aren’t won by propaganda, they’re won on the battlefield where Russia is winning resoundingly. And even you Guardian Brahs will eventually be forced to admit what is right before your eyes. You’ll be some of the last to do so though I’m sure.

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