Russian Tensions

September 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #226294

    I phrased it badly.
    Maybe I should have said, countries with fluid political situations.
    The USA, Russia, China, and Europe, Australia, India, have such control over their armed forces that were not the case previously. In Africa and S. America, the armed forces have a role in politics and frequently intervene, on the left or the right. This is not the case any more in the highly centralised states named above, where coups and mutinies are things of the past.


    Capitalism produces wars, not individuals, so, isn’t capitalism now pushing the US and Russia into war?


    “Generals are members of the working class …”

    So what? They obey year in, year out, and order workers in uniform to murder other workers in uniform or not, devastate cities, kill millions. What’s a billion more or less, compared to their mantra: Orders must be obeyed!?

    Mutiny is a much dirtier word to them than nuclear war!

    Why do you think we socialists say the state power house of parliament must be taken over by the workers (which is the big difference, the only difference, between us and the anarchists)? Because the machinery of the modern state is such that the armed forces obey whomever controls parliament. The capitalists control parliament and so the armed forces obey them. The latter are the most brainwashed and conditioned of the workers and are the dumb instrument of the state. 2022 is not 1648!

    Obversely, of course, were the workers to democratically take parliament, the capitalists would hope in vain for the armed forces to oppose us. As I said, they are tools of obedience to whomever holds the power-house.

    You are the one living in the past, if you are hoping for a Kronstadt or Potemkin scenario!


    That seems more like Thomas More, Abiezer. More reason than a rant.


    So, it is correct. Generals are no hope.
    And NATO flatly refusing to say Ukraine won’t become a member!


    I wish I had your optimism, ALB.


    In fact, if Russia does not invade, the West might rush through Ukraine’s NATO application! And Russia’s antics now will have made more and more Ukrainians call for NATO membership.


    Those of us of a certain age have experienced war fever before when every household was issued Protect and Survive government pamphlet and the media ran various nuclear war documentaries and dramas.

    The SPGB issued its own pamphlet at the time, Is a Third World War Inevitable,

    “…There are many responses to the threat of war, from the ‘Apocalypse Now’ hysteria of those who allow emotion to overcome reason…Those who would have us march round in circles pleading with leaders to ‘ban the bomb’ and those who urge us to sit back in our armchairs and have faith in the wisdom of governments have in common an ignorance of the cause of war and social insecurity.”

    But perhaps more relevant is that the Party also published a 1938 pamphlet on the Chamberlain peace agreement with Hitler over Czechoslovakia.

    “What does it matter to the British capitalist class whether the Czechs are independent or incorporated in Germany?”

    “The attitude of the Labour Party, the Communist Party, and others of like views, relating to the position of the Czechs, is due partly to fright, which has developed an acute attack of anti-Fascitus. They are prepared to see cities littered with the corpses of hundreds of thousands of working men, women and children, for what? To prevent what would be in the main merely a change of rulers.”

    Unlike others, we are more than willing to conceive of Ukraine losing its “independence” if it means that our Ukrainian fellow-workers and Rissian Donbas fellow-workers are not sacrificed for such spurious concepts as “democracy” and “freedom”.

    The Socialist Party exposes Mr Chamberlain and his Labour Critics (1938)

    It later published a pamphlet on conscription

    ” “Munich” in effect, gave the German capitalists a more or less free hand in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Now the British Government appears to be blocking Germany’s expansion. Why? Is it growing strength—and the fear that German capitalist lust for expansion and markets is insatiable? Or is it partly bluff, merely the prelude to another Munich?”

    The Socialist and Conscription

    I wonder if it is possible for any socialist to predict the outcome of capitalist diplomacy with any degree of certainty.


    Israeli embassy families to exit Ukraine and all Israeli’s advised against travel to Ukraine.

    Japan advises its nationals to leave Ukraine

    The Russians “have all they need to carry everything out, from a minor invasion in the east to minor attacks here and there in Ukraine, or a complete invasion, with, possibly, an occupation of all or parts of Ukraine”, Vice Admiral Nils Andreas Stensones said at the presentation of the Norwegian intelligence services’ annual threat assessment report.

    “Now, it is up to President [Vladimir] Putin to choose if he wants to proceed or not,” he added.


    Movimiento, the workers do not feel any solidarity with workers of other countries. All their sentiments are national.


    Putin can back down without losing face, since he has said these are only exercises.
    But I can’t see how NATO can back down.


    There is something call bourgeoises ideology who has influenced the minds of the workers including yourself


    We have generals and commanders in this forum


    Generals and commanders on this forum? What, top US and Russian generals?
    (Latin American guerrilla leaders don’t count, i’m afraid).

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