Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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    It is like the UN claiming electoral fraud in some country and sending observers to those countries but they have never sent observers to the USA during election time where a minority is always the winner, and a lot of legal maneuvers are enacted in order to commit fraud. According to the UN the only dictators are Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, y Evo Morales, but Donald Trump wanted to stay in power without being elected and some senators stay in power for more than 25 years. In Costa Rica, a new president, a new senate, a judges and magistrate are elected every twelve years. Borron y cuenta nueva ( Clean slate new account ) The USA Congress is a nursery home.

    PS In regard to the left they think that Palestine does not have a ruling class, and that all
    Israeli are rich and there are not proletarian in that country. In Nicaragua the president is acting like a dictator and he is suppressing one of his allied the church, but he is the president of the peoples and the workers opposition are counter revolutionary, in Cuba the workers opposed to the regime are called Anti Cubans


    17.7 million people—over a quarter of Ukraine’s population—will need humanitarian aid in the months ahead. Supporting people during the harsh cold season is one of the priorities during the months ahead… The destruction of thousands of houses and the lack of access to fuel, gas or electricity due to damaged infrastructure could become a matter of life or death, if people are unable to heat their homes.


    Whether it is bravado or bluff, Zelensky wants Crimea returned as part of peace negotiations.


    North Korea offers 100,000 to Russia.

    Whether true i doubt it will be an offer Putin will accept


    North Korea offers 100,000 to Russia.

    Whether true i doubt it will be an offer Putin will accept


    Ukraine’s debts to be cancelled?

    The national currency, the hryvnia, was devalued by the central bank in July. Now $1 buys 37 hryvnia, up from 26.50 a year ago. The state’s key energy company, Naftgaz, has already fallen into default. The country’s sovereign debts are trading at a fraction of their face value, as low as 17 cents on the dollar.

    Recognising that Ukraine’s debt load is unsustainable, holders of Ukraine’s sovereign bonds on August 10 backed a two-year moratorium interest and principal repayments.

    The reality is that Ukraine does not have any money available to service more debt, and is unlikely to for the foreseeable future…This is why Ukraine urgently needs debt cancellation.


    In its latest monthly oil report, the International Energy Agency has found Russian oil production has fallen by less than 3% since the invasion of Ukraine.

    Russia generated $19bn (£16bn) in oil export revenues last month, and $21bn in June.


    Repeatedly we are assured that sanctions against Russia are specifically no directly aimed at harming ordinary Russian citizens who cannot be held responsible for the actions of their autocratic government, although they are being affected by restrictions on trade and financial transactions.

    But now the Russian population is being made a target.

    There are now calls to ban travel visas. One knock-on effect will be dissidents fleeing Russian repression will be blocked.


    Crocodile tears were shed by the West about the Russian blockade of desperately needed food supplies for Africa’s hungry. Now, that a process is in place what will happen?

    Cargoes will go where the money is.

    In many countries, it is wheat that is the number one staple food. Despite this several of the subsequent ships that left Ukraine were loaded with corn or sunflower meal.

    UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said that these were “commercial transactions” and it was only normal that the ships “go where the contract stipulates that they go.”


    Looks as if it is beginning to dawn on the media that people won’t be prepared to suffer pain for Ukraine. According to this article, people will become more concerned about their own immediate personal economic problem than about what’s going on in some far away place like Ukraine, and if politicians think otherwise they are seriously misjudging the situation.

    Here’s the article:


    In some places around the world peoples were paying more attention to Johnny Depp defamation lawsuit than to the war in Ukraine


    If that is so, we can expect the media campaign against Russia to be stepped up even more so. More atrocity stories. More fear-mongering of the Russian threat to other countries. Such as the risk to Ukraine’s nuclear power stations.

    Such as this BBC story glorifying a British volunreer

    I did read that due to the cost of living crisis, those families that host Ukrainian refugees are now regretting the extra expense incurred

    But we know that unless it is election time, politicians take scant notice of what ordinary people think such as the present Tory case for tax cuts for the wealthy and austerity for the rest of us.

    Still no sign of an organised anti-war, stop the arms, protest movement as we saw in 2003. Sympathy is still with the Ukrainian national defence narrative.

    Bijou Drains

    I have starting to refer to results of Russian Sanctions on the West, which makes some people I speak to look twice. I am a little sceptical about whether the population of the west will react to sanctions in a way that brings an end to the war. The track record of solving international disputes through the use of sanctions is not good. Iran, the Taliban Regime, Iraq under Saddam, Venezuala, Russia, Cuba, Syria, etc.

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