Russian Tensions

December 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #234946

    Is the term ‘Nazi’ anachronistic rather like the accusation of ‘Fascism’? What constitutes a Nazi in the 21st century? A belief in an absolute charismatic leader; a belief that foreign cultures are evil; a belief that only authoritarian structures (taking away freedom ) can guarantee freedom; a belief that the strong should inherit the world through militarism and war? All of these ideological elements are present in the decadent form of capitalism and are shared widely by governments and large sections of the global working class and are not restricted to the Ukraine, the USA and its allies.


    “The military rallies in Russia, China and North Korea look just as Scotsman describes. So they are Nazis too.”

    Exactly Thomas. So to be consistent TS should be equally opposed to the “fascist-Nazi” regime of Putin otherwise he runs the risk being accused of being a Nazi sympathiser. It seems TS is one of those shallow and superficial commentators who seem to think the label on the bottle counts more than its contents. It is an intellectually lazy and dishonest way of proceeding. Just brand anyone who you dislike or disagree with as a Nazi so that the term nazi becomes more or less meaningless


    The Stalinists/ Trotskyists ( two eggs from the same nest ) have totally corrupted the real concept and meaning of fascism and nazism. The new definition is xenophobia, racism and violation of certain rights and some have used those concepts to be able to be elected and then they make alliance with the so called fascists They never mention ultra nationalism and the dictatorship of the party, and a form adopted by German and Italian capitalists, because they are nationalists, they support capitalism and they support authoritarian rulers and dictatorship of one party, even more, they never analyze the real roots of fascism/nazism, they have created a new concept known as Post fascism. For the Stalinists anybody that oppose them is a fascist or a Nazis like in the old the days of the Soviet Union, a pretext used for wars, repression, and killings. It is a very convenient concept and definition for some new rulers and political groups


    Let’s not forget Comintern’s Third Period when all the “labour” parties became “social fascists”, placed on par with the Nazis.

    And there were the “national bolsheviks”

    And then there were the Strasserites

    Does it matter if it is the right or left jackboot that stomps your face?


    “The military rallies in Russia, China and North Korea look just as Scotsman describes.”

    Really, they do torchlight rallies just as Hitler’s Nazis did at Nuremberg? Looks like I have to hand out another participation trophy for most retarded thing said on this thread. At this rate I’ll have none left by week’s end!

    “Scotsman sees justification for smashing and blighting the lives of thousands of people with warfare and high explosives by shouting “they are Nazis!”

    Yes, as a matter of fact I do. You are a socialist as am I. Socialists are number one on the Nazi hit list. At least for your very own self preservation you should support the crushing of Nazis. But some people are just too dim to know what’s good for them.

    Ukrainian Communist youth leaders arrested by government, reportedly targeted for death

    “All nationalists and militarists use WW2 as an excuse, and “Nazi” is a universal epithet for justifying state violence.”

    Nazism is an actual real world ideology that devastated much of the real world already. It’s literal torchbearers are alive and well in Ukraine today. Fuck Nazi scum!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    Alan just can’t help himself. If he’s not publishing lies from the Guardian he’s publishing lies from CIApedia. Another participation trophy awarded, this time for Alan!


    I should have mentioned that KPD and Nazi cooperation had earlier roots such as what is called the Schlageter Line, an alliance between them against the French occupation of the Ruhr. Similar collaboration persisted up to 1932 with the Berlin transport strike, organising joint pickets.

    In 1931 the KPD endorsed the Nazi referendum campaign to destabilise Prussia’s SPD state government and Franz Borkenau pointed out in his history of Comintern,

    “This was no longer simply the theory of ‘Social-Fascism,’ the belief that there was no difference between Fascism and democracy and that the Social-Democrats were just as bad as the Nazis… Their participation in the Nazi referendum implied more. It implied the view that to overthrow the last defense of German democracy, the Prussian government, in co-operation with the Nazis, meant progress, that a Nazi régime was preferable to a democratic régime”

    The U-turn to anti-fascist “Popular Front” strategy was 1933/34. Up to then whenever the SPD offered an alliance with the KPD, it was spurned. Comintern rejected the idea that there existed a qualitative difference between social democrats and Nazis.

    Both the KPD and the Nazis share the same anti-democratic principles so they could prop one another up.


    Dredging up irrelevancies from the past again? For what purpose? FFS, these are literal zieg heiling, swastika toting Nazis we’re talking about not social democrats! They must and will be crushed. End of story.

    You’ll clutch your pearls and cry over the loss of life because for you ideology is only an exercise in naval gazing with no real world consequences. Nazis are just workers in your deranged thinking not the demented, blood thirsty hooligans they manifest as in the real world. Heck, some of you don’t even believe they exist! They’re merely an abstraction from a dusty old book or a black and white documentary series. What a bunch of unserious jokers you lot are. Socialist Poser Guardian Bros.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    To the morons who think the Nazis in Ukraine aren’t contemplating the use of a dirty bomb…

    “in eight months of conflict, the Ukrainian army has bombed 29 times, and attacked 10 times with drones the nuclear power plant of Zaporozhye, which is under Russian control, without ever worrying about the catastrophic consequences that such attacks could have”


    “They must and will be crushed.”

    NOT the language of democratic socialism!

    In fact, it’s the language of fascism.


    Fascism comes in two forms: Fascism and anti Fascism

    Bijou Drains

    AS- “Let’s not forget Comintern’s Third Period when all the “labour” parties became “social fascists”, placed on par with the Nazis.”

    Dave Spart – “Alan just can’t help himself. If he’s not publishing lies from the Guardian he’s publishing lies from CIApedia.”

    Actually The SPGB doesn’t need to rely on Wikipedia to know that the good people of the Communist Party of Great Britain smashed up and attempted to use the Nazi approach to intimidate political meetings in the UK, we were targetted as well!!

    Bijou Drains

    Sadly, in Dave Spart’s mind the world is full of Goodies and Baddies (he has admittted this himself). It appears to be difficult for him to conceive of a situation where there might be two sets of baddies.

    He prefers to foam up in the mouth and continue being Putin’s lickspittle. Thankfully if he’s doing this to us where is is less likely to have any impact (as long as we keep challenging his anti socialist hogwash)

    No doubt Dave Spart would also add to his list of “Goodies”:

    Pol Pot
    Hastings Banda
    Darth Vader


    “In fact, it’s the language of fascism”

    And you’d fight fascists by stopping their boots and bullets with your head? Lol


    “No doubt Dave Spart would also add to his list of “Goodies”:”

    Actually Bojo’s Brain Aneurysm, I would include Mugabe and Gadaafi on my list of goodies. Mugabe was an anticolonial hero and instituted land reform, returning what was stolen by Euro colonists to indigenous Africans. Gadaafi, also an anticolonial hero, presided over the richest nation in all Africa and was a champion of African sovereignty and unity. The fact you consider both baddies shows what a lick spittle of Euro imperialism and opponent of anticolinial struggle you really are. Why am I not surprised? Socialist Posers Guardian Bros! Hurrah!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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