Russian Tensions

September 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #226383

    The Socialist Party and War

    The Socialist Party and War (1950)

    This pamphlet published by the SPGB was valid at the time it was written, the time that all wars took place, and it is still valid in our time


    What’s the problem?
    It’s just everyday diplomatic negotiations between two rival power blocs, NATO and Russo-Chinese

    Whats the purpose?
    Whatever they can get.


    Just woke up. Still no Russian invasion. The US and British “intelligence” services seem to be as reliable as the CWO — they have predicted 9 of the last 2 Russian invasions.

    Of course they are not really that stupid. They know there’s not going to be one. They are just saying there will be, probably so as to be able to say that when one doesn’t happen that their firm stand deterred it.

    Amusing how Putin treats with contempt the various ministers Britain has sent to Moscow to threaten Russia, indicating that he would rather speak to the organ grinder than the monkey. Which he did yesterday.

    Meanwhile one of the monkeys has accused the French President of being an appeaser like Neville Chamberlain in Munich in 1938. Where did find these non-entities?


    “Amusing how Putin treats with contempt the various
    ministers Britain has sent to Moscow to threaten
    Russia, indicating that he would rather speak to
    the organ grinder than the monkey. Which he did

    😀 I like this!


    Putin and Biden wouldn’t have spoken for an hour and a half just to reiterate the stalemate. That only takes two minutes on the news! It beggars belief that that’s all that was said.
    Which means, something of substance must have been said.


    Ukraine can’t join Nato anyway, because it doesn’t meet the requirements. Clause 6 of Nato’s 1995 Study on Enlargement states:
    ‘States which have ethnic disputes or external territorial disputes, including irredentist claims, or internal jurisdictional disputes must settle those disputes by peaceful means in accordance with OSCE principles. Resolution of such disputes would be a factor in determining whether to invite a state to join the Alliance.’

    Putin’s already got what he wants, a partly balkanised Ukraine, and will aim to keep the dispute over Donetsk and Luhansk simmering in perpetuity. So the incentive to invade isn’t there at present, though the outlook could change. Interestingly, ‘neutral’ Finland has just announced a $9.4bn deal to buy dozens of US F35 stealth warplanes.

    Meanwhile the sabre-rattling plays well at home, especially for Biden seeking to cut Trump support off at the knees prior to 2024, and Bozo Johnson desperate for some misdirection. By having the military out in force, Putin comes off like a macho rock star for the voters, without really needing to do anything further.


    Would give a thumbs up sign here, but don’t know how to.

    Thanks anyway. 🙂


    Since the beginning of this thread, it was said that Ukraine can not be a member of NATO and both sides of the conflict know that too, it is like our editorial article said: Sabre-rattling over Ukraine, there is not going to take place any Russian invasion, and there is not going to take any war at the present time either. The socialist logic is different from the capitalist propaganda and the leftwing and conspiracists war hysteria


    BBC admits an hour ago that top of Ukrainians’ social media topics is not invasion, but the Eurovision contenders.


    Thanks, Movimiento.


    Nobody believes there’s going to be an invasion and a nuclear war, not even the ICC:

    “Are we heading towards a direct conflict between Russia and the US over the Ukraine, even a third world war, as some of the more alarmist reports suggest?

    Neither the US or Russia are part of a stable military bloc which has the discipline to mobilise for a global war. And neither has an interest in an immediate, direct military clash. Despite the Ukraine’s considerable agricultural and industrial assets invading and annexing the Ukraine has been compared to a python swallowing a cow: invading it might be one thing, holding onto it quite another. And as we have said, America has more pressing concerns on the imperialist front, hence Biden’s rather ineffectual warning that bad things will happen if Russia invades, and his commitment to high level diplomatic talks.”


    The icc is a Leninist organization and they do not follow the war histeria like some Trotskyists groups


    Why don’t the capitalists of France and Germany throw off U.S. rule by simply leaving NATO, so as to make their own decisions?

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