Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #232759

    Unfortunately the time of independent war journalists is a thing of the past. We only have ’embedded’ journalists who only get to see what their respective militaries want them to see. Many of them are merely cowards who are holed up in the bars of Kiev hotels being fed propaganda by the pentagon – I’m sure much the same can be said of Russian journalists.


    My father had a friend who was a journalist during WW2 and he risked his life several time because he was riding on a motorcycle and bravely he covered both sides of the conflict and he was French. During the Iraq war the journalist were not embedded, they were in bed with the warmongers


    Russia is NOT an imperialist power argues the Weekly Worker but will become one if it wins its war against Ukraine.


    Leninist rubbish!


    We also dealt with this argument a few months ago:

    Cooking the Books – Is Russia imperialist?


    According to the hardcore Maoists and the hardcore Stalinist as the Hoxhaist Russia was the soviet social imperialism, and then Enver Hoxha said that China was imperialist too


    Russia’s war is wholly justified. Were the Kremlin government socialist it too would have been forced to go to war to thwart US/EU agression. Failing to do so would mean nukes less than seven minutes away from Moscow. No time to react should the crazies in Washington do something really stupid.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    So you’re a Russian nationalist, Scotsman. You’re certainly no socialist. You think it justified to murder workers in the interest of Russian capitalist aims, just as the NATO bosses think it ok in the interest of US capitalism.


    “…Failing to do so would mean nukes less than seven minutes away from Moscow. No time to react should the crazies in Washington do something really stupid…”

    So JFK was right in threatening what would have escalated to a nuclear war when the USSR placed missiles in Cuba?

    But before we enter into a long acrimonious exchange, this forum generally does take the view that Russia was provoked into military action by NATO expansionism.

    I have already said that the possibility of a peaceful settlement was sabotaged by Western interests. We can see the war as a proxy war. And you were right about the Minsky talks being thwarted by again Western interests. Turkish offers of mediating new peace negotiations (as they to permit grain exports) are being deliberately ignored.

    But it is a war and it was an invasion. Orwellian double-speak that it is “a special military operation” is hogwash just the same as the war against Serbia was “humanitarian” and the war against Iraq was about WMDs,


    “this forum generally does take the view that Russia was provoked into military action by NATO expansionism.”

    I don’t. What has Putin done about Sweden and Finland joining Nato? Nothing. And in the era of hypersonic missiles, the geographical location of missile bases is irrelevant. I think the invasion was about securing pipelines and the huge unexploited gas fields in Ukraine, the largest in Europe outside Norway. If you look on a map, the gas fields are precisely underneath the Russian-occupied areas. Were these to fall into western hands, Russia’s economy would be cut off at the knees. I also think Putin is becoming increasingly isolated, deranged and unrepresentative of Russian ruling class interests, as evidenced by the fact that he is assassinating dissenting Russian oligarchs with gay abandon, including their wives and children. Surely a palace coup can not be far off?


    I am reminded of a Mitchell and Webb skit, where one Nazi asks another: “Are we the bad guys?”


    A Russian nationalist? Hardly. The war was forced on Russia by a hostile military alliance. As the representative of its people the Russian government has a duty to defend its security and sovereignty.

    No socialist? No, no
    True Scotsman, don’t you know?

    Do I think it justified to murder workers? Sometimes. If they’re Nazis and slaughtering civilians then yes, it’s ok to kill them. Only good Nazi is a dead one. Or would you coddle them instead while they genocide you?


    So, the workers of Ukraine are “Nazis”, to be bombed? Just because they live in this town or that, with their families, or alone. Old men and women, children, with pets; they could be against the Kiev regime, or just want to live in peace. But you cry “Nazis!” no matter who they are, and praise the bombing.

    One thing for sure, for every actual Nazi you kill, there’ll be a hundred innocent people dying, losing those they care for, losing everything, while Putin and Zelensky cry war.

    Damn your pro-capitalist, murderous crap!


    “So JFK was right in threatening what would have escalated to a nuclear war when the USSR placed missiles in Cuba?”

    Well, I’m sure you’re aware that the Soviets placed nukes in Cuba as a response to the US placing nukes in Turkey. So no, I don’t think it “was right” of JFK to respond to his own provocation in such a way.

    “But before we enter into a long acrimonious exchange,”

    Why would you presume our exchange will be acrimonious?

    “this forum generally does take the view that Russia was provoked into military action by NATO expansionism.”

    That is the correct view to take.

    “But it is a war and it was an invasion. Orwellian double-speak that it is “a special military operation” is hogwash”.

    Not quite. A war would require general mobilisation of the military and the call up of reserves. It has certain legal repercussions. Also, Russia does not mean to conquer Ukraine merely to enforce Ukraine’s neutrality, disarm it of NATO weaponry and root out the Nazi scum that infest its military, security services, police and border forces and civilian government.


    “I am reminded of a Mitchell and Webb skit, where one Nazi asks another: “Are we the bad guys?”

    The correct answer would be, “Yes, we are.”, would it not?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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