Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #234257

    One reason Putin is speaking the same language as the Golden Billion conspiracists is similar to Lenin who to protect the nascent Bolshevik state resorted to his imperialism theory, and the British Empire created super-profits from the colonies to ‘bribe’ what was called the aristocracy of labour into acquiescence to turn them into a privileged section of the world proletariat. Sound familiar?

    In this war, Putin is using the golden billion conspiracy to call for support from undeveloped and developing nations against what he is hoping to be perceived as a common enemy. Whether Putin believes in it is neither here nor there. It is a propaganda tool he has adopted, just as right-wing Republicans (and leaders like Hungary’s Orban and Modi in India) have repeated the Great Replacement conspiracy to gather support.


    Have to contradict you. No one in the Middle or so-called “Dark” ages believed the Earth was flat. They weren’t stupid.

    Please don’t delete this, Alan. I’m just answering Movimiento.


    Out of track.

    Thomas you are moving too fast, didn’t you read the sarcasm ? What I meant is that these peoples think that they know everything, but they are just a bunch of ignorance because the Bible says that the Earth is not flat, and they claim to be Christians.

    I know about the Middle age because it was a mandatory class within the Jesuit, Saleasian, and La Salle Brother schools, and I studied with them, and they never called it the Dark Ages,

    when I attended my first university it was mandatory to study Humanities and it included several book and literature written during the middle age,

    Spain golden age took place within the middle age, and I have several of their literatures and I collected all of them


    A reminder of all the events in the Ukrainian Civil War 2014-2022


    Lenin said that the low salaries paid at the colonies paid the hight salaries of the workers of the Metropolis, Lenin read Marx Capital, but he did not know that the rate of economic exploitation is measured by the rate of surplus value, and the workers on the Metropolis produced more surplus value and the economic exploitation was higher too, therefore, it is a lie or a distortion made by Lenin on his book Imperialism

    The Doctrine of Discovery gave to the European powers ( approved by the Russian Orthodox Church, ally of Putin and Stalin ) the right to exploit, kill, conquer, and carve all the under developed countries, and that idea is also applicable to Russia and China because they are carving the natural resources of Venezuela, Chile and Bolivia and they have partnership with Gitco, and the Soviet Union kept Cuba as typical capitalist colony, even more China has sent more than 400 fishing ships to the Atlantic near Argentina, and Chile and the Argentina navy had to shoot against them because they are taking and destroying all the natural resources.

    The USA overthrew Zelaya in Honduras because they did not want the capitalists of Venezuela and Russia to have exclusive routes of commodities and raw material thru Central America. They can fool the fools.

    PS When Rumsfield visited Central America he asked all the leaders to throw away their guns and armaments because most of them were supplied by Russia and the Soviet Union and the USA wanted them to buy new guns, the whole army of Venezuela and Cuba has Russia armaments, and Russia has made military excercise in the Caribbean seas along with Venezuela and Nicaragua which is part of the backyard of the USAa, all those operations have been approved by Putin


    I think you will like THE TRAGEDY OF LIBERATION by Dikotter. There is a photo of Chinese youths made to carry an ocean of portraits of Stalin.


    I’m not saying it is identical but there are parallels between Serbia and Kosovo

    Albanian speakers sought self-determination (read Donbas) and to break away from Serbia (read Ukraine). A civil war arose and to defend the Kosovans, NATO (read Russia) attacked Serbia.

    Who did Russia support? The secessionists? Of course not. They supported Serbia’s right to impose its sovereignty.

    Who did the SPGB support? Read our archives for that era.


    “One reason Putin is speaking the same language as the Golden Billion conspiracists”

    Or it might just be that there are around 1 billion people living in the collective west. A collective west that is lording it over all the rest. Ever considered that? There is no evidence that Putin believes in any “conspiracy theory” to reduce the world’s population. Until he says as much the only person who sounds like a conspiracy theorist Alan is you.


    More than 70,000 Russians have volunteered for the armed forces since September 21st. That’s more than Australia’s total military manpower. The poor Ukrainian Nazis, they don’t stand a chance.

    “Since the partial mobilization in Russia started, the recruitment centers have voluntarily received more than 70,000 people”

    Russian recruitment centers receive more than 70,000 volunteers


    “I’m not saying it is identical but there are parallels between Serbia and Kosovo”

    Alan is carrying water for NATO now? Why is it I’m not surprised?

    What Is the Difference Between Kosovo & Donbass?


    “More than 70,000 Russians have volunteered for the armed forces since September 21st. That’s more than Australia’s total military manpower. The poor Ukrainian Nazis, they don’t stand a chance”.

    It looks like the military balance is shifting decisively in favour of the authoritarian oligarchic regime in Ukraine and away from the authoritarian oligarchic regime in Russia. A plague on both their houses and their respective nationalist camp followers. As ever, the real losers in this sordid little capitalist squabble over territory, resources, and spheres of influence are the workers on both “sides” of this conflict.

    Bijou Drains

    TS- “ More than 70,000 Russians have volunteered for the armed forces since September 21st. That’s more than Australia’s total military manpower. The poor Ukrainian Nazis, they don’t stand a chance”

    Interesting that TS trumpets the worth of the volunteers for Putin’s “fight against the Ukrainian Nazis”, yet he doesn’t take the chance to join the volunteers himself. As we all know the Russian army are actively seeking overseas volunteers.

    Perhaps TS is only interested in fighting “Nazis” from the safety of his bedroom.


    The reality is that Russia is losing the war and they are losing more territory even the ones that they have annexed


    Russia is looking for mercenaries soldiers in Latin America in the same manner that the USA hired paramilitary from Colombia during the Iraq war and some were from Chile who had military training

    More than 25,000 voluntary soldiers from 52 countries have joined the fight in Ukraine


    “A plague on both their houses and their respective nationalist camp followers.”

    Right, because there’s no difference between a state run by literal Nazis, and any other state. They’re exactly the same don’t you know? So Hitler’s Germany and Putin’s Russia – exactly the same.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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