Russian Tensions

March 2025 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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    “Many more signals come from Russia itself: The state Duma, the lower House of Parliament, said it was considering legislation that would declare all Russian speakers “compatriots” of the state and worthy of Russia’s protection, and former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who now serves as deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, said this week that the goal of the Ukraine war is for “the opportunity to finally build an open Eurasia — from Lisbon to Vladivostok.”

    And you still think they are not looking to further expand?


    Yes, it is rather reminiscent of what the extreme German nationalists used to claim before Ww2.


    Western media photographed the serial number which clearly shows the missile was from Ukrainian batch/production.


    Unfortunately, any actions taken by the NATO bloc will be informed by the NATO and Ukrainian narrative, whether fake or real.


    We live in dangerous times – most recent statement from Russian President Putin:
    “They didn’t hear what we told them. They had better hear this time.” — Vladimir Putin
    “I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard.”


    He must know that it would be the end of Russia too. Even if he plans to be ensconced deep in a bunker, he would have no future, any more than anyone.


    … unless he really is brainwashed by apocalyptic Orthodox Christianity, in which case he won’t give a fig for his own life any more than anyone else’s, but only interested in souls. But is he? Really?


    Here’s a photo of the leader of the opposition in “democratic” Ukraine;


    >>>>>Western media photographed the serial number which clearly shows the missile was from Ukrainian batch/production.<<<<<< In a propaganda war we should be extra cautious about claims, you did not offer a source


    The rhetoric of genocide against Ukrainians grows in hyperbole.


    >>>>>Western media photographed the serial number which clearly shows the missile was from Ukrainian batch/production.<<<<<< In a propaganda war we should be extra cautious about claims, you did not offer a source

    There are several versions about that missile, and the allegation that it came from Ukraine was published by the Russian news centre RT, another version is that Ukraine has produced the same type of missile, but it was produced during the time of the Soviet Union and also Russia has produced the same type of missiles. In this conflict, all news sources must be questioned including some leftwingers organizations that have taken sides with either capitalist bandits and nationalists


    Here’s what the doddering old fool said:

    President Joe Biden says Russia’s war in Ukraine amounts to “genocide,” accusing President Vladimir Putin of trying to “wipe out the idea of even being a Ukrainian.”


    The context in which he made this diplomatic gaffe is interesting. He was at a factory that produced ethanol, to announce that he was allowing this to be added to petrol (“gas” in American) to reduce its price.

    He told the workers and others:

    “Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide half a world away.”

    And blamed the rise in the cost of living on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, calling it “Putin’s price hike”. Actually, the cost of living was rising anyway and the further increase is due to the sanctions imposed by the politicians in charge of the West’s governments as a price they consider worth paying by workers as their contribution to NATO’s war effort. The workers will give their verdict in the November mid-term elections.


    It may be a stupid question but is Ukraine actually paying for all those weapon supplies? Or on credit? Or is it free armaments?

    “Biden’s administration is expected to announce another $750m in military assistance for Ukraine”


    Some may be interested in Richard Wolff’s take on the war.

    “…Eventually some compromise will end the Ukraine war. Both sides will likely declare victory and blame the war on the other among propaganda blizzards. The Russian side will stress demilitarization, denazification, and protection of Russians in eastern Ukraine. The Ukraine side will stress freedom, independence, and national self-determination. Meanwhile, the tragedy goes beyond Ukraine’s suffering. The entire world is caught up in the decline of one capitalist empire and the rise of yet another. Conflicts between the capitalist empires can occur anywhere where differences between them flare up…”

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