Rod Liddle Sun Journalist, On Marx?

July 2024 Forums General discussion Rod Liddle Sun Journalist, On Marx?

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    Par for the course for Liddle. As a self-confessed ex-leftie, he is now a firm apologist for the capitalist system.If capitalism is lifting us out of poverty, why is he giving money to charities that try to alleviate poverty?


    The worst kind of apologists for capitalism are ex-lefties who think they can now confidently write off 'socialism'.


    Must be something of a billionaire himself what with all the supermarkets he owns.

    Rod Liddle wrote:
    It was only when China decided that Karl Marx was about as much use as a pork pie in a mosque and embraced capitalism instead that it became a world leader.

    I wonder why he wrote "as a pork pie in a mosque" rather than "as a pork pie in a synagogue"?


    The best analysis of Rod Liddle was Will Self's review of Rod Liddle's book


    Thanks. That answers my question. It sounds like he doesn't like Jews either.

    rodshaw wrote:
    Par for the course for Liddle. As a self-confessed ex-leftie, he is now a firm apologist for the capitalist system. 

    You have to hand it to the Right, if nothing else they are consistent. If your are a Right-Wing C**t at seventeen, it is odds on that you will still be a Right-Wing C**t at seventy.

    rodshaw wrote:
    Par for the course for Liddle. As a self-confessed ex-leftie, he is now a firm apologist for the capitalist system.If capitalism is lifting us out of poverty, why is he giving money to charities that try to alleviate poverty?

    Mind you, even as a leftie he would have been a supporter of capitalism, although he wouldn't have realised it.He also writes for the Sunday Times and I must say I like the way he speaks out against the right-on PC brigade who want to muzzle every view they find offensive. I'm sometimes surprised they let him say the things he does.All when the mood takes him, though.


    He would speak out against the 'PC brigade' because his 'politics' are borne out of bigotry. And the Sunday Times would give him the influential mouthpiece to do it because bigotry holds back socialism. That a powerful newspaper should attack opponents of bigotry is 'punching down' when journalism should be about 'punching up'.

    Ike Pettigrew
    rodshaw wrote:
    Par for the course for Liddle. As a self-confessed ex-leftie, he is now a firm apologist for the capitalist system.If capitalism is lifting us out of poverty, why is he giving money to charities that try to alleviate poverty?

    What's wrong with poverty?

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