Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #234024

    Putin – the Good Guy

    Imperial Demon Watch: Vladimir Putin


    “TS, the difference between the conflicts you mention and the Russian –”

    Bojo’s Brains turns stupid up to 11. Congratulations, you get a participation trophy! I hear they’re doing try-outs for the special Olympics. Give it some thought.


    Why do extreme right-wing Republicans (some call them neo-fascists) oppose support for Ukraine and instead sympathise with Russia?

    Is it simply to oppose Biden?

    Or do Putin’s policies resonate with them?


    They are called the G.O.P Putin wing, but there is some contradiction among the extreme right-winger of the GOP, they blame the Ukrainian situation on Barrack Obama

    By supporting Coronel Putin they oppose Joe Biden, but when Biden submits a military budget for Ukraine they always approve it and they reject any financial proposal for the working class.

    Some of them have divulgated the idea that the Ukrainian government is communist, which does show how political ignorants they are, they were not communists when they were under the domination of the soviet union

    They support Putin because he represents everything that they support, and Donald Trump supports Putin because both have the same type of ideologies and bourgeoise principles, and he supports all authoritarian and reactionary governments

    Whoever supports Putin can also support Donald Trump and whoever supports Trump can also support Putin

    if Fascism is defined according to the left wings definition ( Stalinists and Trotskyists) both sides could be called Fascists. They are just inter-capitalist disputes

    The only leftist groups that openly support Putin are the Castroists and Chavezists because both are nationalists and anti-Yankees, but they are not anti-capitalists.

    The Castroists supported Khrushchev and Brezhnev, but for the hardcore Stalinists ( that include hardcore Maoists) Gorbachev and Putin are traitors.

    If a Stalinist/Leninist like Enver Hoxha would be alive at the present time he would not support Putin, the GOP and Donald Trump and China


    “Why do extreme right-wing Republicans (some call them neo-fascists) oppose support for Ukraine and instead sympathise with Russia?”

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day, no?


    I remember Alf Garnett trying to prove a racist point about blood by arguing you can’t give a Jew Catholic blood or vice versa.


    But the Lowland Gaels would have been pushed north quite quickly I think, Alan, by the English (Saxon) and Norman settlers.

    Robert the Bruce, the great Scottish hero, was in fact Robert de Bruys, a Norman.


    A fascinating article. Yet automatically the author uses “We” “Us and” “Ours”. I happen to have been born in a piece of land called “Scotland” but for me this state of affairs doesn’t indicate possession. Just happenstance.


    “The American word “hillbilly” has been said to have come from the Ulster-Scots.
    Apparently, they became known as hillbillys for their folk songs about King William.”

    I know that’s been said but it sounds like folk etymology to me. In other words, complete bollox. Do they mean they sang The Sash My Father Wore and the Auld Orange Flute a hundred or more years before they were composed? In fact, before the Orange Order was set up.

    Do youse think that all this means that our vicarious Russian here might not be a true Scotsman?


    The Highlanders would never have thought of themselves as Scottish, nor as a nation, but as children of a clan. Like the Japanese used to.
    And those who thought of themselves as “Scottish” hated and despised the Highlanders as “savages”, to be got rid of. The same way the American colonials looked at the natives. So, like all nationalism, Scottish nationalism is also garbage.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Thomas_More.

    Moderator Warning

    1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.

    As interesting as the etymology of certain words are, this topic thread is about Russia and the Ukraine

    (The moderator has already confessed to mea culpa.)


    Of course, it is not only right-wing Republicans who express a sympathy for the Russian position,

    Victor Orban of Hungary has been a critic of the support offered to Ukraine by the EU.

    Turkey’s Erdogan retains friendly relationship with Russia

    Israel’s Netanyahu has remained neutral.

    They all share something in common, none are deeply committed to democracy.

    Which countries described as democracies support the Russian position? Even India and China have been critical.


    There is the leader of the Bosnian Serbs ready to start a war again. He’s a Putin man.


    Erdogan condemned the recent annexations I believe?


    There is the leader of the Bosnian Serbs ready to start a war again. He’s a Putin man.


    All those so-called nationalists leaders and liberators there are just a bunch of Heineken warriors and criminals. Seating on a desk asking all the poor workers to go and die for them, they are similar to the Pub warriors, or Bar warriors. we used to call them Prostitution House guerrillas fighters.

    Putin, Joe Biden and Donald Trump belong to the same groups of gangsters, they are worst than Al Capone, at least Capone had chicken soup restaurants for the poor.

    They are always talking about the CIA plots but Vladimir Putin was a Coronel of the KGB, another cartel of criminals who became rich during the reign of the Soviet Union.

    Lenin was the same, he was always asking everybody to die in Russia, and he did not use a water pistol, he asked Leon Trotsky to do all his dirty laundry to kill everybody, in Paris he was hanging around with Prostitutes that is how he got infected with syphilis, and they had to treat him with mercury.

    The first killing of workers did not start with Stalin, it started with Lenin and Trotsky. National liberation is all crap

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