Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #236709

    And Solzhenitsyn was treated humanely, TS?

    So you believe dissidents and critics of the state should be imprisoned?


    “And I am still waiting to hear from you as to why you consider Ukraine to be a “fascist state””

    Cos it’s run by nazis.

    “but not Russia”

    Cos it’s not run by nazis.

    “when they are so remarkably similar – right-wing, repressive, authoritarian, capitalist oligarchies.”

    Sounds an awful lot like Britain’s government. So Britain is nazi too?

    So apparently the reason why Ukraine is a fascist state and Russia is not – despite the fact that they are remarkably similar in the way they are run – is that [moderator deleted] has said so! LOL No need to make any kind of serious comparative study of these two regimes. Just take my word for it, TS seems to be saying. It’s pathetic really. It reminds me of a pair of kids getting into a fight on a school playground for calling each other names: “You’re a Nazi!”, “No I’m not, you’re the nazi!”

    There is a serious point to all this which is to demystify and deconstruct the real capitalist motives driving this conflict between these two capitalist states – or rather blocs (since each of the combatants has their own supporters or backers). If Ukraine is truly a fascist state then by the same token so much Russia be and this would make a complete mockery of Putin’s claim that the imperialist invasion of Ukraine was justified because it had as one of its objectives, the goal of “de=nazifying Ukraine”. It stretches credulity to imagine that one “fascist” regime would want to rid another of its “fascism”.

    I put these terms in inverted commas because I don’t actually believe either of these regimes is actually fascist in the meaningful sense of the term although they are, to a remarkable extent, mirror images of each other. However, capitalist states need some kind of ideological pretext to engage in war to camouflage their real intentions

    Putin’s claim that the war is justified as a means of ridding Ukraine of Nazis is on a par with Ukraine’s claim that it is defending democracy against tyranny. In other words, complete BS


    It’s an ideology born of the war with Germany. “Nazis” are ingrained in the handed-down memory of Russian patriots. Much less so now in the West, where the boogeyman Nazi was straightway replaced by the boogeyman Commie.

    Bijou Drains

    TN – “I’d rather stick an ice pick in my eye”

    For the very first time I agree with True Narcissist, I’d also rather he stuck an eye pick in his eye! 😂😂😂

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Bijou Drains.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    ALB: “For once I agree with Lizzie.”

    More the Bore: “Maybe, ALB, you could make our pamphlets more hip, and halve their content for the short- attention -span – digital modern skimmer.”

    So long as you don’t get to write them. Your palaverous style is guaranteed to send most readers to sleep – but perhaps that’s not necessarily a bad thing 🙂


    Actually, TM, that might be a better use of your talents — writing for the Socialist Standard again. You can send them handwritten if you like, but we’d prefer them in digital form.


    Suggest some subjects. More the bore will try to oblige (yawn).

    Liz can just address me as Sir Thomas.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Thomas_More.

    It would seem that Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine will have the unintended consequence of strengthening and unifying NATO imperialism as well as contribute to an increase in militarism and sickening jingoism everywhere. Expect military budgets around the world to increase as capitalist states tool up with yet more weapons of mass murder. Thanks, Putin!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by robbo203.

    #236740 REPLY | QUOTE

    It would seem that Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine will have the unintended consequence of strengthening and unifying NATO imperialism as well as contribute to an increase in militarism and sickening jingoism everywhere. Expect military budgets around the world to increase as capitalist states tool up with yet more weapons of mass murder. Thanks, Putin!


    That is totally correct. As in Kuwait the USA wanted Iraq to invade Kuwait, and in this case the USA wanted Russia to invade Ukraine, and now the USA has more control on NATO and more European countries are going to join it


    “So you believe dissidents and critics of the state should be imprisoned?”

    As stated previously, he was a panic monger during an existential crisis. I do believe in imprisoning panic mongers in such cases.


    “Liz can just address me as Sir Thomas.”

    Don’t you mean Small Thomas?


    I think even if partially it shows that diplomacy and international affairs is never about principles but national interests.


    Ukrainian energy company tells people to just leave to save power. Genius.


    “For the very first time I agree with True Narcissist, I’d also rather he stuck an eye pick in his eye!”

    With a lobotomy making me as brain damaged as you, the pablum you write might actually start to make sense.


    “It would seem that Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine will have the unintended consequence of strengthening and unifying NATO imperialism”

    MSM fairytales. In other news, Starlight the rainbow unicorn was spotted eating candyfloss bush by Bubblegum Lake.

    Serious question…Is there anything written in MSM you don’t credulously accept as fact?

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