Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #229344

    Lavrov was talking bollocks and has apparenty been disowned by his boss:


    They are all bollocks pedlars. The Earth wouldn’t be knocked off orbit, but there would be no ozone layer to protect life any more.

    What about Russia’s Roma people – doesn’t Putin’s regime oppress them? So did Hitler. So does every state in Europe. They haven’t been compensated for their losses in the Holocaust.


    England has a Nazi oak tree, dontcha know, Vladimir?


    Similar to the allegations that all the Bolsheviks leaders had jewish blood, and that Communism is a creation of the Jewish, and that Das Kapital was financed by Jewish bankers, and that Leon Trotsky was a bishop of the Zionists, and the Bolshevik coup was a jewish conspiracy

    All the Bolsheviks leaders were atheists, and the Bolsheviks revolts was a bourgeois revolution like all the others that took place in Europe, even more, it was the last capitalist country able to internally develop itself, and its main leaders were not communists either including Vladimir Lenin

    Blood is just a connective tissue that transports nutrients to the human body ( Embryological we had reptile/fish blood with nucleus, we evolved to carry more oxygen ) and the heart does not have or produce any feeling either,( like in the Bible, or poems ) it is a pump,( with two pumps and two pre pumps ) it is one of the most efficient pump that can last more than 100 years


    We briefly had a German teacher at school who was from East Germany. She told me she was a young civil servant in Nazi Germany in 1944-1945 and a member of the Nazi Party. Her department was kept on after the war and her and her colleagues simply changed their swastika armbands for Communist Party ones, having swapped the one party membership for the other.


    You mean a Catholic heart can pump Jewish blood? Wow!


    The Swastika and the Cross are pagans symbols. were the Egyptian kings members or founders of the Nazis party ? The Bolsheviks symbols ( hammer and sickle ) never provided any benefits to the industrial workers and the peasants, on the contrary, both were enslaved like any others workers in Europe . Stalin implemented Ford assembly line to speed the production and extraction of surplus value from the Russian workers.


    On the floor outside the children’s ward at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Boscombe, Bournemouth, built in the 19th century, was a large swastika mosaic.
    Swastika is the Sanskrit word for it. The Germans called it the Hakenkreuz.

    The Nazi twits sent to Tibet by Himmler curried favour with the Tibetans by presenting them with swastika armbands, the common sight of the symbol in Buddhist Tibet making them think the Tibetans were “lost Aryan cousins” of the Reich!

    Hey, Vlad will have to bomb the Buddhists!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Thomas_More.

    You mean a Catholic heart can pump Jewish blood? Wow!
    You must be a Jehovah Witness to avoid blood transfusion. Another crazy biblical interpretation when mankind was living under a profound scientific ignorance and magical medicine.

    PS: A Muslim and Hinduism ( 14 millions of gods ) heart can pump other type of ethnic/religious blood too


    What about Lutheran blood?


    The sinking of the Moskva assisted by the US

    the US has provided “a range of intelligence”




    Job losses in Russia

    According to Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin, some 200,000 people in the Russian capital alone could lose their jobs due to foreign companies moving away.

    Forbes reported that more than 600,000 jobs could be lost in Russia by the end of the year.

    Tatiana Mikhailova, an economist and lecturer at the New Economic School in Moscow, says that sanctions will have long-term effects, including the exclusion of Russia from global supply chains, and that the restrictions will lead to isolation and technological holdups.

    “Businesses will be forced to close and fire employees. Demand for goods and services will decrease, because the population will be poorer, and that will affect every sector, even down to hairdressers.”

    Will the bread and butter issues counter nationalist patriotism? Or reinforce it by creating a siege mentality?


    The same sort of question can be asked about Germany, France, Italy and Britain: How long will the voters there be prepared to put up with the consequences of sanctions and increased arms spending on their cost and standard of living? Will they force their governments to adopt a less war-mongering approach?

    I don’t think that ordinary people are as much in favour of prolonging the war, by pumping in more arms, as the governments are.

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