Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #233355

    Fake news. The Russians had already mostly withdrawn from the north. There were no large battles there though the ukrainian attackers were pounded by artillery and missile fire. Almost all Russian equipment and personnel were evacuated without loss.

    “Talk of large Russian material losses and of thousands of Russians taken prisoners of war are nonsense.”

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    Sanctity of private property before Ukraine

    UK and European sanctions legislation allows states to freeze assets of the Russian central bank and some oligarchs, but does not provide for the permanent seizure, let alone their unilateral transfer to a fund to rebuild Ukraine. US treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, has said reparations would be unlawful under current US law.

    State property is protected abroad under the doctrine of state immunity, a principle endorsed in UN articles in 2011, which provides a foreign state with immunity from the jurisdiction of domestic courts, at least in respect of non-commercial activities. It is argued that if Russian central bank assets are appropriated, as opposed simply to being frozen as at present, any western assets held overseas could also become prey to seizure.


    “UK and European sanctions legislation allows states to freeze assets of the Russian central bank and some oligarchs, but does not provide for the permanent seizure, let alone their unilateral transfer to a fund to rebuild Ukraine.”

    More tosh from the Guardian Alan? I think I know what the acronym SPGB stands for…Socialist Posers Guardian Bros. Inherent to this article is the assumption that Russia should be obliged to pay reparations to the fascist state of Ukraine. Why should Russia do so? It didn’t start the conflict, the Ukrainian Nazis, along with their Natostani handlers, did. Russia was invited in to this conflict to help defend the Donbass Republics against a Nazi ethnic cleansing operation. If any actor should be paying reparations it should be Ukraine to the Donbass Republics. As for rebuilding the smoldering ruins of Ukraine, that’s the responsibility of Natostan.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    Natosatan is blocking Russia from donating fertilizer to the world’s poorest nations.


    An anti-war analysis originally published in, a Trotskyist website.

    “…A movement of the working class against war must reject all the lies of the imperialist powers, above all the United States, which have instigated the war in pursuit of geopolitical ambitions and world domination. At the same time, no support can be given to the reactionary response of the Russian oligarchy…workers all over the world must raise the demand for an end to the war. To the ruling class’s policy of world war, workers must counterpose the strategy of class war and the struggle for the socialist transformation of society.”


    Another analysis from a former President of Veterans of Peace.

    “We want urgent, good faith diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine, not more US weapons, advisors, and endless war… For the sake of Ukraine. For the sake of Russia, Europe and the United States. For the sake of the all the people of the world. Negotiate, Don’t Escalate!”

    J Surman

    Here’s a link to a detailed article referring to plans for totally ‘capitalising’ Ukrane’s farmland. It’s been on the table for some time – I’ve read about it before this year from Oakland Institute but this one has more up to date news. They are pushing for the big agro companies to own it all and also to introduce GM seeds, which although they already have some is supposed to be banned currently. Ukraine’s farmland is about one third of Europe’s total and this plan is out of favour of the majority of Ukranians.
    Depending on the victor of this war, the West or Russia, the outcome will be very different.

    Ukraine: the invasion of capital to take over agriculture


    At least the Trotskyists aren’t taking sides. The Stalinists are outright nationalists (Putinist).


    Germany’s Die Linke could split into two parties over the Ukraine war.

    Die Linke has broadly opposed the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine, it voted in favour of economic sanctions against Russia in May, and a party congress in June condemned Putin’s war of aggression in Ukraine as “imperialist”.

    Wagenknecht said. “… how dumb is the idea that we can punish Putin by pushing millions of German families into poverty and destroy our economy while Gazprom makes record profits?” The speech was greeted with applause not only by the Linke leadership but also by delegates of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).

    “The thesis that the federal republic of Germany is leading an economic war against Russia reverses cause and effect”, said Bodo Ramelow, the Left party state premier for Thuringia.

    “The phrase ‘the USA’s economic war against Russia’ is Kremlin propaganda”, said Martina Renner, a former deputy leader of the leftwing outfit.


    At least the Trotskyists aren’t taking sides. The Stalinists are outright nationalists (Putinist).

