Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #232637

    British troops have taken part in a military exercise with Swedish and Finnish armed forces.

    The Ministry of Defence said Exercise Vigilant Knife would help all three nations’ forces be effective in battle.


    And you believe uncritically what an anonymous US government official says to a Guardian reporter?


    At least the Guardian journalist won’t get 22 yrs jail time for the reporting.


    “At least the Guardian journalist won’t get 22 yrs jail time for the reporting.”

    Sure they won’t, because Guardian journalists are knob jockeys of the British establishment. Remind me, how long has Julian Assange been rotting away in your country?

    Anyway, who’s this Proekt character, and how does he know there’s no evidence of ties to foreign agents?


    TS, the similarity that evades you is that both the USA and Russia are applying basically the same type of law to persecute journalists.

    Reports of North Korean arm supplies and earlier reports of offers to send ‘volunteers’ to either fight or engage in construction, may indeed be totally fake news. However, such disinformation also suits the Russians as a means of scaring the West of the potential of escalation.


    “the similarity that evades you is that both the USA and Russia are applying basically the same type of law to persecute journalists.”

    What escapes you is that one country, the USA, is actually trying to overthrow the government of the other. The US is engaged in a massive regime change operation against the Russian government and is more than willing to enlist journalists to sew discontent in the targeted nation. Traitors, in the employ of foreign governments, such as the journalist who was convicted after going to trial, get put in prison as they should.

    Russia did not release the story. You are saying Russia’s enemies released the story to aid Russia. Does that make sense to you?


    I’m saying it is not beyond belief that the Russians fed the story and the US intelligence was duped into believing it.

    Stories of North Korea’s possible involvement have been previously aired on Russian state tv and the Russian ambassador to North Korea.


    What tosh. If the story were published by the Russians it is a tacit admission they are running short of military material. Considering this is not the case why would they make such an admission? Be an adult, concede that it was asinine to post an unsubstantiated piece of Guardian propaganda and strive to do better in future.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    And do you think that the Russians have unlimited logistics?

    The war has depleted the arms supplies of both countries but the West with a policy of prolonging the war and turning it into one of attrition has been replenishing Ukraine’s.

    I will happily concede that perhaps I have indeed been caught in the snare of the propaganda war. As they say, truth is always the first casualty of war. There is little transparency from either side.


    Who killed the chance of peace?

    Peace Talks Essential as War Rages on in Ukraine 

    “…the U.K. and U.S. governments played decisive roles in torpedoing those early prospects for peace…”


    Of course Russia’s logistics are not unlimited but this is not an unlimited war. It is a Special Military Operation fought with Russia’s peacetime military. It’s such a cakewalk for the Russians that they have 50,000 troops wargaming in the east as we speak. Russia’s is the 5th largest economy in the world. It is highly industrialised. It does not need any assistance from DPRK.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    Peace talks were killed way before then. The Minsk Accords were the first attempts at a peace process but the Ukrainians, no doubt with US/EU blessing, ignored them and used the time to remilitarise in preparation for the ethnic cleansing of Donbass and perhaps even an attempt to conquer Crimea. The former Ukrainian president has admitted to this.


    I think that at the beginning of the conflict Russia was not going to attack, they were just showing military power, and they tried to do a lot of diplomatic maneuvers but all of them failed because the USA/NATO wanted the war, and they did it like in Kwait, and Putin bit the bullet and decided to attack. It is a similar to the case of North Korea, China does not want to have South Korea next to their border and they would prefer to invade North Korea

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