Russell Brand new book: Revolution

January 2025 Forums General discussion Russell Brand new book: Revolution

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    On 23 October, Russell Brand, one of Britain’s most controversial public figures, will be in conversation with Guardian columnist and political writer, Owen Jones at the Emmanuel Centre in London. He will be discussing his new book "Revolution". This event will be screened at 200 cinemas nationwide. Here is the blurb about this new "booky wook"…

    "Our governments are corrupt and the opposing parties pointlessly similar. Our culture is filled with vacuity and pap, and we are told there's nothing we can do – "it's just the way things are". This book makes revolution not only possible, but inevitable and fun."

    I keep meaning to cancel it but I'm still paying £16.50 a month for a Cineworld Unlimited Card (which I hardly ever use because there is so much utter shit in cinemas now) but it might come in handy for this screening in October. 


    Brand video on the environment


    If this review is anything to go by then it looks as if Brand's new book is going to be mostly a lot of mixed up irrelevant shite. Apparently Brand's revolutionary ethos stems from the 12 Steps of the AA cult! I've got a ticket for his Guardian Live event for next Thursday but I'm preparing to be disappointed. That same sinking feeling when I watched Naomi Klein totally missing the point at her own Guardian Live event. I get the feeling that even if Brand read a Standard, the case would either go over his head or he would repudiate it on grounds of it being outdated or something. I guess he has opened up the debate about revolution but for all of his flowery verbiage the guy is politically inarticulate. How could he not be I guess? At least the guy is trying I suppose. Christ I sound so patronising! What the fuck do I know? Haha

    Ozymandias wrote:
     What the fuck do I know? Haha

     More than Brand 


    QUOTES From another Party site Russell Brand is being interviewed by Owen Jones from the Guardian on Thursday the 23rd and it is being shown live at 200 cinema’s round the country to find the nearest cinema  visit regards Dougie   A bit of Guardian blurb to clarify this:‘In his new book Revolution, Brand argues that the system isn’t working, that our governments are corrupt and the opposing parties are all pointlessly similar. Is there another way or is this just ‘the way things are’?For years, Brand has been taking on talk show hosts, Fox News fascists and BBC stalwarts and now, drawing on the likes of Orwell and Piketty, the comedian sets out his ideas for a brighter, fairer society. At this exclusive Guardian Live event, Brand will explain why he thinks revolution isn’t just possible, but inevitable.

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