Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #234093
    Bijou Drains

    “TS, the difference between the conflicts you mention and the Russian –”

    Bojo’s Brains turns stupid up to 11. Congratulations, you get a participation trophy! I hear they’re doing try-outs for the special Olympics. Give it some thought.”

    TS, when it comes to witty repartee you’re not exactly Oscar Wilde, are you? Still, those aren’t required qualifications for cannon fodder.

    When you off to the front line?

    Think about it bonny lad, if you get yourself over to Russia and sign up you might even find some awestruck Russian to help you lose your virginity!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    “TS, when it comes to witty repartee you’re not exactly Oscar Wilde”

    Bojo’s Brains, what is this obsession you have with the gays? Come out of the closet friend, it’s sunny outside. I’m sure your parents will still love you anyways.

    “Still, those aren’t required qualifications for cannon fodder.”

    Bojo’s Brains, I’m sure all those participation trophies you own have convinced you you’re special. And you are. Only not in the way you think. It takes a special kind of stupid to think one is only entitled to an opinion if they’re prepared to drop everything in support of it. But that’s you Bojo’s Brains. Special. Very special. Lol

    “Think about it bonny lad, if you get yourself over to Russia and sign up you might even find some awestruck Russian to help you lose your virginity!”

    What, like you did in that public men’s bathroom once? No thanks.


    A useful analysis of the situation

    Is Putin in a Corner?

    “…Even if Putin himself were to suddenly die, an imperial nationalist of similar pedigree like former president/prime minister Dmitry Medvedev would likely take the reins and stay the course. Russia needs another revolution—peaceful, democratic—not just another leader…”

    Another article from the same website reflects what I previously questioned – blocking Russians fleeing from call-up.

    Welcoming Russians Who Refuse to Fight

    “…Encouraging and supporting those who refuse to participate in unjust missions has been an effective strategy against militarism in the past. It deserves greater attention now as a potential means of countering Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine…”

    No doubt another nefarious George Soros funded CIA-front


    Moderator warning

    The exchanges between Bijou Drains and True Scotsman are verging upon becoming personal abuse. There is a very narrow line between banter and invective, particularly if it grows sexualised.

    7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.

    Soften the tone, please


    “A useful analysis of the situation”

    Useful? Well that’s highly subjective. Let’s take a look at the first four lines of the article and decide, shall we?

    “When a country starts casting around for 60-year-old veterans to send to the front”

    The source for this claim seems to be a news story from April. A bit out of date, no? Anyway, it’s attributed to “state media”. Which country’s state media? My bet is Ukrainian but who knows? There’s no link to any original article so we’ll just have to take the propagandist’s word for it I guess.

    “All hands don’t go on deck unless the ship is foundering.”

    Russia has just annexed 15 per cent of former Ukrainian territory. In what universe is that foundering?

    “It’s not yet clear whether the Russian ship of state is taking on water.”

    Might I suggest that’s because it’s not “taking on water” but on an even keel?

    “But its military effort in Ukraine is obviously at the SOS stage.”

    Casualties in the war are conservatively estimated at 11:1 in favour of the Russians, ie., for every one Russian killed eleven Ukrainians meet their end. It’s SOS alright: for the Ukrainians.

    “Last week, Vladimir Putin ordered up reservists from around Russia, the first such emergency appeal since World War II.”

    Not even true. The Soviets called up reservists to deal with the Czechoslovakia crisis. And what of the Ukrainians? Turns out they’ve already called up all their reservists only they’ve almost none left. They’re all toast.

    No need to read further, the article is tosh. I don’t know if this is Soros blather Alan, but it’s blather nevertheless.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    An interesting interview with Ilya Budraitskis, a Russian left-wing dissident.

    Probably most likely a counter-revolutionary plant despite his pedigree as an activist

    War and resistance in Putin’s Russia

    “…While Putin has tried to justify all this with his hollow rhetoric of anti-imperialism, he more often turns to various conspiracy theories, especially one he repeatedly invokes—the Golden Billion Theory—and that has no purchase on almost anyone outside the far right.