    Just go to RT en Espanol and you will see a bunch of Putin mouthpiece, specially the Castroists and the Chavezists, they support Putin because he is anti yankeeist and anti imperialist ( Like Hussein, Peron, Cardenas, Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese militaries ) according to their point of view, but Cuba and Venezuela are making secretive negotiations with the USA for trades and investments, like Lenin tried to the do at the beginning of the Bolsheviks coup.

    China and Russia are extracting minerals and resources from the Orinoco basins which has a great quantity of Gold, Silver, Fresh Water, fertile lands, and mineral used to make chips and computers and they are not imperialist, and Russia own some percentage of the Venezuelan Gitgco and it is one of its creditors, the whole Venezuelan armed forces have been equipped with Russian armaments as the Soviet Union did with Cuba and Nicaragua.

    The USA financed the Nicaraguan Contras, and the Soviet Union and China financed some militaries and guerrillas groups like Faracundo, FARC, Sandinista, and the Tupamaros and they financed some Pro Soviet and Maoist political parties , most of them were nationalist guerrillas groups and nationalists political parties without any marxists principles and most peasants did not support those groups, they supported some of their leader when they used the election process, and they were also removed by them, the ex president of Brasil and Paraguay were guerrillas fighters, and the ex president of the Dominican Republic was a Maoist

    PS: RT is making the same job of the old Moscow Radio who was in ideological competition with the Voice of the americas, one financed by Moscow and the other one financed by Washington, and Radio Habana was also financed by Moscow


    This is what actual news looks like Alan.

    “Most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED).”

    Most of the “Fact-Checking” Organizations Facebook Uses in Ukraine Are Directly Funded by Washington


    The Peace Activists
    The Peace Protesters

    CODEPINK co-founders Medea Benjamin told the press,
    “Further escalation should be unthinkable, but so should a long war of endless crushing artillery barrages and brutal urban and trench warfare that slowly and agonizingly destroys Ukraine, killing hundreds of Ukrainians with each day that passes. The only realistic alternative to this endless slaughter is a return to peace talks to bring the fighting to an end.”

    Demanding a “Ceasefire now!” activists hosted anti-war events in DC, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Madison, Boston, Rockville, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, San Pedro, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

    The Peace in Ukraine Coalition—CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, Democratic Socialists of America, Massachusetts Peace Action, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-US and other organizations—mobilized for negotiations, not escalation in what CODEPINK describes as a proxy war threatening a direct war between the two most heavily armed nuclear nations, the United States and Russia.

    Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) will call on the United Nations during the General Assembly’s general debate this week to create an international committee to promote dialogue between Biden, Putin and Zelensky with invitations to Pope Francis, the prime minister of India and the U.N. secretary general to act as mediators to end the war in Ukraine.


    “The phrase ‘the USA’s economic war against Russia’ is Kremlin propaganda”, said Martina Renner, a former deputy leader of the leftwing outfit.”

    So Al Jazeera is a Kremlin mouthpiece now?

    Or the Brookings Institute?

    Or Yahoo?

    Is said German official mentally retarded?


    Mobilization in the Russian Federation begins today. Only men with military experience/training are liable for service.

    “All means of destruction, including nuclear ones, will be used in case of a threat to the territorial integrity of Russia, this is not a bluff. The peaceful solution did not suit the West. After reaching certain compromises, Kyiv was actually given a direct order to disrupt all agreements.” – Putin

    “The government of the Russian Federation must immediately solve the problems of financial support for the defense industry in order to increase the production of weapons,” – Putin

    “The legal status of volunteers and militiamen of Donbass should be the same as that of regular Russian military personnel” – Putin

    “Issues of supply and maintenance of the People’s Militia and volunteer units of Donbass must be resolved immediately and provided at the highest level.” – Putin


    Now it’s a war. Russia is taking the gloves off.

    “21 Sep, 2022 07:11

    Russia will call on 300,000 reservists to serve in the conflict with Ukraine, under a partial nationwide mobilization, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced on Wednesday, adding that Moscow has “an immense mobilization resource.”

    According to Shoigu, the mobilization will apply neither to university students, nor conscripts. The minister stressed that only those who have already served in the military will be called up.

    Shoigu also stressed that Russia possesses an immense mobilization capability and could summon almost 25 million people with some military experience. “So one could say that this partial mobilization is just 1%, or a bit more” of the total number of people that could be mobilized, he added.”

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