Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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    Mykhaylo Podolyak, a senior Ukrainian presidential aide has told the BBC that between 100 and 200 Ukrainian troops are being killed on the front line every day.

    Ukraine’s Defence Minister, Oleksii Reznikov, said Ukraine was losing 100 soldiers a day, and 500 more were injured.


    Both sides are claiming the same things. The Ukrainian side are saying that thousands of Russians soldiers have been killed


    I know that the group behind this site are not the most reliable, being one of the 57 varieties of Trotskyism but is what they say here true?

    “In the aftermath of the DSA’s meeting, what Chretien tellingly referred to as “our government” agreed to send Ukraine $40 billion in military aid. Every single DSA member of Congress, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, voted to support the aid package. Ilhan Omar and Bernie Sanders, who are not technically DSA members, also voted for the bill.“


    From France 24:

    “He said the Azot chemical plant was being shelled, with fighting around the area. About 800 civilians have taken refuge in the plant’s bunkers, according to the tycoon whose company owns the facility.”

    When is an oligarch not an oligarch? When they are a tycoon.


    Another British “hero” dies “for” Ukraine.

    When will the media begin to ask what motivates any person to seek out a war to participate in, to seek out another human being to kill or maim?


    Business more or less as usual

    Russia earned nearly $100bn (£82.3bn) from oil and gas exports during the first 100 days of the war in Ukraine, according to a report.

    Revenues have been falling since March, as many countries shunned Russian supplies, but remain high, the independent Centre For Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) found.


    The return of the “war economy” which, under the term “permanent arms economy”, the old IS group (Tony Cliff, Mike Kidron, etc) and others claimed had supposedly saved capitalism from collapsing?

    J Surman

    Some interesting statistics on Ukraine’s economic potential – and reasons why they haven’t managed to reach this potential:

    Why the West Lusts After Ukraine


    ALB has already pointed out that compared with some political figures the Pope presents a more balanced opinion on the cause of the invasion. Here again he reiterates the view the Russians were probably provoked.


    Before the invasion the Russian were not going to invade Ukraine, they were provoked by the USA and NATO it is similar to the case of Sadam Hussein in Kuwait. Our analysis was correct


    George Galloway, always stimulating even if one is not always sympathetic to his opinions.


    The NATO general Secretary has just called for the Donbass to be ethnically cleansed. As what else can clearing the Russian troops out of it mean? If this happens well over a million people living there who consider themselves Russian or see Russian troops as there protectors wouldn’t stay. No wonder the Ukrainian censors have banned people saying that what is happening is even partly a civil or ethnic war.

    He went to say admit that workers in the West would have to suffer the pain of a lower standard of living due to “rising energy and food prices”:

    “We must not let up in supporting Ukraine, even if the costs are high, not only for military support but also because of rising energy and food prices.”

    I think he could be wrong in thinking that workers will be prepared to accept this.


    Today I heard on a LBC clip a Tory ex-MP commend the policy of sending the Channel Boat People to Rwanda and when the interviewer drew the comparison with the welcome given to Ukrainian refugees, his answer was (contrary to the facts) that The Channel Boat People were economic migrants whereas the Ukrainians were genuine refugees and merely seeking a temporary home and will eventually be returning to their home country.

    As the NATO head says, it is a war that may well last years. And the Ukrainian stay will possibly be a very long one. And already the UK government is ensuring it will be easier for Ukrainians to find jobs.

    I suppose that with the ban on Ukrainian men leaving the country, the fact that most refugees are female and children makes it more likely that in due course when a form of peace is established they will return.

    And at a time when State department cuts are being imposed on workers, the UK military is demanding an increase in its budget to face the Russian threat. But the media is downplaying that spending commitment so perhaps it will be a while before the connection is made.

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