Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #233412

    Good to hear the voice of realism from ‘TrueScotsman’. Being realistic about the US/Natostan war on Russia (as opposed to the constant stream of drivel from Western MSM – Guardian et al) does not equate with support for war. Understanding first and foremost that no one outside of the innermost core at the Kremlin have any idea what the plans of the RF General Staff are – no one! Understanding that Russia has pretty much controlled the ‘battle-space’ since the second day of the conflict after the Ukrainian air force and command and control virtually ceased to exist. Understanding that the Ukrainian ‘first NATO army’ trained and equipped to full NATO standards for 8 years was destroyed. Understanding the cynicism of the US/NATO leaders, who actually control and direct what the Ukrainians do in the field, by forcibly conscripting every male under 65 that they could find and drag off the streets and pushing them, untrained and severely under equipped and throwing them, as cannon-fodder, into the conflict in order to buy time for the West to train and equip a new Ukrainian NATO army comprised mainly of Nazi, NATO military personnel ‘awol’ or on ‘extended leave’ and paid for mercenaries and contractors. This ‘second NATO army’ was used for the assault on Kerson where again huge numbers were killed or wounded. In the ‘counter-attack’ in Kharkov region there were apparent Ukrainian advances. Russian social media went into melt-down at the prospect of a defeat. Keep in mind that a) no one knows the minds of the Russian General Staff, b) the Russians were well aware of the build up in the area and withdrew there scant forces in good order without loss, c) the Ukrainian’s NATO staff officers and planners have no experience of what the Russian excel at – manoeuvre warfare. The result was that they were drawn in until they came up against two obstacles – a river and the entrenched and prepared Russian defence line. Behind them lay the placid, easily crossed Inghuts River – until the Russians blew two dams. The pontoons were swept away and the cream of the Ukrainian ‘second NATO army’ was trapped in yet another classic Russian cauldron where they were easy pickings for Russian air power and artillery. Knowing that US/NATO is incapable of fighting Russia directly, (apart from Panama and Granada), name me anywhere they have gone to ‘Bring Democracy’ where they have not had their arse handed to them as they slunk out! Now Russia is moving up a gear with partial mobilisation in a war that they cannot afford to lose if everything Russian is going to survive. Only time will tell what the fate awaits NATO/Europe – as things stand the future for the West looks anything but rosy.


    My sources indicate that Alien1 may be an SPGB member. Should that information prove correct does the aforegoing post reflect the Party’s position?

    Just wondering.


    Alien1 – So why should socialists be interested in any of your military expositions? Are you some kind of expert? Whatever happens why should the working class of that area care if they are being exploited by Ukrainian or Russian oligarchs?


    More putinist garbage from the troll and now another, which must be trounced. Otherwise newcomers who come here knowing nothing of the SPGB might think we stand for that rubbish.


    Lizzie, please know that we stand against all war and nationalism and always have done. Were a member to diverge from this principled stand s/he would be challenged on it and expulsion from the party would follow were such proven.


    My sources indicate that Alien1 may be an SPGB member. Should that information prove correct does the aforegoing post reflect the Party’s position?

    Just wondering.

    The history of the Socialist Party of Great Britain and the companion parties of the WSM clearly indicates that we have never supported any wars including the so called war of national liberation, and some of our members went to prison, or to force labors when they did not participate in WW1 and WW2 and did not support any sides on the war in Korea, and Vietnam, and we have never taken sides on inter capitalist disputes, we have never supported any guerrillas fighters, we have never elected any pro capitalist president, and our members are not members of the armed forces, we have never asked the world working class to kill each other defending a capitalist farm known as the homeland, or patriotic wars. This is only one example. Our opposition to wars also create the rejection from many leftwing groups who support wars and carnages. This is our stand and all wars, past, present and future wars


    “Lizzie, please know that we stand against all war and nationalism and always have done. Were a member to diverge from this principled stand s/he would be challenged on it and expulsion from the party would follow were such proven.”

    TM, I’m really quite well versed in the Party’s ideology even though I may not necessarily concur with all of it.


    Whilst I reject the term ‘ideology’ here, I am glad you know about us.

    Leftists like TS and Alien are ideologists. We are not. Leftists follow an ideology, which is something leaders lay down for followers to tread. We have no leaders and no followers. We tell people NOT to vote for the party unless they personally agree with our principles.

    But in leftist parties, and other parties, which all have leaders, an ideology is laid down that would-be members must follow. They also just want votes from all and sundry, regardless of who is voting and what he or she believes. We are the only party which hopes to see its own dissolution, e.g. from socialism being achieved.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.

    We are against all ideologies, socialism is not an ideology. Ideology are the prevailing ideas of the ruling class, Engels called it false conscience


    Has anyone else in the UK found that the website is now inaccessible? Seems ISPs have been forced to block it due to Russian sanctions. If you want to get around it you can download TOR browser and view it that way.

    BTW I don’t think Alien’s comment is ‘pro-putin’, it’s just a description of what may have been taking place.


    No, It reflects personal observations of what is going on.


    Socialists should be interested that workers/people are dying and why they are dying.


    ‘Being realistic about the US/Natostan war on Russia (as opposed to the constant stream of drivel from Western MSM – Guardian et al) does not equate with support for war.’ Hard to put it more clearly.


    It sounds more humanistic than anything else


    Thank you – at least one comment that actually bothered to read what was in the thread.

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