    According to this theory, the West has a plan to exterminate everyone on the planet except the “golden billion” people who live in their countries. Obviously, this has little to do with reality…”

    I have not heard of this Golden Billion, a conspiracy to go alongside the Great Replacement one. I had to look it up.


    “While Putin has tried to justify all this with his hollow rhetoric of anti-imperialism, he more often turns to various conspiracy theories”

    Alan’s doing two-minutes hate now, bravo! The good propagandist must demonise his enemy. Paint him as unhinged and irrational. A dupe for “conspiracy theories”. Have you read a translation of the speech in question Alan? Of course you haven’t. No, that’s too much like hard work. You’d prefer instead to take as gospel the unhinged ramblings of some self-hating “dissident”. Good job. lol


    “When a country starts casting around for 60-year-old veterans to send to the front”

    This statement is very misleading. For clarification…

    “in order to be drafted for mobilization, the applicant must have citizenship of the Russian Federation , be in the reserve of the Armed Forces, have a military specialty and be suitable for conscription by age (for privates and non-commissioned officers – up to 50 years old, junior officers – up to 60 years old, senior officers – up to age 65).”


    Alan, you must publish articles from RT( Russia Today ) and Beijing review ( Peking Review )

    Inactiveñol&utm_campaign=NewsletterEspañol&utm_content=13. This news is in English and Spanish and it is published by Telesur ( Venezuela ) and they support the invasion of Russia to Ukraine. More than 200 thousand Russian reservists are going to be sent to Ukraine

    Inactive Cuba supports the Russian war in Ukraine, as well as the Nicaraguan government

    PS The International Communist Current ( CCI, or ICC ) in Latin America does not support either side, and they do not support Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and any other so-called socialist groups. I have spoken with some of them and despite our differences, they have respect for the WSM, one of their ex-member is a member of the WSM

    Bijou Drains

    Well done TS, you have added casual homophobia, to being a general gobshite, xenophobe and rejoicing in insults to people with learning disabilities (and perhaps being an incel). I would suggest, that this and your ongoing slavish adoration of any dictatorial figure (Putin, Stalin, Lenin, Xi, Kim Jong un, etc) and a good dash of misogyny (which no doubt you have in spades), means that you are the perfect fit for a volunteer for Putin (and his capitalist enterprises). So rather than add another epithet, COWARD, get yourself off to Russia and join the conflict you support.

    But perhaps your rhetoric is, as I and those who read your messages know, is just so much horseshit.

    Socialist? Your not even a Socialist’s shirt tail.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Bijou Drains.
    Bolsonaro says Brazil will remain neutral over the invasion. He is getting benefits from both sides. Some leftie call him Fascist, He holds the same principles as Putin and Donald Trump, he loves dictators, he is homophobic, he hates women and women’s rights, he is xenophobic, he is authoritarian, and he is supported by religious fanatics from the Catholic and the Evangelical church, he is the same dogs wearing different collars


    Ukraine’s economy will shrink at a rate eight times that of Russia this year as a result of the war triggered by Moscow’s invasion in February, the World Bank has estimated.

    In its latest report on Europe and central Asia, the Washington-based institution said the Ukrainian economy would contract by 35% in 2022, compared with a 4.5% fall in Russian GDP.

    Earlier estimates had suggested Russia faced a bigger economic hit this year, but the World Bank said the impact of sanctions had so far been less severe than forecast.

    The cost of repairing the damage inflicted by the war would be enormous. It put the cost at a minimum of $349bn (£303bn) – more than one-and-a-half times the country’s prewar gross domestic product.

    Ukraine was already Europe’s poorest country even before the war began in February this year, but more than seven months of conflict meant a third of its population of 44 million had been displaced and 60% were living below the national poverty line.

    “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered one of the biggest human displacement crises and exacted a heavy toll on human and economic life,” said Anna Bjerde, World Bank vice-president for the Europe and Central Asia region. “Ukraine continues to need enormous financial support as the war needlessly rages on as well as for recovery and reconstruction projects that could be quickly initiated.”


    “gobshite, xenophobe, incel, COWARD”

    Alan, Bojo’s Brains has quite clearly ignored your warning. Please remove the insulting post. My feelings are hurt and my pillow soggy with tears.

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