Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #232861

    The UN’s human rights mission in Ukraine has said both Russian and Ukrainian forces have abused prisoners of war.


    What do you have against butchers?

    You denigrate the greatest socialists of all time and announce they are not true socialists. Well, this true Scotsman says you are no socialist, you are a poser. For you socialism only exists in the mind where it can forever remain untarnished by reality. The only socialist experiments you admire are those that failed to seize power because again, they can forever remain untarnished by actually having to govern. Your library is a homage to circle jerkers and pure-driven snow flakes. It is a cesspool of lies and narcissistic naval gazing. It’s where socialists go to die and be transformed into liberals who share links to Guardian and BBC articles and credulously call them news. A bunch of jokers one and all.


    “The UN’s human rights mission in Ukraine has said both Russian and Ukrainian forces have abused prisoners of war.”

    That’s not an accurate summation of the article. The UN spokesperson said they have had no access to POWs in Russian hands and merely that they had evidence that “could” be interpreted as mistreatment. Does that also mean that it may not be mistreatment? On the other hand they did have access to Russian POWs and confirmed that the Ukrainians had mistreated them.


    What has Russia got to hide by refusing access?

    Matilda Bogner told a Geneva news briefing that U.N. monitors had unimpeded access to Ukrainian facilities and had documented incidents of torture and ill-treatment of POWs by Ukraine which may also amount to war crimes.

    “The Russian Federation has not provided access to prisoners of war held on its territory or in territory under its occupation…,” Bogner said. “This is all the more worrying since we have documented that prisoners of war in the power of the Russian Federation and held by the Russian Federation’s armed forces or by affiliated armed groups have suffered torture and ill-treatment.”
    In response to a question about the Russian-held prisoners she stated, “In terms of the treatment of prisoners of war, certainly some of the issues could rise to being war crimes – issues of torture and ill treatment of prisoners of war,”

    But can somebody clarify the role of the Red Cross and Geneva Conventions regarding POWs? Isn’t granting ICRC access to POWs an obligation of parties to conflict under the Geneva Conventions?
    “The Third Geneva Convention grants the ICRC the right to go wherever POWs are held and we shall also have full liberty to choose the places we wish to visit. Specifically, this means that we have a legal right to speak to POWs repeatedly and in private to understand how they are being treated and to visit all facilities where they are being interned”

    Once again it is our view that there should be a plague on both houses and that neither side is deserving of the blood being spilt by working people nor the sacrifice being made by the rest of the world.

    We don’t indulge in false equivalency. We don’t whitewash one side’s atrocities.


    “What has Russia got to hide by refusing access?”

    Perhaps the Russians are aware that many UN agencies are wholly owned subsidiaries of the US State Department. Had you considered that or is your analysis of world events merely limited to shitting on actually existing socialism?

    The OPCW was caught red handed manufacturing a narrative in support of the US’ regime change operation in Syria.

    Media silence marks ongoing OPCW cover-up of Syria chemical weapons scandal

    And recently the IAEA laughably couldn’t figure out who was shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant when clearly it was the Ukrainians.

    “Once again it is our view that there should be a plague on both houses and that neither side is deserving of the blood being spilt by working people nor the sacrifice being made by the rest of the world.”

    Rubbish, you condemn the victims of US/UK/EU aggression with far more verve and vigor than you do
    the imperialists themselves. What’s more, you spread imperialist nations’ propaganda narratives, many of which you have clearly internalised, giving those stories the imprimatur of legitimacy to your tiny gaggle of cult followers.

    “We don’t indulge in false equivalency.”

    It’s not false equivalency to point out one side is wholly responsible for the conflict in Ukraine.

    “We don’t whitewash one side’s atrocities.”

    Yes, you do. You see your nation as superior to Russia. Why else would you make ridiculous claims about journalists being free of prosecution in the UK. You’re having a laugh!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    A cogent essay. Clearly, in it your little cult is represented by the likes of Chomsky. It’s a shame you couldn’t draw any lessons from the article. If you even bothered to read it that is.


    And what is it you think that anti-communist scribble is portraying?


    Probably, the follower of Enver Hoxha would not accept a picture of Mao Tse Tung and Xi next to Stalin, and probably the follower of Mao Tse Tung would not accept a picture of XI next to Mao Tse Tung . One curiosity is that Stalin knew the real definition of socialism but Mao Tse Tung did not know that. For the follower of the Albanian tendency Mao Tse Tung thought was an anti communist current, specially The Three World Theory. I do remember when a whole collection of pictures was placed on a wall before any congress was going to take place, a reflex of the anti marxist concept of leadership. Later on, some of those picture were removed and only two or three were kept, and some only kept one

    PS: The Three World Theory was used to support the government of Augusto Pinochet and that action provoked a final division between China and Albania, and the creation of new political parties, and new tendencies, and new congress and meeting with less pictures or the additional of new pictures. The 60 was a period of great activities and many public meetings took place which provided the opportunities for open discussions, and many international congress took place around the world, and then there was a big stampede of members, leaders and followers


    CHINA PICTORIAL had published in 1976 a photo which included Mao’s wife Chiang Ch’ing. Then there were one or two months without an edition. When the subscription recommenced, the same issue came out again, but with the out-of-favour wife replaced in the same photo by a vase of flowers on a coffee table.

    Stalin had the same done to photos.

    Bijou Drains

    Our Caledonian correspondent appears to be very interested in figures of authority, men in uniform and masturbation. I’m not suggesting that there is a link, but………………


    The Maoists are saying that Mao Tse Tung wife was part of the gangs of five because it included Mao Tse Tung and then they reduced it to the gangs of four to remove Mao The biggest distributor of China Foreign Publishing was China Books and Periodicals. Peking Review was more widely distributed than the New York Times, the Washington Post and Life magazine, and it was published in several language, and Peking Radio was more popular than Moscow Radio and the Voice of the Americas. In some countries the USA prohibited the sale and purchases of Shortwave radios, and some bookstores were not allowed to sell the works of Marx and Engels and it cost pennies to buy a pamphlet.

    PS I have always said that the SPGB/WSM is limited to one language and it does not cover the whole spectrum of the working class, most M-L parties published their newspapers and journals in several languages, only the Canadian companion party publishes some articles in French


    In fact, Bijou, Wilhelm Reich testifies to many links on this matter.
    I also recall Captain Merrick from THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN and his sexual dilemmas.


    As a schoolboy I got China Pictorial, China Reconstructs and Peking Review. From Taipei I got the speeches of Chiang Kai-shek, in one of which he comes clean and says that Mao’s China never had anything to do with communism.

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