Russell Brand

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russell Brand

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  • #107769

    Well, Brand has 10 million 'followers', if these were 'followers' in the sense of being followers, then there would have been a landslide victory for labour. Perhap his 'followers', like me prefer the revolution he was advocating? 

    Dave B

    he has posted this recently in case people haven't already read it


    Brand seems blissfully unaware of the harsh truth that a policy of "lesser evilism" naturally paves the way for an outcome of "greater evilism".  My only regret that the capitalist "Labour" Party didn't get in is that we now have to endure the same old tired special pleading  next time round – "vote Labour without illusions".  Couldn't exactly do that with much conviction if you have just had a taste of what a Labour Party in power meant in practice. Like I said earlier the see saw nature of capitalist politics will almost certainly guarantee the return of a Tory government – the presumed "greater evil" in this case – later  on had it failed to become the government this time round .  People like Brand only serve to help perpetuate this treadmill of illusions by issuing advice that  we should "vote Labour". After some promising noises initially, he has proven to be a rather big disappointment,sadly


    Robbo , the immediate consequence will be the debate for the new Labour leader…Will he be New Labour or Old Labour? Will it be pragmatic austerity-lite or anti-austerity?The left will be cock-a-hoop at the opportunity to once try and more drive Labour deeper into their camp but the Labour leaders likely to succeed are as much New Labour as Blair…Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Chuka Umunna – all on the very right of the Labour Party (However, Burnham and Cooper do have some sort of trade union background which they will appeal to) But we'll perhaps see someone from the Left emerge. In Scotland to survive Labour will perhaps swing towards more independence but stop short of separation which means positioning itself left of the SNP which i simply don't think is possible right now. But can the pro-business SNP maintain its left-wing radical credentials when the day to day politics begins to take effect.But for the next five years, they have the ready excuse…We can't keep our promises because of the Tories in Westminster…but i don't think this election was in any way a mandate for separation..SNP made it clear a vote for them was simply a tactical vote against austerity. 


    Brand on the actual election result, reviewing his role in it


    Actually, people should watch this. In it he virtually says that he was misled into getting involved and saying vote Labour. It's only about 5 minutes and you can see his cat.

    northern light

    Brand says he is, " just a bloke with a lap-top and a bit of mouth." Albeit he has his mate Gareth behind the camera.Do we have a bloke, or a woman, with a bit of mouth, and someone to do the recording. Brand has his "Trews," Why can't we have our own regular series on Youtube? Why rely on a lose cannon like Brand, when we can do it ourselves?

    ALB wrote:
    Actually, people should watch this. In it he virtually says that he was misled into getting involved and saying vote Labour. It's only about 5 minutes and you can see his cat.

    It sounds like he's renouncing political action about 3 minutes in – 'the only currency we have is compassion and being nice to each other'.


    Yes, a bit of humble pie from him, but i wonder if he would have said the same if Miliband had romped home into No 10. (and he did clarify who he meant by "we" which i queried earlierSeems he will be returning to single issues and social activism which for all my previous scepticism (see debate on Weekly Worker with SW) i am now wondering how we ourselves can interact more positvely with, without following the Left's transgressions of manipulation by their intervention and by not compromising our own anti-reformism.I'm wondering if out supportive attitudes towards trade unions can somehow be adapted and modified to relate to the many campaigns for social justice that exist from local to worldwide levels. 

    northern light wrote:
    Brand says he is, " just a bloke with a lap-top and a bit of mouth." Albeit he has his mate Gareth behind the camera.Do we have a bloke, or a woman, with a bit of mouth, and someone to do the recording. Brand has his "Trews," Why can't we have our own regular series on Youtube? Why rely on a lose cannon like Brand, when we can do it ourselves?

    I'd like to nominate Jacqueline.  She's the 'POC' in our election video.


    Another 'celebrity' to look up to and pin our hopes on?     Singer Charlotte Church at a rally in Cardiff, protesting against austerity cuts… 

    Darren redstar

    When charlotte writes I'm not gonna take it any more it means she can jump on a plane and bugger off somewhere else. The same option isn't available for the rest of us.




    It seems that it is acceptable for members to brown nose, grovel, engratiate and be a member of the Zeitgeist Facebook but not to follow Russell Brand on twitter. A person calling for a revolution by a leaderless majority.   A lot of hypocricy going on here

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