Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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    The moderator of this forum must put on his boot and do something to resolve certain problems that we are facing.

    This forum was created in order to discuss, exchange ideas and publish articles related to socialism and events that are taking place around the world.

    This particular thread is becoming a place for cocks fights, and nothing can be published without somebody insulting the publisher, the moderator must place in moderation whoever violates the rules of this forum or eliminate this thread.

    I do miss Yahoo groups because we were able to moderate the messages or place filters on the senders

    I have been the moderator of several discussion forums, and we handled more than 4000 message every months, and several thousand members and everything was done smoothly and we treated each others with respect


    Bijou Drain – Moderate your tone otherwise the next post I deem to be objectionable will result in its removal and your suspension.

    The same goes for all others.

    There will be no more warnings.

    7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.


    Following up on the golden billion conspiracy theory Tass, the Russian official news agency, refers to Putin commenting upon it as if it is a real goal for certain nations.

    Has Russia its own version of QAnon, I seriously wonder.


    Some sources indicate that Qanon have its own followers in Russia and China

    Qanon is also being infiltrated within the Hispanic community and probably it will move down south

    We wrote an article titled: Conspiracy theory vs socialist logic which says that it is easier to accept conspiracy theories because they are already made for us, for the socialist theory you analyze them yourself and take consciousness by yourselves,


    Some of the prisoners captured in Venezuela who tried a coup were involved with Qanon

    Most right-wing governments and their followers are creating or adopting their own Qanon conspiracy theory and Brazil is not an exception, and the Bolsonario government was heavily propagated by fanatics evangelicals


    “…A clear indication the Kremlin is preparing for a protracted war is the draft budget for 2023-2025. This shows that spending on the Russian army this year will amount to almost 5 trillion rubles ($86.2 billion), not the 3.5 trillion originally planned. In subsequent years spending will also exceed forecasts. At the same time, the Kremlin is increasing expenditures on the police, apparently fearing opposition protests. According to our calculations, Russia will spend at least 7.7 trillion rubles (about $110 billion) on the war in Ukraine and the reconstruction of the annexed territories in 2022-2025…”


    It is known that both sides do not want peace, they want to continue the war, and both are imperialists and expansionists. Probably, the USA want them to spend a large amount of money on military spending as they did with the Soviet Union


    “Following up on the golden billion conspiracy theory”

    It’s perfectly obvious that Putin is talking of the imperialist domination of the west over the rest of the world’s population via the “rules based order”.

    “The model of total domination of the so-called golden billion is unfair. Why should this ‘golden billion’ of all the population on the globe dominate over everyone and impose its own rules of behavior?”

    Putin makes no mention of the erasure of the rest of the world’s population only its subordination to western imperialism. That’s a fact not a conspiracy theory. What do you see Alan that I don’t?


    “Ukraine’s economy will shrink at a rate eight times that of Russia this year as a result of the war triggered by Moscow’s invasion in February”

    Wrong. The war was triggered by the US/NATO funded, neo-Nazi led coup in Kiev in 2014. Kiev began armed repression of its eastern provinces declaring the inhabitants there terrorists. Over 14,000 were killed in the conflict over the 8 years before Russia intervened to put a stop to the Nazis. If you can’t even get such basic facts correct why should we have any faith in your choice of articles for our erudition?


    If there’s to be an imminent nuclear apocalypse it’ll be because of the nutters in Washington DC not Moscow.


    A politician chooses his words very carefully as does Putin.

    This video is a summary of the Golden Billion theory

    Inactive The golden billions conspiracy theory is similar to the USA Qanon conspiracy theory of the world controlled by communists infiltrated in the spheres of the government. The whole thing is crap, as well the one applicable to Russia, capitalism is not a conspiracy, it is an economic reality based on world expansion and all imperialist powers including Russia compete for their own world hegemony


    QAnon goes to China – via Russia

    Qanon goes to China. All kind of conspiracy theory are emerging like flowers , but none of them explain the reality of the capitalist world.


    And sometimes we talk against Feudalism, but the Flat Earth movement is growing in one of the country that belong to the so called First World, they do not have any Renaissance, or any Enlightenment period, on the contrary, they are going back to the dark ages. It is another conspiracy theory like all the other ones. In our times history is made by Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc, etc. Wholesale ignorance


    Have to contradict you. No one in the Middle or so-called “Dark” ages believed the Earth was flat. They weren’t stupid.

    Please don’t delete this, Alan. I’m just answering Movimiento.

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