Russell Brand

December 2024 Forums General discussion Russell Brand

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    I have started this thread as my previous one has been deleted.

    Russell Brand has seen the Party's video. I tweeted it to his 'Trews' twitter account and it was made a 'favourite'.  


    Well that can't be a bad thing, keep at it. Though in all honesty I can't see that on it's own making much difference. I hope I'm proved wrong..

    DJP wrote:
     I can't see that on it's own making much difference. 

    Couldn't that be said about everything we do? You could equally argue  that all the public meetings and summer schools held  over the past 10 years has made no difference. But isn't that negative and denegrating to the work carried out doing them? We have to try all avenues not just the old ones.  

    Vin wrote:
    I have started this thread as my previous one has been deleted.Russell Brand has seen the Party's video. I tweeted it to his 'Trews' twitter account and it was made a 'favourite'.  

    Which Party video do you mean? Is it the euro election one?I also noticed the weird comment made by DJP, but I guess we'll never find out what was meant by it.     

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Which Party video do you mean? Is it the euro election one?


    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I also noticed the weird comment made by DJP, but I guess we'll never find out what was meant by it.     

     At least the thread is still here   


    There's an article reporting an interview with Brand in The Times today. Some of the fatuous questions they ask him, although they don't surprise me, make me want to throw something at them.Would he miss his iPod if giant corporations were dismantled? As if a socialist society would turn back technology 50 years and wouldn't be able to make high-tech gadgets.If he supports the community, why does he live in a big house with a chauffeur and not on an estate? As if we didn't all have to live in capitalism and do the best we can for ourselves.What lack of imagination they show!


    Russell Brand has met with Ed Milliband according to the Guardian reaction


    I think I am right in saying that a reteet by Brand would reach all his 10 million followers. Which is why I follow him as an individual and we should follow him with the official twitter account.  

    Well that can't be a bad thing, keep at it. Though in all honesty I can't see that on it's own making much difference. I hope I'm proved wrong.

    May I quote Howard Zinn to possibly elaborate 

    “We don’t have to engage in grand heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world”

    I'm sure we misinterpreted your comment and it was not meant to be as dismissive as it seemed. 


    Couldn't the party get an interview on "The Trews"?


    Ah, Ozy, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.Lets be realistic..if Brand associates with any particular political party (even a meeting with Miliband has been detrimental)  he will alienate a section of his audience..there will be a long line of other political parties and campaigning groups ahead of us who will be more in favour of Brand's own opinions than we are, if the truth is to be told…I emailed the taxi driver Chucky Mark for an opportunity…no reply from him …but sadly i later saw videos of him endorsing the SNP and giving Tommy Liar Sheridan a political platform to spout his nonsense…ChuckyMark is simply not on the same wavelength as us when it comes down to it, even if expressing some views we can be sympathetic with…i would hazard a guess it is the same with Brand when push comes to shove in a political exchange…Both are entertainers, first and  foremost,  using their occupational skills and talents for advancing their politics,  and not only are we divergent politicallyy, we aren't "show-business" enough (as yet) to compensate for the political differences we hold…I rather we thought about how we create our own media impact so that those people come to us and we don't go cap in hand to them…"please, Guv, gies an interview"Not an easy solution and not a fast one either..But after the election we have to address our lack of media exposure, mainstream and social….an occasional one or two minute news item simply is not suffice to explain where we stand and ask all the very obvious and expected questions…i don't blame people for not knowing about the SPGB and its ideas…and their "naive", "simplistic" questions (as we sometimes think of them) are not to be brushed aside…but have to be addressed …and in a way that captures peoples imaginations and counter their preconceptions and misconceptions.I dare say we have some cash left in the coffers …we have to make some hard choices on how to spend it


    Brand values popularity, he's also susceptible to taking seriously those groups with more social weight. He's worked with Caroline Lucas and made positive noises about the Green party. He performed with Owen Jones and scored an interview with Ed Milliband at the height of the campaign. He's edited New Statesman and supported Focus E15, he is a social justice campaigner. Despite claiming revolutionary credentials he's dismissed communism as crazy, and distanced himself from class struggle. An Open Letter was written and printed to Brand and the silent response was deafening. It should be patently obvious what attitude we should have to Brand.

    An Open Letter was written and printed to Brand and the silent response was deafening.

    I'm not convinced that he would have seen this open letter so i put no store by not getting response from him to it.  Perhaps we should offer him an interview in the Socialist Standard, reminding him that Tony Benn deemed us worthy of such. I'm also pretty sure if i understood communism as most folk do (and that includes the vast majority of Lefties) i would dismiss communism too as crazy but he has been influenced by David Graeber who perhaps not identical to ourselves is well aware of non-exchange economies and voluntary co-operative societies and surely has discussed such with Russel. 


    Alastair Campbell wrote:
    As for the idea that it sets Brand up as some kind of serious commentator on politics, he already was. That is why it is Cameron, Murdoch and Dacre who are the jokes here, not Brand and certainly not Miliband.

    Well worth a read, a well written peice, and whatever you think of the man's politics, he remains a clever operator.

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