Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #231009

    Is it racism?

    Are white European lives valued more than black African?

    He [Zelenskyy]called for international humanitarian aid so Ukrainians could rebuild their lives once again.

    “It is necessary not only to repair everything the occupiers have destroyed but also to create a new foundation for our lives: safe, modern, comfortable, accessible.” For Ukraine, this meant “colossal investments — billions.”

    The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) said it had suspended rationing programmes in South Sudan due to a lack of funding. In June, the body said it needed $426m (£352m) to continue distributing food. But that aid has not been forthcoming. WFP officials confirmed that it had ceased distributing rations to the country last week, adding that more than 60% of the population of 11 million now faced starvation.


    We know that capitalism is a war-prone system but I have to confess to being surprised as to how far both Russia and the West are being prepared to go, in terms of wanton killing and destruction, to incorporate Ukraine into their sphere of influence or to stop the other side getting it.


    In a way, it has been the perfect distraction for Biden, Boris and others.

    It is or is supposed to be taking the attention away from their dismal domestic performance.

    Even Brexit underachievement is being blamed first on Covid-19 and now the war

    And I wonder just how convenient it is for the fossil fuel industries to undermine any climate change policies.

    Now with the global inflation that I believe has deeper causes than simply the supply chain disruptions from the sanctions and embargo can safely be ascribed to the war.

    I don’t wish to be conspiratorial, but the longer the war goes on, the easier it is to blame all the problems of capitalism upon it.

    I think the armaments industry can’t but support a prolonged conflict, not just with the arms to Ukraine but replacing the armouries being depleted by the military aid to Ukraine…and now the increased expenditure to the military generally – share holders in the weapons industry must be in Heaven



    Did read that Ukrainians are white (fairly obvious) and christian…

    The Government can find £4bn* in ‘aid’ to Ukraine.
    The US I can’t remember how many

    *There’s no Tory money tree. This ‘aid’ is on condition Ukraine buys British arms.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by james19.

    The USA won’t be a peace-maker

    It’s not the United States’ role to push Ukraine to negotiate a settlement with Russia, even if the Biden administration thought that it was the right thing to do, John Kirby, the National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications said Sunday.

    “The goal is to make sure that Ukraine can continue to defend itself, and can defend its sovereignty and its territorial integrity,”


    Ukraine claimed that Russian casualties have surpassed 36,000 since President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion began in late February


    Ukraine claimed that Russian casualties have surpassed 36,000 since President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion began in late February


    Ukraine asks for a $750bn (£620bn) recovery plan as the common task of the entire democratic world.

    Will it get it? I doubt it. If it does, what sort of message does it send to the undeveloped countries.


    Ukraine will be a basket case for years and a lot of the money contributed to rebuild it will be syphoned off by corrupt officials and politicians (which would be par for the course there).


    It would be the same case of Iraq, all the money was stolen by corrupt politicians and militaries


    Who is in charge?

    Ukraine’s military has announced plans to introduce a system of permits that would prohibit men eligible for conscription from leaving the region where they are registered.

    Zelenskiy criticised the announcement saying that the general staff should not make decisions without him.


    The BBC headline was that Russia exercised its veto in the UN to the extension of the aid supply line in Syria, placing millions at hunger risk.

    Only when you read it, do you find that the West also used its veto to stop the Russian alternative proposal to extend the aid route


    Who is in charge?

    Ukraine’s military has announced plans to introduce a system of permits that would prohibit men eligible for conscription from leaving the region where they are registered.

    Is that what the left-wingers called self determination of the peoples ?


    This article, originally from Bloomberg, is quite insightful. It makes the point that Western politicians and journalists won’t be able to sustain popular tolerance of the war in the face of the economic pain they assumed people would put up with. People will eventually get fed up with governments spending money to prop up some government abroad while they suffer from the rising cost of living.

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