Run mad screaming

October 2024 Forums General discussion Run mad screaming

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  • #82234

    I find the idea that scientists were really sitting around trying to work our how to cause catastrophic tidal waves and earthquakes to be one of the most sickening things I have ever heard.

    NATO explicitly called it environmental warfare. Scientists partnered with the military to work on radiological contamination, biological weapons, and weather control. Other ideas were enormous in scope: nuclear detonations to melt polar ice caps, raising global sea levels and drowning coastal cities. They imagined setting fire to huge expanses of vegetation to change local climates, or targeting vital links in enemy ecosystems.

    That the same science lead to improved environmental modelling is neither here nor there.  Some buggers were mad enough to believe environmental catastrophe was a legitimite means of warfare.


    Oxford botanists who published on biodiversity also advised on agricultural defence, and helped British military commanders in Malaya kill enemy crops.

      A massive perversion of the power of science.


                      Even if we delve into the realms of science fiction fantasy and imagine a scenario where humanity is on the brink of world revolution, the whole thing could go tits up with the action of just a few crazed workers.  Working class self sabotage and pro-slavery could plunge the world into global nuclear conflict, mass viruses, chemical/bilogical hell or environmental apocalypse…even if we are at the precipice of making history. It only takes one fucked up worker in the right place to create a chain reaction. Think vast spy agencies, religious fanatics, cults, elite military squadrons and fundamentalists who for instance are currently bankrolling illegal Israeli settlements in order to hasten nuclear armageddon which they hope might bring on the "Rapture".                 A couple of years ago I read the US military were experimenting with warping the very fabric of space time by trying to create mini time loops and tiny black holes in their laboratories. What secrets do these bastards have in store for us and how many stupid prole cretins would be eager to carry out all of their orders? It only takes a few idiot workers to destroy everything. I hope I'm wrong but this is a very real possibility which may prove Carl Sagan right in the end. I'm sorry but I think we are fucked.


    Almost as bad as when they are using science against us, is when they won't use science:

    In both word and deed, Thatcher expressed hostility towards feminism, which explains why Britain’s first female head of government insisted on being known as the first British prime minister with a science degree. ‘Who are you?’, she asked Dr John Ashworth, the Chief Scientist, as he entered No. 10 for the first time. ‘I am your Chief Scientist’, Ashworth replied. ‘Oh,’ said Thatcher, sharply, ‘do I want one of those?’ Ashworth explained he was preparing a report in the new subject area of climate change. Thatcher hurled a fierce stare. “Are you standing there and seriously telling me that my government should worry about the weather?’ She then announced to the Chief Scientist that her government had no room for a minister for science. ‘I’m a scientist’, she said. ‘I shall be my own Minister for Science.’


    CIA backs $630,000 study into how to control global weather through geoengineering.   The US government has long been involved in types of weather manipulation, including a much-discussed attempt to cloud-seed – the process of dispersing substances into the air to create cloud condensation or ice nuclei and subsequently rain or snow – during the Vietnam war.

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