Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #233625

    If Poland enters the war, NATO will too, and it’ll be nuclear.


    “If NATO doesn’t back the hell off, we are 1 second away from a nuclear war. If NATO continues to pretend that this is some game designed to weaken Russia.. Russia just changed the game. They said they are not playing this game anymore. The game has changed. NATO needs to wake up to the fact that anything it does once the referendums have passed will be an act of war against the Russian federation— and Russia will treat it as such and respond accordingly. It will not be a slow roll out, if NATO continues to provide Ukraine with the means to attack mother Russia, which very soon will be Kherson, Zaporozhie, you know all that daily pounding of the nuclear plant? It’s over man. It’s over. Do it again when it becomes Russia, I dare you Ukraine, you will cease to exist. I’m not saying Russia is gonna use nukes against them, Russia will just simply turn off the lights. Russia will kill the leadership (of Ukraine) The gloves are off, this has been a special military operation, we talked about how it constrains Russia (the SMO) now all constrains are off. When Russia starts defending mother Russia, they’re now gonna bring all of their abilities to the forefront. Russia has 25 million men available, they can go as big as NATO wants to go. Russia is ready to go as big as necessary. And if NATO wants to make this an issue, Russia will cross that threshold. If NATO wants to threaten the existence of Russia, by attacking Mother Russia either directly or indirectly through the Ukrainian proxy, then Russia will use every means at its disposal to ensure that it will fail — including nuclear weapons.” – former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter


    “If Poland enters the war, NATO will too, and it’ll be nuclear.”

    May soon be time to tell your family how much you love them.


    Although a recognised pro-Russian propagandist, the text quoted by TS is unlikely to have come from Scott Ritter, but originated from a Japanese blogger who in turn lifted it from a website going by the name of ASB military.


    But that source quotes it as being Ritter.


    Texts from groups supporter of Qanon, conspiracists theories, and white nationalism have been published here too. Bourgoise nationalism has not limit

    Inactive All Leninists and left-wingers of different stripes follow this pattern, we do not follow the same pattern, that is the reason why all Leninists and left-wingers like to attack the Socialist Party. We are not nationalist, and we do not support any wars


    A bit off-topic but the talk of nuclear war reminded me of an old article I wrote about the India-Pakistan threat.

    The Insanity of Nuclear War Thinking

    “If the adversary feels that you are unpredictable, even rash, he will be deterred from pressing you too far. The odds that he will fold increase greatly, and the unpredictable president will win another hand.” – Richard Nixon

    Decisions about nuclear use in many of these cases came down to only a handful of people. Nuclear weapons require constant vigilance and caution. For as long as nuclear weapons exist, the risk of an inadvertent, accidental or deliberate detonation remains.


    There is not any genuine socialist and supporter of the working class who will support wars and atomic wars, all socialists see the danger and the destruction of any atomic war, and mistakes can be made, it is not an act of celebration because millions of peoples can die, we are not living under the condition of WW2 when only one power had atomic bomb, and the damages in some way were limited when they dropped it Japan as a scientific experiment on human beings, just one bomb is enough to kill millions


    “But that source quotes it as being Ritter.”

    Then you decide on the impartiality or veracity of that source.


    Thomas More wrote: But that source quotes it as being Ritter.

    As we have said it many times, both sides are just a bunch of liars.

    We are the only real democratic organization in the whole world. I just published an article about Lenin in a forum of Left communists and it was rejected, and in this forum we accept all kind of messages and attacks against the Socialist Party. The same group likes to go around the internet and publish messages in other forums. If you go to RT en Español which is a mouthpiece of Russia, like Moscow Radio was mouthpiece of the Soviet Union and you write anything against Putin they will attack you, they will use all kind of dirty words, and name calling specially the followers of Castroism and Chavezism


    Since the super rich and heads of state, including Putin, have their super de luxe underground palace bunkers, they could well initiate nuclear war by ignorantly thinking they and their families would be immune and super safe.


    ““But that source quotes it as being Ritter.”

    Then you decide on the impartiality or veracity of that source.”

    Those are Scott Ritter’s words. But I think he is being unnecessarily alarmist. He also predicted in 2003 that the US would nuke Iraq. So, take his words with a grain of salt. Like the rest of us he doesn’t have a fully functioning crystal ball. Clearly he’s spooked though which isn’t comforting.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    “a recognised pro-Russian propagandist”

    Recognised by whom? Is there a body giving out such qualifications? Oh dear, I haven’t received mine. What should I do?

    Humor me, Dizzy, what have I said that is propaganda?


    “a recognised pro-Russian propagandist”

    “Recognised by whom?”

    This source won’t impress you much but do try hard to remember you’re not the only one visiting this place.

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