Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #235340

    “I don’t know if anyone else has noticed that TS never appears to make any contributions during the weekends”

    It’s cos I have a life knucklehead. There are better things to be doing on weekends than pissing into the wind here.

    “and that his contributions seem to only occur during working times during MSK (Moscow Standard Time).”

    I’m in Japan. A fact I’ve shared here previously. You know, you should take off your tinfoil hat, it’s clearly too tight and restricting blood flow to your brain.

    “If I was a cynic”

    No, just dim.

    “I might link these facts and come to conclusions which could explain TS’s strange contributions.”

    Oh, so holding opinions contrary to those of infantile socialsit posers is strange now? Hardly.


    “And this shows he even relishes the thought!”

    I don’t see how. Then again, pretty much nothing you say makes any sense.

    “And following his nationalist ‘logic’, we should all be gung-ho for “our” flags and govts too! Otherwise, we’re “cowards.””

    Easy to say when your existence isn’t threatened. I’ve no doubt your mewling would change were a foreign invader spraying high velocity lead at you.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    ‘Easy to say when your existence isn’t threatened.’

    I’m not really following this thread so may have misunderstood, but if TS is apparently a Stalinist or state communist living in Japan, does he therefore support North Korea which sent a ballistic missile over Japan on 4 October?

    Bijou Drains

    Re TS – the Lady doth protest too much, me thinks.

    Although I guess you might have to have a little break from licking jackboots and brown tonguing dictators


    ‘Lol. You have no case. That’s why there’re only seven of you. At some point surely it has to start sinking that maybe your ideas are quite simply…shit.’

    We are the second oldest political party in the country and have seen literally hundreds of different Leftist parties/groups come and go having achieved nothing (except harming the case for socialism).


    Yes, TS supports the Kims, Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Gaddafi, and logically he must also support Pol Pot.


    “I’m not really following this thread so may have misunderstood, but if TS is apparently a Stalinist or state communist living in Japan, does he therefore support North Korea which sent a ballistic missile over Japan on 4 October?”

    The missile test was in retaliation for joint US/Japan/South Korean naval exercises designed to sink DPRK submarines. Cats will swell up in size when intimidated. As usual, the aggressors are the US and its toadies. If Japan ever again attacks the north it will get what it rightly has coming to it.


    “We are the second oldest political party in the country and have seen literally hundreds of different Leftist parties/groups come and go having achieved nothing (except harming the case for socialism).”

    And in all that time have achieved nothing but this crumby little website. Bravo, participation trophies for everyone!


    “Yes, TS supports the Kims, Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Gaddafi, and logically he must also support Pol Pot.”

    That is not logical and no, I don’t. Sorry to disappoint.


    ‘If Japan ever again attacks the north it will get what it rightly has coming to it.’

    So you would support North Korea bombing your house?


    TS, why not Pol Pot? He had the full support of the CPC.

    It was Mao’s hatchet man, Kang Sheng, who persuaded the CPC to back Pol Pot over Sihanouk, and China financed the Pol Pot regime.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Thomas_More.

    “So you would support North Korea bombing your house?”

    I live in an apartment.


    “TS, why not Pol Pot? He had the full support of the CPC.”

    Alan, this thread is getting off topic again.


    ‘I live in an apartment.’

    So you’d support North Korea bombing your apartment?


    “So you’d support North Korea bombing your apartment?”

    It’s a rental.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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