Russell Brand

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russell Brand

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  • #107754

    OK, I'm off to vote now, and I'll leave it there. Thanks everyone for humouring me and helping me think through what it is I think. Till the next time I launch a passing bombing raid on this forum…All the bestStuartFinal warning: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.This user is suspended for an indefinite period.


    PS Thanks Alan. Yes, I do tend to do that, you're right. And yes, as I said, I don't see how Marxism can survive an encounter with Nove. Leaving now, but if you or anyone else read it, would be glad to hear your view at (The SS review is rubbish btw!) cheers


    I'm not quite sure what Stuart is trying to say. Vote Labour everywhere or just Vote Labour tactically in certain constituencies. Or whether he wants a Labour government or just not a Tory one. Where I live a Labour vote is as much a gesture (or expression of what you want) as writing "SOCIALISM" across the ballot paper. Anyway, I'm off to Oxford for the count. Be interesting to see what happens in Oxford West & Abingdon, another LibDem/Tory marginal, to see if Voting Labour will let the Tory in.


    With regard to personalities and groups who receive an encouraging mention by the Party, does the Party actually ensure that these persons get to hear of the Party`s existence? Otherwise, how are they to know there are real socialists, and how are they to benefit from the reviews etc?


    The same goes for groups, such as the Occupy groups, etc. Does the Party actually contact them? Most people have never heard of the Socialist Standard or the SPGB. 


    Just remembered that I got a Labour Party leaflet through my door headed "Conservatives and Lib Dems — Two sides of the same coin". Why, I ask our Labour supporter here, can they say that while we can't say "Labour, Tory, Same Old Story" (because it's capitalism not which party is in power is the root cause of the problems parties promise to deal with).  Or does he think that a LibDem government would be the same as a Tory one? If so, why? And why would (yet another) Labour government be any different?


    The revolution starts here – vote Labour Lol Hilarious how  serious minded socialists can think such rubbishJust voted for world socialism. The revolution starts here!  Not by voting Labour. 


    Oh, one final final thing, because I know no one bothers clicking on links, but do go to my post above that links to the BBC because I'm sure it'll be right up your street. It's the one where Russell Brand abolished money. I expect to see a "Cooking the books" on it soon! Cheerio

    stuartw2112 wrote:
    I wonder if anyone here has read the first couple of chapters of "The Economics of Feasible Socialism" by Alec Nove? I must admit, my faith in Marxism and non-market socialism could not survive the encounter. But perhaps that's for another thread:

    Well please do start one, would be interesting to know what you think you've found.

    John Oswald wrote:
    The same goes for groups, such as the Occupy groups, etc. Does the Party actually contact them? Most people have never heard of the Socialist Standard or the SPGB.

    Every group and individual that is mentioned in the Standard gets contacted, as far as possible..

    Darren redstar

    That does conjure some images." Somewhere in Syria-Iraq""brother Omar! We have received a parcel from the infidel west!""what is it, my brother?""it appears to be a complimentary copy of the socialist standard and a book called Socialism or your money back" "inshallah! We are undone!"1st warning: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.


    The latest justification by Brand it as you will, i was not convinced.But, of course,  he called for the SNP vote, a vote endorsed by Rupert Murdoch who supports the SNP, a fact conveniently overlooked by Brand and the left nationalists


    So much for twitter 'followers' meaning followers. Labour lost votes. 


    Could it be Brand's opposition wot lost us Brighton Pavilion?


    Actually labour is currently up in votes, 1.4%, their problem is the Tories have gone up (from a lead) by 0.8% — interestingly, I think the final result is within the extreme ends of the margin of error for polls…

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