Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #234293

    “Interesting that TS trumpets the worth of the volunteers for Putin’s “fight against the Ukrainian Nazis”, yet he doesn’t take the chance to join the volunteers himself.”

    Oh, isn’t this adorable? Not content with being intellectually humiliated for his inane views Bojo’s Brains decides to double down on them. For some reason I’m reminded of Forest Gump. What did he always say? “Stupid is as stupid does”?

    “As we all know the Russian army are actively seeking overseas volunteers.”

    I’ve an old record player. It’s broken and, like Bojo’s Brains, only plays one tune. It’s incredibly boring. I really should chuck it out.

    “Perhaps TS is only interested in fighting “Nazis” from the safety of his bedroom.”

    I’ve never much understood sado-masochism. I don’t get the need for humiliation. But different strokes for different folks. Whatever gets one through the day.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    Bijou Drains

    Another attempt to deflect TS, perhaps you could just answer the question, or shall we leave it to the readers of this forum to guess the reason why you applaud the “volunteers” but are reluctant to join them?


    “Or it might just be that there are around 1 billion people living in the collective west. A collective west that is lording it over all the rest.”

    I wasn’t aware that I, as one of the one billion of the collective west, was lording it over anyone. I don’t even lord it over my cats. But I see that the one billion, only 1% of whom are capitalists, if that, are, all of us, in TS’s eyes, an enemy to be obliterated in the interest of the Russian ruling class!


    “I wasn’t aware that I, as one of the one billion of the collective west”

    Oh, I see. You gain absolutely no benefit from living in the imperial core. I’m sure the inhabitants of far off colonised nations, the one’s with no running water or forced to live on and pick through garbage tips would whole heartedly agree with you. LOL


    “Another attempt to deflect TS, perhaps you could just answer the question”

    Your question is juvenile and therefore I have only one response. The adult’s are talking. Run along child.


    All I have to do to see people living as you describe is get a bus across town. I don’t need to travel abroad to see it.
    There will be many deaths this winter from cold in this, the “imperial core”, and also suicides by people unable to make ends meet.
    And even closer to the core, in the U.S., miles of tent cities of the homeless, freezing to death. And those in the slums not much better off.
    I don’t see Putin huddling there, no more than Truss or Peskov, Biden or Lavrov or Hsi.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Thomas_More.

    I did recommend those who wished to understand our position in the Serb-Kosovo war read what we said at the time.

    Editorial: The Balkan war (continued)

    Kosovo—a war for justice?

    The Yugoslav Wars Myths & Realities

    “…NATO claims to be waging war to save the Albanian-speaking population of Kosovo. If this really were their aim then their war would have to be pronounced a failure. The Albanian-speakers of Kosovo are manifestly worse off than they would be had there been no war. Burned out by the one side and bombed by the other, in the biggest displacement of population since the end of the last world war, the majority of them are now languishing in miserable refugee camps in Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro. But NATO’s aim never was humanitarian…What is going on is a turf war with the Serbian ruling class fighting to defend their already considerably reduced territory and NATO trying to grab Kosovo from them. It is for these sordid aims that the Albanian-speakers of Kosovo have been driven from their homes and that the workers of Serbia are being bombed and deprived of basic amenities such as water and electricity.”


    Both Bijou and Scotsman have paid no heed to my warning to desist from their personal exchanges.

    I have deleted their last two posts. And will continue to do so if the rancour does not cease.

    I have no wish to suspend either but will do so if required.


    No Ukrainian Nazi death squads to see here. Move along.

    “‘We’re hunting them down and shooting them like pigs’: How the Ukrainians are taking brutal revenge on the collaborators who’ve betrayed their neighbours – and country – to the Russians”

    Bijou Drains

    I do not wish to cause more difficulty for you Alan, but how is it that TS’s contribution #234305, did not illicit the same response?

    I would also appreciate some guidance from you about about how Socialists can call out the rank hypocrisy of war mongers without breaching the posting guidance.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    I am surprised the Daily Mail published that exposé of just how nasty the Ukranian ethno-nationalists are. And the West are backing them.

    Imagine the massacres and ethnic cleansing that will take place if the Ukranian nationalists do manage to reconquer Donbass and Crimea, with Western arms and money. Would Biden, Truss and the others then be put on trial at The Hague as war criminals? Silly question.


    Bijou Drain, My weakness as a moderator is my tolerance and reluctance to take firm action. As they say, the path to Hell is paved with good intentions.

    And while I am at it, a reminder of Rule 14
    “Rule enforcement is the responsibility of the moderators, not of the contributors. If you believe a post or private message violates a rule, report it to the moderators. Do not take it upon yourself to chastise others for perceived violations of the rules.”

    I acted because of the concern of others on the forum that their own contributions are not being acknowledged and appreciated by the distraction caused by you and TS.

    TS takes exception to many of my own posts, often disparaging the sources as biased. I ignore the attempts to refute them, although I may add some further clarification, happy that an objective observer will come to his or her own decision on the merits or otherwise of its content and understand the motive of them.

    As Marxists, we have a class-based analysis, not one that is built on national chauvinism as TM and MS indicated in some of their posts.

    I know I will not change TS’s mindset. I no longer even bother to try.

    I am reminded of what Wilhelm Reich once said, “The less he understands something, the more firmly he believes in it.”

    However, I will not give him or others any satisfaction by blocking from the forum and sacrificing our own proud tradition of permitting criticism of our socialist position.

    I will, nevertheless, use my power of suspension of posting rights if I deem it necessary. For how long that may be for, I leave to my own discretion. So be warned

    All I request is civility and we all know how to use language to its best effect.


    ALB, whats the link?

    I went to Daily Mail website and couldn’t find it


    A plague on both their houses and their respective nationalist camp followers.”

    Right, because there’s no difference between a state run by literal Nazis, and any other state. They’re exactly the same don’t you know? So Hitler’s Germany and Putin’s Russia – exactly the same.

    Of course there are differences between different capitalist states, TS. Hitler’s Germany is not exactly the same as Putin’s Russia. But while there are differences there are also very substantial commonalities- a point you seemingly willfully choose to ignore

    Whether Ukraine is a state “run by literal Nazi” is a moot point. There may be literal Nazis in the regime but that is not the same thing as saying the regime is run by Nazis. In any event, what cannot be doubted is that Ukraine is a thoroughly obnoxious authoritarian and corrupt capitalist regime run in the interests of its oligarchic capitalist class. But what is equally not in doubt is that Russia too is a thoroughly obnoxious authoritarian and corrupt capitalist regime run in the interests of its oligarchic capitalist class

    You, TS, as a nationalist and pro-capitalist opponent of socialism choose to side with one of these obnoxious capitalist regimes against the other. Protest all you like that the obnoxious capitalist regime you support – Putin’s Russia – is somehow morally superior in some way to the obnoxious capitalist regime you oppose – Zelinsky’s Ukraine – but that does not get around the fact that what you are apologising for is precisely the disgusting capitalist regime of Putin. You should be ashamed of yourself!

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