Russian Tensions

September 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #226272

    You are still hanging in the idea that wars are decided by individuals or by coincidences

    Market is and will always be the cause of wars including the so called national liberation wars

    Peace among the capitalists is the continuation of wars

    This tiñe both capitalists blocks are going to negotiate their retreat


    I know that.
    America is threatening to sanction Russia to the maximum, stopping Nordstream 2, insisting Europe buy American and Qatari liquid gas, etc. That’s all economic warfare. Just as the UK was bribing countries to boycott German trade in 1939.
    These economic factors for war are already in place. The sides are already drawn up worldwide.
    It will of course be Putin and Biden who press the buttons, but driven to do so, nonetheless, by the situation world capitalism has produced.
    And we are unfortunately here.


    As Adam said generals are not so mad There was a pentagon general which put china in alert


    Generals are soldiers. They obey.

    On submarines, carrying missiles for obliterating entire cities and more, the crews moaned about not getting Facebook. They don’t question their job. They’ll commit genocide on command, bright eyed boys and girls that they are!


    Imperialism is not one single capitalist country that is the conception of the left wingers All capitalist countries are expansionists

    China new Silk Road is an expansionist/imperialist plan too which is a threat to others capitalists This is a problem between capitalists and we can not take side with anyone of them


    Agreed. So?


    They are also human beings and members of the working class. I have seen generals, captains and commanders taking sides with the peoples and fighting with them, and in the process, some of them have been killed


    Biden has warned that “things could go crazy quickly” in Ukraine and again urged American citizens to leave immediately, as the UK’s defence secretary headed to Moscow in the latest round of diplomacy.

    “American citizens should leave, should leave now,” Biden said in an interview with NBC News. “We’re dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. This is a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly.”

    Biden reiterated that under no circumstances would he send US troops to Ukraine, even to rescue Americans in case of a Russian invasion. “That’s a world war. When Americans and Russians start shooting one another, we’re in a very different world,” he said.

    UK defence secretary Ben Wallace joins foreign secretary Liz Truss in Moscow after she held frosty talks with her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov said the meeting was like a conversation of “the mute with the deaf”.

    Macron left Moscow apparently confident that he had basic agreement from Vladimir Putin not to send further troops to Ukraine’s borders nor to launch a military intervention, and to withdraw Russian forces from Belarus after current exercises end.

    This was then publicly contradicted by a Kremlin spokesman. No such commitment had been given and any future deal would only be made with the United States

    Can Ukraine and Russia contain a war? Is a war from the Baltic to the Black Sea impossible?


    Labour retains its patriotic principles

    Starmer says Stop the War are “not benign voices for peace”.

    “At best they are naive, at worst they actively give succour to authoritarian leaders who directly threaten democracies. There is nothing progressive in showing solidarity with the aggressor when our allies need our solidarity and – crucially – our practical assistance now more than ever.”


    Is a war from the Baltic to the Black Sea impossible?

    Lots of things are “possible”. For instance, it is not logically impossible that Russia hands back Crimea to the Ukraine. A more meaningful question is what is likely or probable.

    If Russia attacked a NATO country that is what would happen but the likelihood of Russia doing that is as near to zero as you can get.

    Biden reiterated that under no circumstances would he send US troops to Ukraine, even to rescue Americans in case of a Russian invasion. “That’s a world war. When Americans and Russians start shooting one another, we’re in a very different world,” he said.

    I interpret that to mean that, in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the US would not react militarily and that Biden and his generals want to avoid a conventional war with Russia let alone a nuclear one.

    So, once again, though a nuclear war is not logically impossible, the likelihood of one happening is virtually zero.

    The most likely outcome is a diplomatic solution. So, if we want to speculate, we should speculate on what that might be.

    Unlike the ICC and the CWO we are not committed to the view that there must be another, inevitably nuclear, world war. There is nothing in the nature of capitalism that says there has to be. That capitalism breeds local wars (often by proxies of the “great powers”) and obliges states to arm themselves with the most destructive weapons they can afford (so as to avoid going into the conference chamber naked) is sufficient condemnation of capitalism.


    The question of whether or not another world war is inevitable came up at a meeting three years ago on “No War but the Class War” between the ACG and the CWO which we attended as observers.

    Here is an account of the discussion:

    “On war, the CWO has the position that another world war is inevitable in order to devalue capital by destroying it so that capital accumulation can continue, something they predicted in the 1970s and are still expecting. The ACG and us argued that, while capitalism was the cause of wars due to its built-in competition over markets, source of raw materials, investment outlets and trade routes, a world war was neither necessary nor inevitable (in fact not really likely); but rather that war would continue to take the form of scattered proxy wars, in which the “Great Powers” (and some lesser ones) use locals in disputed areas as cannon fodder to further their interests, and probably become more frequent. Despite this divergence, everyone agreed that workers should not take side in wars.”

    Does anyone know if the CWO is saying that this is it?


    Movimiento, that is true in less industrialised countries, but not in modern USA and Europe, nor Russia.


    The US now knows that accepting Ukraine into NATO would mean war with Russia, so, why are they still pushing the “right” of Ukraine to do so, and, if they don’t secretly intend Ukraine to do so, how would they put that to Ukraine as time goes on, and get the Ukrainians to accept it?

    Any Ukrainian leadership that accepted it would be driven out.


    It sounds like the wrong concept of the third world which does not longer exist. All countries around the world are capitalists, and the concept of modern and non-modern countries belong to the past, it also sounds that all other countries are backward, pure Leninist conceptions. Noam Chomsky has said several times that on several occasions commanders have disobeyed the orders of their superiors, therefore it is not a problem of modernism it is problem of human conscience, Kosovo was one of those occasions

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